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How many
charms do you have on Non-Ladder?

Poll ended at 2 years ago

0 (9%)
1 (15%)
2-3 (21%)
4-5 (18%)
6 or more (37%)
Total votes: 97
Total votes: 97


So, as there seems to be quite a few people here who exclusively play Non-Ladder, and given how rare Dclone walks are on Non-Ladder, it got me thinking about how many
charms everyone on Non-Ladder actually has. Almost all of the walks on Non-Ladder are unannounced private walks that happen suddenly, in the blink of an eye, making it almost impossible to acquire
charms unless you're just plain lucky (basically already being in a game on the correct region when it happens). I know that there were quite a few walks on Non-Ladder before Ladder started, but I've read a lot of accounts of people lamenting the fact that they missed out on all of those early walks.

So how about it? How many
charms do YOU have on Non-Ladder?

Personally, I've found around 10 altogether on Non-Ladder, but I've sold most of them unidentified.
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ShadowHeart 3340Moderator

Paladin Europe PC Playstation
So, as there seems to be quite a few people here who exclusively play Non-Ladder, and given how rare Dclone walks are on Non-Ladder, it got me thinking about how many
charms everyone on Non-Ladder actually has. Almost all of the walks on Non-Ladder are unannounced private walks that happen suddenly, in the blink of an eye, making it almost impossible to acquire
charms unless you're just plain lucky (basically already being in a game on the correct region when it happens). I know that there were quite a few walks on Non-Ladder before Ladder started, but I've read a lot of accounts of people lamenting the fact that they missed out on all of those early walks.

So how about it? How many
charms do YOU have on Non-Ladder?

Personally, I've found around 10 altogether on Non-Ladder, but I've sold most of them unidentified.

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
Sold all my spares and just have the 3 I use for my barb, pally and sorc. 20/19/9, 20/20/8 and 18/19/9.

Probably sold at least 20 over the last few months, for an average of

But you're right that lately it's been very difficult to catch the spawns on NL unless they're announced publicly. Missed a good 4-5 a month or so ago on Asia and Europe because I didn't want to leave my computers running overnight (heat build up in summer).

But now that it's cooling down.. Should be able to idle more and am looking forward to getting that perfect 20/20/10 eventually!

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
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Tetra 186

Paladin Europe PC
How many I have right NOW?
About 5.

How many I got from drop?
Around 30.

The price of NL Annies make it easy to let them go!
I was here during the 2.4 pre-ladder period: the price tanked back them and it took a month to recover near the baseline we have now.
Maybe a price recovery in NL will happens again during the second ladder...
I have one, cost me

check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me :) what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
at the moment i have over 20. All of them were farmed before the ladder season starts. because there were many walks. Now when ladder ends we will get many annis from ladder. And than it starts again. there will be less non ladder walks and many ladder walks. in a few month we will have less annis on non ladder again and many in ladder. So there is a little bit "recovery" in the prices of annis
where do you think the price is going to end up for annis when all the ladder annis go to NL? gonna tank or do you think they will still hold some good value?

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Tetra 186

Paladin Europe PC
Oh that gonna age well:
- First the NL Anni price gonna tank the day the ladder 1 end,
- Then, after a slow increase, it gonna reach about 3/4 of current pricing by mid ladder 2.

Now I will need someone to recall me this forecast...
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ShadowHeart 3340Moderator

Paladin Europe PC Playstation
It seems most people (who have voted anyway, which may not be an accurate representation of the players on non-ladder overall) actually have a decent number of annis on non-ladder.

I bookmarked your post @Tetra, not sure if it's going to help me remember though ;)

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
Things have been pretty open tbh, only a couple of dclone spawns caught me by surprise.
Information is usually out a day+ ahead of time, in the case of streamers its in their schedule usually and they sometimes vote for region an hour or so beforehand.
Dclone hunter forum subsection on that one website and the tracker here has been fine for me, 100+ kills for me on ladder, pc/psn, down to 70ish annis.
About 25 on non ladder and kept 10.
Only one traded... Idk.
No perfect yet but got close for others.
None. :)

Console being the main issue, I know there is a way to create new accounts but meh.

