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Azurewrath, Duress, Immortal King's Detail, Thresher, Recipe: Caster Helm, Key of Hate
Skills, Monsters, Areas, NPCs, Quests:
Teleport, Rakanishu, Halls of Pain, Meshif, Pandemonium Event
Hey guys,
I've made everything I could for the new Trade section, which I'll be deploying live here on tomorrow afternoon. It's a bit rushed because I'm short on RL time, so I've not addressed many of the outstanding bugs (but they are screenshotted and safe, don't you worry ).
Here's some screenshots I took during development - some are already dated but you'll see the real deal tomorrow!
To test the marketplace, I'll need some very kind volunteers to get things up and running, so to speak:
First thing is I'm going to need your help to get the market looking populated with plenty of believable trades/screenshots (see Price Guide for inspo). Mostly Resurrected items/images if possible, but some legacy ads would be cool too.
Second thing will be testing the trade sold/trust functionality, which is easiest done if you have another account or two to fake interactions between two users. I've enabled email address re-use for account creation temporarily, and you can then link those accounts together, allowing you to switch between them to give trust etc. without having to log in and out.
Third thing is that you can set some 'bogus' or fake discord/bnet information in your profile for testing the trade stuff that incorporates this data. For example, for your trades to show up as Europe region, remember to select that in your profile settings etc.
Lastly it would be cool if there was some kind of Pattern to the trades sold for stuff - don't just put random items in the soldfor stuff (like I did in the screenshots) - try to make them look believable, so that when looking at the new trade stats page, there is a correlation (so I'm expecting to see Ist quite high up on the sold-as-currency list etc.).