One can read alot about how to best craft Caster Amulet and Blood Gloves. However, I would like to craft Safety Gloves and the only thing I fount was an incomplete table here
Actually, I would like to have the following Prefix/Suffix on my crafted Safety Gloves:
Resistances (ALvl18 for armor, is that the same for gloves? ... aster_List)
16-25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (ALvl16 if the site I mentioned abough is correct?).
Does anyone of you know, which character Level would be perfect to craft such gloves, assuming that I am using qlvl 85-87 gloves. Because if the character level is too high, the chance of receiving these bonuses are lower and if the character level is too low I can't get the bonuses at all XD
Thank you for every helpful advice

Fount know this and try to find out

This would be the prefered output, using War Gauntlets: The site note, that this could be done like this: However, I doubt the numbers a little bit, because even if I change the Prefix to a max level 50, the result stays the same. So anyone know, if the site is correct? Thanks!