Just recently I’ve built another, I’m having fun and have been impressed with the physical damage output yet frustrated with the poor mobility. Why does perhaps the most ill suited char to use Enigma short of a shapeshifter Druid, have no skills contributing towards movement speed or mobility? This is related to my question but mostly a side rant…
My main issue is with physical immunes. For those experienced with this build, what have you tried and what are your favorite options? I don’t want to run the same areas over and over. She has little mf and I want to use her for tzs and look for bases for fun, thus I’m seeking a generalist approach.
I spread myself too far with skills on my current build and tried Magic Arrow, I’m not satisfied. I’m aware of atmas option but I’m currently reliant on my ammy for ias and I think the proc chance is too low. I’m considering freezing or Exploding Arrow. Im using Hustle as a side arm and don’t want to Sacrifice the Bos proc for the ias and frw boost, otherwise I’d assume Ice and Freezing Arrow would be the solid option.
I’ve looked through physical immune monster stats and from what I can tell, they in general have Lower Resist to fire than cold. I’ve built an Exploding Arrow zon before and somewhat know what to expect. I think it’ll be sufficient for my purposes, but also will spread me thin on skill points. Necessary Sacrifice perhaps.. I’d like to try Freezing Arrow just for the experience and the cc would also be nice for the situations posing my zon the most trouble, but I question its viability without Ice. I’m planning on running p3 max.
My questions are: how good is Freezing Arrow without Ice? Good enough to drop the squishy phys immunes no prob? Which tactics have you been most pleased with regarding physical immunes? For my current set up, Hustle side arm, Faith gmb main, what do you think the ideal clear speed options are?
Also, I shouldn’t throw in what is probably a topic that’s probably been debated endlessly on this forum somewhere, but what are your preferences regarding Strafe vs multishot? My current zon is almost all in on Strafe yet I find myself using both and finding many situations in which ms is superior and I honestly enjoy it more. I’d still plan on using both for any build type but could save a lot of skill points by pulling points from Strafe and making ms my go to which should clear up alot of skill points being it’s already very effective at low investment.