PC | PSN | Switch | Europe | UTC + 0
All trades are PC, PSN or Switch!
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Tetra wrote: 2 years ago
Oh that gonna age well:
- First the NL Anni price gonna tank the day the ladder 1 end,
- Then, after a slow increase, it gonna reach about 3/4 of current pricing by mid ladder 2.

Now I will need someone to recall me this forecast...
was that in response to my question? cause i was asking an honest question i've never really had annis in ladder before, i dont know whats going to happen when the switch happens. sorry if that came off as something different

edit: i meant to say i havent had annis in ladder UNTIL this ladder, dclone spawns all the time now lol. this forum helped me nab plenty of them

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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Phins_up22 wrote: 2 years ago
Tetra wrote: 2 years ago
Oh that gonna age well:
- First the NL Anni price gonna tank the day the ladder 1 end,
- Then, after a slow increase, it gonna reach about 3/4 of current pricing by mid ladder 2.

Now I will need someone to recall me this forecast...
was that in response to my question? cause i was asking an honest question i've never really had annis in ladder before, i dont know whats going to happen when the switch happens. sorry if that came off as something different

edit: i meant to say i havent had annis in ladder UNTIL this ladder, dclone spawns all the time now lol. this forum helped me nab plenty of them
I dare say yes, it was and you were understood correctly but based on this post might be reading something more into the response than there was. Mind you, that's just my interpretation:

You: So, what's happening with anni prices at ladder end?

Tetra: 1) They'll tank as ladder ends [because all of the ladder annis will shift to non-ladder] but 2) prices will recover on non-ladder as season 2 progresses [and non-ladder annis once again become rarer due to walks again moving mostly to ladder]

I'm inclined to largely agree with Tetra though I'm equally curious to see just how much they'll tank, if massively at all. We don't really have a precedence in D2:R and "today's gamer culture" (vs. the OGs still in D2 up until D2:R) so it'd be anyone's guess. Ultimately, it boils down to a couple of things:

1) How many folks will bother with season 2 as opposed to then sticking to non-ladder? Folks moving into S2 and/or quitting entirely will ensure prices recover as non-ladder once again gains in rarity throughout S2.

2) What do those same folks do with their left-over annis? Historically, some folks make giveaway games post-ladder and drop everything for folks to pick up before they delete their char to make room for a new char in S2. That'll have a lot of annis flow into non-ladder (along with the otherwise horded ones like my 40+ still left ^^), dropping prices initially. The more folks opt to just delete and move on (or quit) instead of hosting giveaways though, the less the drop in anni pricing will be in NL.
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Tetra 186

Paladin Europe PC
Yep, it was a response to your question @Phins_up22!
I was asking this question myself since during this ladder the prices of annies went down so low while non-ladder prices went the opposite once ladder started.

So @Schnorki, may I have your take about the price of NL annies when we will be in the middle of L2?
What will be the maximum price we will be able to ask for those multiple dozens of L1's annies when we will decide to eventualy sell them in NL?
A quarter?
Same price as of now?
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Excellent question.

If you recall, prior to S1 starting, we had quite a few annis hitting NL and the price went down quite heavily.

Since then, it has recovered to nearly very early days of the event change. If not even beyond that actually.

Personally, I would guess that most people who play ladder now will continue to play ladder and will (not all, but most) simply move on to S2 while their current annis either collect dust or simply get deleted. The price tanking influx will hit from those who move them to NL to sell and those who just hand theirs out before deleting and moving on to S2.
As a result, we would then have a solid hit to pricing fairly quickly (especially on trading sites, probably delayed a bit in-game).

As folks (and hence farmers and walks) move back into S2 however, NL would go back to very few to no new annis coming in while existing ones follow the same general cycle of folks leaving/switching to ladder after all/... that slowly but surely gets rid of a large chunk of them. That'd slowly drive prices back up to quite possibly what we have now by late season 2.

The exact curve is anyone's guess but mid-S2 may very well be somewhere half-way between current L prices and current NL prices.

