Its been long long tim when i started to play this game (the original Diablo 2), remember when they released the LoD (i was so excited about the new classes and uniqs), remember my first maphack, first dupe hack, pickit, chicken, tppk also for my first bot.
I know there was and always will be bot which is somewhere part of this game, people always wanna make money and quickly get ther items (easily). I remember when i started using bots i was up to the moon and back (as a young child) first Tal armour, Shako, soj, etc etc. And after a while the game had no point to play for me, but trading and botting. Every day when i wake up checked my sorc, checked the log file (what the bot missed) and headed to the trade channel where i spent hours for trading. What was the point of this? Honestly, i dont know. Something had to be, because i enjoyed, but as now i think back that time i just dont wanna play the way as i did before.
This is why i decided to buy the D2R on console (on nintendo switch, because quickly can play and stop at any point, and also dont have other consoles).
But soon i realised, this game (even if all reviews given 8-9 point from 10, also everyone said this is a perfect remastering of a game) just a low budge remake for switch... i dont care about the graphic, but the game just slow, and glitches everywhere and lagging (im talking about switch of course).
But you know what? I dont mind. I still enjoy playing even if i cant find other players only rarely, (because on switch no lobby, no list of games just like diablo 3 randomly chose a quest and wish the best, maybe there is a poor soul to play with!) but still nostalgic!
Joined here to diablo2.io not long time ago to see if i can trading some of my stuff with other switch users, and i found out there are quite few of us out there! This was so great, slowly changing-trading my gear/equipments on a fair price for new ladder.
But here we are i see people whoes selling 2-3 Tal armour, 2-3 bk rings/sojs, hrs like 4-5 on 1 account. You can say if you spend time on mfing you can find these... blaa blaaa.. cut the b......
No you cant manually. If you are lucky you find 1 or 2 hr in a year and few uniqs or set from the rarest version/highes tiers. But the point here i dont care about bot users, my main problem the multy platform users whoes botting. They totally mess up the console users trade platform. On console there are no hacks for online play (yes there some if you patch your console blablaa..) and thats why i choose console to play with.
These bot users bought the game for all platforms (which mean 4 copies) and as this, it wasnt to difficult for blizzard to make 5m copies sold, because physically only a few million players there whit some of them with 3-4 copies for diffrent platform.
After a month or so on ladder, bots farmed items everywhere, and its sad...
Ps. As you maybe realised im not perfect english person, but hope this made sense and highlights some of the games weakness.
I know there was and always will be bot which is somewhere part of this game, people always wanna make money and quickly get ther items (easily). I remember when i started using bots i was up to the moon and back (as a young child) first Tal armour, Shako, soj, etc etc. And after a while the game had no point to play for me, but trading and botting. Every day when i wake up checked my sorc, checked the log file (what the bot missed) and headed to the trade channel where i spent hours for trading. What was the point of this? Honestly, i dont know. Something had to be, because i enjoyed, but as now i think back that time i just dont wanna play the way as i did before.
This is why i decided to buy the D2R on console (on nintendo switch, because quickly can play and stop at any point, and also dont have other consoles).
But soon i realised, this game (even if all reviews given 8-9 point from 10, also everyone said this is a perfect remastering of a game) just a low budge remake for switch... i dont care about the graphic, but the game just slow, and glitches everywhere and lagging (im talking about switch of course).
But you know what? I dont mind. I still enjoy playing even if i cant find other players only rarely, (because on switch no lobby, no list of games just like diablo 3 randomly chose a quest and wish the best, maybe there is a poor soul to play with!) but still nostalgic!
Joined here to diablo2.io not long time ago to see if i can trading some of my stuff with other switch users, and i found out there are quite few of us out there! This was so great, slowly changing-trading my gear/equipments on a fair price for new ladder.
But here we are i see people whoes selling 2-3 Tal armour, 2-3 bk rings/sojs, hrs like 4-5 on 1 account. You can say if you spend time on mfing you can find these... blaa blaaa.. cut the b......
No you cant manually. If you are lucky you find 1 or 2 hr in a year and few uniqs or set from the rarest version/highes tiers. But the point here i dont care about bot users, my main problem the multy platform users whoes botting. They totally mess up the console users trade platform. On console there are no hacks for online play (yes there some if you patch your console blablaa..) and thats why i choose console to play with.
These bot users bought the game for all platforms (which mean 4 copies) and as this, it wasnt to difficult for blizzard to make 5m copies sold, because physically only a few million players there whit some of them with 3-4 copies for diffrent platform.
After a month or so on ladder, bots farmed items everywhere, and its sad...
Ps. As you maybe realised im not perfect english person, but hope this made sense and highlights some of the games weakness.
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