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We can see from the graphs that demand for most items in the game has continued to fall as the game's first 'non-ladder season' approaches maturity.
Things are quietening down here at d2io as well - the site experiences about one third (33%) of the traffic it did at peak times shortly after launch.
This is also reflected in the total volume of active (responded to or bumped within the last 3 days) trades which have reduced from around 35k to around 25k.

So I thought it would be a good time for some of the trading veterans here to reflect back on the last 3 months and tell their trading story in the game so far.

Stories involving other trading sites & platforms like Traderie, JSP, Purediablo and RMT are also welcome, and it doesn't necessarily need to be your 'most profitable' trade that gets mentioned.
For example, if the trade was super valuable or enjoyable for you at the time, or you really needed it to go through for whatever reason. Or it was particularly useful because of X or Y.
Would even be interested in knowing also if you guys think any meta gameplay has emerged from the 'trading scene' in the game, and if that has had any effect on the game in any way compared to Legacy D2.
Things like item flipping between platforms, price fixing, and other grey market stuff would be awesome to hear about. Of course remember - no naming names is the rule here.
Open to all discussions or just general observations you guys have had since launch about the game and trading related stuff in general.
You can go back through your all-time trading history by clicking the brown 'Trading History' button on your profile/stash page to help jog your Memory.

So yeah. Feel free to leave your trading story here, grand or humble it would be cool to hear/talk about.

PS You will see I've made some updates in the last few weeks - I'm just getting the site ready and fulfilling as many fan requests/feedback as possible before Ladder release. Hope to see you all then :)
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Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
We can see from the graphs that demand for most items in the game has continued to fall as the game's first 'non-ladder season' approaches maturity.
Things are quietening down here at d2io as well - the site experiences about one third (33%) of the traffic it did at peak times shortly after launch.
This is also reflected in the total volume of active (responded to or bumped within the last 3 days) trades which have reduced from around 35k to around 25k.

So I thought it would be a good time for some of the trading veterans here to reflect back on the last 3 months and tell their trading story in the game so far.

Stories involving other trading sites & platforms like Traderie, JSP, Purediablo and RMT are also welcome, and it doesn't necessarily need to be your 'most profitable' trade that gets mentioned.
For example, if the trade was super valuable or enjoyable for you at the time, or you really needed it to go through for whatever reason. Or it was particularly useful because of X or Y.
Would even be interested in knowing also if you guys think any meta gameplay has emerged from the 'trading scene' in the game, and if that has had any effect on the game in any way compared to Legacy D2.
Things like item flipping between platforms, price fixing, and other grey market stuff would be awesome to hear about. Of course remember - no naming names is the rule here.
Open to all discussions or just general observations you guys have had since launch about the game and trading related stuff in general.
You can go back through your all-time trading history by clicking the brown 'Trading History' button on your profile/stash page to help jog your Memory.

So yeah. Feel free to leave your trading story here, grand or humble it would be cool to hear/talk about.

PS You will see I've made some updates in the last few weeks - I'm just getting the site ready and fulfilling as many fan requests/feedback as possible before Ladder release. Hope to see you all then :)

There I was, just doing a standard "my 40 Pgems, your
" trade. A barb joins and checks his stash. "Crud" he says. "I just have an
and a
. Got change mate?".

"Sure" I say. I had an
, and didn't mind making the change. But, how to do it? How to swap the 40 Pgems and the
for his
? I didn't know if it was all a ruse and I would put up part of the gems and he'd bail on me. I didn't want to suggest taking the money up front since he was probably thinking the same about me. But, before I could respond, he already had it figured out:

"Ok. 39 Pgems and an
for my

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. 2 Ums make a
, the fairer trade is the
for the gems and change".

"I know. But I was the one that showed up and asked to make change, and you were willing to do it. I don't mind over paying".

"Are you sure? The fairer deal is the

"I'm good."

So, we do the trade. 39 Pgems and an
for an

Then, he says, "Got an anni?"

"I don't even have one for myself, let alone one to trade".

"Not what I meant. Here."

And he drops the anni on the Ground. "I appreciate the honesty and willingness to work a deal".

