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PSN only service:
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Service (deactive when life comes up):
Contact me here via response / message, or message my psn, DarkSoulHonor , and indicate your in need of a rush and which rusher you'd like.
*message not friend request I typically do not add for services, after we talk send game invite. On ps4 it's options on controller-tab over to party - triangle - search: DarkSoulHonor
*if psn privacy settings are too strict on your end there may be complications responding / game inviting. Make sure they are adjusted atleast temporarily when contacting me. I can't help if I can't respond / take invite
Free cold sorcerer magic find any difficulty rush/lightning speed rush:
Cold sorc: 304mf -115enemy cold resist+ Conviction. Level38 Frozen Orb + blizzard combo. Level 15 static / Level 38 Ice Blast spam during blizzars/ Frozen Orb cooldown. Level 11 bc / Level 9 bo. Cold Rupture , einfinity merc, 5/5cold facet 25 Death's Fathom, Spirit, cta, Phoenix, cold skillers, resist caps, immune frozen, -10% physical damage taken Sorc torch, anni, 3rd best fcr breakpoint for cold sorc (85fcr). Nature's Peace ring for nith quest any difficulty. Lose immune frozen on nith quest.
Light sorc: 15mf -50enemy lightning resist+ Conviction, level 39 lightning / Chain Lightning / Nova / Lightning Mastery (base 12 Charged Bolt will be 20 at level 99). Level11 bc / Level 14 bo. Crack of the Heavens , einfinity, 6 5/5die light facet Crystal Sword, Spirit, cta, Phoenix, lightning skillers, Griffon's Eye, absorb 18 lightning / 7 magic / resist caps/immune frozen, 2nd best fhr breakpoint. sorc torch, anni, 2nd best lighning. / Chain Lightning casting breakpoint (127fcr). Nature's Peace for nith quest any difficulty. -skill all during nith
Shenk / gibinn / The Search for Cain / Izual / radamant / Anya resist quest / nith are also free just indicate which. Wps included.
No Charge but I do accept tips.
Not Required.
Non Ladder Only
Service (deactive when life comes up):
Contact me here via response / message, or message my psn, DarkSoulHonor , and indicate your in need of a rush and which rusher you'd like.
*message not friend request I typically do not add for services, after we talk send game invite. On ps4 it's options on controller-tab over to party - triangle - search: DarkSoulHonor
*if psn privacy settings are too strict on your end there may be complications responding / game inviting. Make sure they are adjusted atleast temporarily when contacting me. I can't help if I can't respond / take invite
Free cold sorcerer magic find any difficulty rush/lightning speed rush:
Cold sorc: 304mf -115enemy cold resist+ Conviction. Level38 Frozen Orb + blizzard combo. Level 15 static / Level 38 Ice Blast spam during blizzars/ Frozen Orb cooldown. Level 11 bc / Level 9 bo. Cold Rupture , einfinity merc, 5/5cold facet 25 Death's Fathom, Spirit, cta, Phoenix, cold skillers, resist caps, immune frozen, -10% physical damage taken Sorc torch, anni, 3rd best fcr breakpoint for cold sorc (85fcr). Nature's Peace ring for nith quest any difficulty. Lose immune frozen on nith quest.
Light sorc: 15mf -50enemy lightning resist+ Conviction, level 39 lightning / Chain Lightning / Nova / Lightning Mastery (base 12 Charged Bolt will be 20 at level 99). Level11 bc / Level 14 bo. Crack of the Heavens , einfinity, 6 5/5die light facet Crystal Sword, Spirit, cta, Phoenix, lightning skillers, Griffon's Eye, absorb 18 lightning / 7 magic / resist caps/immune frozen, 2nd best fhr breakpoint. sorc torch, anni, 2nd best lighning. / Chain Lightning casting breakpoint (127fcr). Nature's Peace for nith quest any difficulty. -skill all during nith
Shenk / gibinn / The Search for Cain / Izual / radamant / Anya resist quest / nith are also free just indicate which. Wps included.
No Charge but I do accept tips.
Not Required.
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Hello. Saw your trade at https://diablo2.io/trade/free-any-difficulty-rush-t1293988.html. Is this still available?
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