currently thinking of building a dragondin. need advice on what Helm to use with hoj, Dragon armor and shield. also what Boots, Belt and gloves best go with the build. rings and amulets?
thanks in advance.
currently thinking of building a dragondin. need advice on what Helm to use with hoj, Dragon armor and shield. also what Boots, Belt and gloves best go with the build. rings and amulets?
thanks in advance.
I would use 15dr string or verdungos. If you actually plan on hitting stuff use string for the life leach otherwise dungos for the Vit buff. Boots Im currently using E th sandstorm treks but if you can find/afford good 30frw tri res 30+ Boots that would also be good. As for gloves it depends. I use Laying of Hands for the ias, fire res and dmg to demons. Depending on your build and what rings your are using you might want to find rare or crafted ones with mana leech ias and res.
Im currently trying to craft up some Blood Gloves and Boots for my build to try and see how they work.
There is Flickering Flame as well but for most aura damage any helmet with 3x5/5 fire rbf's would give the best damage (can be expensive though), take one with life on it or faster walk if you can afford it.
Personally, I'd say flickering. It certainly isn't the best choice in terms of damage (won't beat 3-facet for sure) but without it, capping fire res becomes a serious pain.
Unless you're willing to Sacrifice grand charm slots for res or something silly like that..ugh.
I'm voting for the Crown of Ages here. It's not like you can't either A) pop small charms in your inventory or even better B) slap FF on your merc.
You are already sporting a -150 Conviction, so the extra -15 is so much worse compared to +10/-10 facets, +1 all skills > +3 to nothing, up to 15% DR and 30% FHR is a very fine trade-off for 50% poison length. IMO, wearing a helmet that does nothing for you but caps your fire res (and loses you up to 30% from all other resists which you still need to cap somehow) with sunder in your inventory is...why is this even an argument?
And even after all that taken into account you still go with FF, unless you make it in Grand Crown (strength is wasted on this build, an actual strike against CoronaCrown of Ages), you will lose out on looking regal as fok, which is the biggest offender here.
If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less.
On my dragondin i use coa with 2 fire facets, i initially tried a Dream, but that build socked, then i tried FF, but ended up going with the coa - helps more with res, dr and adds to the Zeal and Holy Shield
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