And with that, he left. I half expected it to be hot, and thought about trading it, fearing that it was duped or otherwise cheated, but that wouldn't be fair. However, it's been 4 months and it hasn't disappeared. So, it was a legitimate deal, and a gesture of kindness for someone who put doing the right thing above greed and quick short-term gains from someone who obviously appreciated a break from such soul-killing behavior.
I had someone ask for a
for their mediocre
Ormus' Robes

I said that was overpriced and offered a
, which they took.

Quite the fall from
Joined a
for Storch game
Traded my 16/18 storch plus
and a perfect cold res mf sc.
Turned around and sold the

Bought a 17/18 storch for
Pocketed 2
profit for about 15 minutes of trading in public games.
and 3
for a
I did pretty much not profitable (for me) trades as was new to all this at the beginning. But found nice people who I can play with on PlayStation and we do runs even now, that's nice.
(There's no lobby as there is on PC. You literally need to find people, create group chat and invite them to your game in order to play together)
Got an
for an
rune, sold it for a
, sold the
for two Sojs, traded one for a
, the other one for
My friend got in game trade chat
Grand Matron Bow
4os +3 skill + 13 ed for
and we sold it on forum for 3
Bought unid anni for
and got a 20-20-7 which I sold for 4 bers, did the same again and got a 20-20-5 which I sold for 2
. Bought a 20-19 for
and netted 7hrs off profit. That was a nice week and completely made up for the fact that I spent a
rune buying my first unid and it came out 13-15-10.
I find trading more enjoyable than the endless grind, so I'm having fun here and building various chars with various endgame builds from the Ground up in the process.

1. Found some good people to talk with about various topics when trading with them on this site since the approach here is much more personal compared to other sites. That's a big plus for

2. Bought an ethereal
Andariel's Visage
in a lobby trade some months ago. Still using it.

3. Most fun I've had was participating in a bidding war on an item I never even wanted to begin with. Drove the price from asking price to about twice (we are talking
to 2
on an item worth ~
) as much just by participating with someone who really wanted it. Withdrew from further offers before I could be the top bidder. Told the seller when they contacted me. Seller was happy about the whole thing. :)
Tried it again later on a different item I did want but had a hard price ceiling. Apparently the other person was doing the same to me but I withdrew first, so he "won" and got to "face the music". Had a good laugh with the seller at their expense. :P

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

I do believe the most impressive "trading story" for me isn't so much a single deal but the overall progress this place has allowed me to make in what was really only a few months, without using any other out-of-game platform (I did look at Traderie once but the interface just makes me want to punch my screen). Admittedly, I got fairly lucky early on and found a handful of
runes as a foundation. But overall, most of my actual gear came from trades. I would estimate about 90% from here, 10% from in-game trades.

I've always planned to have one of each class geared up and honestly, looking back to the good old days, was expecting that to take years, much like it did back then. And yet, thanks to this place and you all, after only a few months I am now at nearly full BiS on all 7 of them, including their mercs. Really the only pieces missing are those that you hardly see anywhere because I'm too specific and want an exact number for the def on my bases (runes just sitting there waiting) and/or because too many people just vendor them (true story, sadly). Well, and the couple SoJs I need which I refuse to buy at
+ that'll just wait until after DClone mechanics get changed.

And that's despite blowing multiple Bers worth on just for fun experimentation along the way (hell, I made 3 Infinities and none of my builds use

Naturally, not everything is a perfect roll yet..but that was never true, even after years upon years in the original. Some odds are just too low to ever get all of them done. But even in that regard, thanks to the support of a rather high number of repeat suppliers from here (thanks again! you know who you are), I ended up with multiple 17/260 Insights, 35/112 Spirits and others. So..close enough. :)
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Necrarch 2404Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
On my side, as I am a rather newcomer around, it's mainly stories about nice and friendly people that were willing to discuss a bit while trading. One from Estonia, two from USA, one French (like me, but we figured that out after having talked 20 mins in English).

And an extremely generous guy from Germany who "had lots of necro stuff and did not have time to build one" and gave me a torch, trang pieces, a Treachery and an Insight for my merc etc, etc. For nothing (well, I gave him back some Pgems, as back then my best rune was
!, but was worth 1 to 5% of what he gave me). Crazy but so nice.

Guys, I don't quote your names because I don't know if you want to be named, but thanks for the good time and your help !

