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mhlg 1284

Americas PC
mockingbirdreal wrote: 1 year ago
Oh, right TZ again. 5 times in a row!
The chance is 1 over 52 millions.
I've tracked these for 10 straight days and they've been right every time. The issue is that they require constant every hour monitoring.

The next TZ will be
Kurast Bazaar
Ruined Temple
Disused Fane

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
Was anyone able to use the link that mhlg provided? I would love to have access to this bot, but could not get access with the link. I have limited experience with discord, so I would appreciate a brief tutorial if I am the problem and not the link.
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mhlg 1284

Americas PC
Landros wrote: 1 year ago
Was anyone able to use the link that mhlg provided? I would love to have access to this bot, but could not get access with the link. I have limited experience with discord, so I would appreciate a brief tutorial if I am the problem and not the link.
You're going to have to signup with Discord. The link will give you online access. The link is working for me.

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
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mhlg 1284

Americas PC
TZ in 55 minutes.

Current TerrorZone(s) ::
Crystalline Passage
Frozen River

Next TerrorZone(s)

September 02, 2023, 12:02 AM   This timestamp has been automatically converted to your local date/time for convenience. The format is DD/MMM/YYYY, HH:MM am/pm. This is based off your browser time.

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
Thank you for posting these updates and sorry for my confusion. I already had a discord account for Path of Exile. When I click your link, it takes me to a Discord page that says "No text channels: You find yourself in a strange place. You don't have access to any text channels, or there are none in this server." I am not sure if I need sign up for the Chanbot channel, but I could not find it by searching for Chanbot or Chantastic.
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mhlg 1284

Americas PC
Landros wrote: 1 year ago
Thank you for posting these updates and sorry for my confusion. I already had a discord account for Path of Exile. When I click your link, it takes me to a Discord page that says "No text channels: You find yourself in a strange place. You don't have access to any text channels, or there are none in this server." I am not sure if I need sign up for the Chanbot channel, but I could not find it by searching for Chanbot or Chantastic.
The link I left takes me right to the page of the Chanbot posts, but I was concerned it might not work for you. That being said Chanbot isn't searchable, try "[REMOVED BY MOD]" Here is an image of the person who I think is responsible for Chanbot.


Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
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Schnorki 3879Moderator

I've gone ahead and removed Chan's info from mhlg's post so he doesn't get spammed by everyone wanting to know about the bot/how to get there/...

If you want to make use of said bot and mhlg's earlier link, you can find that on Heidi's discord server (, "
-zone" channel within that), not by searching for chan.
Awesome, I was able to access it that way Schnorki. Thanks! And thanks mhlg for making me aware of it. No more waiting around late at night to find out what "just one more"
zone will be before going to bed. You guys saved future me hours of sleep.
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mhlg 1284

Americas PC
Schnorki wrote: 1 year ago
I've gone ahead and removed Chan's info from mhlg's post so he doesn't get spammed by everyone wanting to know about the bot/how to get there/...

If you want to make use of said bot and mhlg's earlier link, you can find that on Heidi's discord server (, "
-zone" channel within that), not by searching for chan.
Good point, thanks! :D

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)


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