Either way, I'd expect it to be a fairly good money-maker to buy on L now (even if for NL runes as the
ratio has all but evaporated in late ladder) to resell in NL during later S2, if one wants to go through the hassle of that (personally, I'm too lazy for that..happy to still sell on L now for either L/NL pay or just sit and wait for increased sales price in NL after they get moved).

No guarantees of course. Just my semi-educated guesses.
Good input from everyone.

I'm holding on to a lot of ladder charms right now and I'm now leaning towards letting them roll into non-ladder because I'm getting extremely low offers on ladder when I get an offer at all.

My minimum threshold for a worthwhile
trade is a
because I don't want to get bogged down with a bunch of
or lower runes due to the discrepancy in
's market rate vs. cube rate with

If the theory is that prices will tank at first but slowly recover, then there's really two optimal sales windows. The first is basically day 1 of the new ladder. I wouldn't forecast that initial window to be much longer than a day though. It could extend to a couple or a few days, but the prices will fall hard pretty quickly.

The second one is after the tank and recovery. Halfway through the second ladder is a safe bet considering that's a couple of months in Blizzard's original ladder plans for D2R, but it remains to be seen how the player base will react to the second ladder. I'm planning to fully continue on non-ladder after the end of the first ladder, so there's no stash space or character abandonment concerns for me.

Even if the recovery on non-ladder is only 50% of what it is now, that's still a dramatic increase over its ladder value today.

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

Janet the Java wrote: 2 years ago
None. :)

Console being the main issue, I know there is a way to create new accounts but meh.

Dunno what the issue is you speak of.
I've done nearly all of my dclones on Playstation 4 and 5, I have 2 accounts but there's no need to make multiples.... You don't need to be on pc. You can't easily change region on consoles but that only means you miss a few spawns here and there. Someone else in the region sc/hc ladder/non ladder where dclone is spawning can invite you to a game they made and then leave you there for dclone walk. Then just hit up your preferred place to spawn him (like eldritch at fridged wp in a5)

So I'm confused. But it's all good. Your decision is yours.
Malformed wrote: 2 years ago
Janet the Java wrote: 2 years ago
None. :)

Console being the main issue, I know there is a way to create new accounts but meh.

Dunno what the issue is you speak of.
I've done nearly all of my dclones on Playstation 4 and 5, I have 2 accounts but there's no need to make multiples.... You don't need to be on pc. You can't easily change region on consoles but that only means you miss a few spawns here and there. Someone else in the region sc/hc ladder/non ladder where dclone is spawning can invite you to a game they made and then leave you there for dclone walk. Then just hit up your preferred place to spawn him (like eldritch at fridged wp in a5)

So I'm confused. But it's all good. Your decision is yours.
There's no need to be confused my friend, it's really quite simple. I can't easily change region and I didn't really invest any time in the first ladder season, so I am reliant on EU SCNL spawns. As someone with a full time job and two children, I can neither join every time he spawns on EU SCNL, nor can I leave the game running all day since the kids use the playstation, so I haven't been able to catch him. There it is, plain and simple, it's not a "decision" I have made, just the facts of my circumstances. I hope that makes you feel better.

PC | PSN | Switch | Europe | UTC + 0
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Necrarch 2404Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Ah, kids ! The worst enemy of Diablo. :)

As a father myself I have struggled quite a lot to get spawns- but on PC that's easier.

I have a very low Anni on NL (10/10/7), if someone has PC + PS and is willing to pass on to Janet I'll be happy to give it - parent to parent solidarity.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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ShadowHeart 3340Moderator

Paladin Europe PC Playstation
I can help with annis for anyone that needs on non-ladder as soon as ladder is over. But that's still a few weeks off, probably...

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
That's very kind of you @Necrarch, @ShadowHeart. I would be grateful, of course, but I can see myself playing the game for many years to come so I am also happy to wait, there is no huge rush. :)

PC | PSN | Switch | Europe | UTC + 0
All trades are PC, PSN or Switch!
All trades will be conducted with a cup of tea.
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