It all started well enough; jalbergo would pay 4x3 on softcore ladder for Soli to run Ubers and deliver a shiny new unid torch. I would collect the keys from jalbergo, give them to Soli and then wait for the torch. It sounded so simple! But it didn't go quite to plan for Soli, as he mentioned in the fail drops thread:
It was late for me, so I had to leave him to it, but with some hard work, Soli came good and I collected a nice unid torch for jalbergo, no harm done.
jalbergo and I arrange to meet, I start a game as I always do and then, for reasons that I will never understand, popped the torch on the floor for him to collect. I think you can tell where this is going..? Yes, I hadn't password protected the game and randoms were able to join - not something that has ever happened to me before whilst doing this, but of course it happened on this occasion. In comes a lovely looking druid chap, I'm sure he was pleased as punch to find a nice unid torch on the floor, although based on events so far, I'm fairly confident this torch is cursed.
This trade has taken 3 days to work out, and in summary: jalbergo traded a 4x3 keyset for absolutely nothing; Soli wasted a whole keyset for absolutely nothing; and I am left feeling like a complete lemon. But at least the lovely looking druid chap is happy!
I am of course completely mortified, and to make matters worse I am not playing softcore ladder, so I am not in a position to pay back the keyset or get another torch, hence a desperate and rather tragic plea for help: I have 3 x Um, 3 x Pul, Trang's Belt and a -71 sunder charm on softcore ladder as a result of helping with various trades. Is anyone willing to donate or trade me some keys so that I can attempt to rectify my idiocy?
Janet the Java