Have fun, commnity. :)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Joined a game titled "N 15ias jewel"

I put a plain 15 ias in the trade window and was about to hit accept and give it to him when he puts up a

He hits accept and then says "enjoy mate"

I was just going to give it to the guy for free. I learned that it pays to just give people things sometimes, you'll get rewarded.
Teebling, to answer your question about the other trading sites- I tried to go to one the other day, out of sheer curiosity. The UI looked horrible, almost like someone had thrown up on my computer screen. I hurried up and hit back on my web browser until I arrived at It felt like home.

Got inspired to write a haiku about my experience just now but im not that smooth. Maybe someone else could help pickup my slack.
Teebling, to answer your question about the other trading sites- I tried to go to one the other day, out of sheer greed. Here the story :

1) A few weeks ago, I tried to sell here a 3/20/16 SC
After several days of auction, the best offer was
, which is half a

2) I managed myself to find another trade platform, and saw there is a market on the official blizzard forums (US & EU)
5 min after posting the offer in the US topic, the SC was sold for a

---> Conclusion : Even if they aren't as useful as, don't hesitate to use another websites and switch to the American market for high value/rarity items, it can definitely worth your time ! :)

Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and.. have a look at my shop ! --> member/tAnK/
Nothing really notable as far as me getting crazy one sided deals. One dude dropped a free low necro torch for me but I don’t play a necro and it’s one of the least valuable torches. Couldn’t get rid of it for

The trades that I remember are the ones where someone who is presumably a noob or has little to no familiarity with the market comes into my game in need of what I’m selling. Latest example was a plain White 4os
. The person asked “is 2
runes ok?” to which I responded “no dude, that’s WAY overpaying. Just give me a couple
runes or some pgems.”

I’ve stopped people from overpaying on a handful of occasions and they are typically caught off guard and very grateful that I didn’t take advantage of them. It’s happened in the opposite direction as well where someone has an item that is at least worth an
and they are asking for a
. I can’t string people along if I sense ignorance or inexperience. It just feels so gross even entertaining it.

So yeah, I basically just blew myself in front of you all and what a great, moral and altruistic person I am.I’m probably better than most people and some people might argue that I’m just like Jesus. But yeah, those are my favorite trade stories because I’m saving other people from having bad trade stories. I know how much loot comes out of 100
runs and it ain’t enough to justify throwing it away in an ill thought out transaction.
Aethrall wrote: 3 years ago
Nothing really notable as far as me getting crazy one sided deals. One dude dropped a free low necro torch for me but I don’t play a necro and it’s one of the least valuable torches. Couldn’t get rid of it for

The trades that I remember are the ones where someone who is presumably a noob or has little to no familiarity with the market comes into my game in need of what I’m selling. Latest example was a plain White 4os
. The person asked “is 2
runes ok?” to which I responded “no dude, that’s WAY overpaying. Just give me a couple
runes or some pgems.”

I’ve stopped people from overpaying on a handful of occasions and they are typically caught off guard and very grateful that I didn’t take advantage of them. It’s happened in the opposite direction as well where someone has an item that is at least worth an
and they are asking for a
. I can’t string people along if I sense ignorance or inexperience. It just feels so gross even entertaining it.

So yeah, I basically just blew myself in front of you all and what a great, moral and altruistic person I am.I’m probably better than most people and some people might argue that I’m just like Jesus. But yeah, those are my favorite trade stories because I’m saving other people from having bad trade stories. I know how much loot comes out of 100
runs and it ain’t enough to justify throwing it away in an ill thought out transaction.
Same. There's each party receiving what they want and then there's blatant rip offs. Recently had a discussion on reddit where some guy was bragging about how he ripped a bunch of people off, then continued on with "I don't lose any sleep over it bla bla bla" and that's why games die and their communities suffer...Trade like a pro, but don't be a jerk is the
FanciestCrab wrote: 3 years ago
Aethrall wrote: 3 years ago
Nothing really notable as far as me getting crazy one sided deals. One dude dropped a free low necro torch for me but I don’t play a necro and it’s one of the least valuable torches. Couldn’t get rid of it for

The trades that I remember are the ones where someone who is presumably a noob or has little to no familiarity with the market comes into my game in need of what I’m selling. Latest example was a plain White 4os
. The person asked “is 2
runes ok?” to which I responded “no dude, that’s WAY overpaying. Just give me a couple
runes or some pgems.”

I’ve stopped people from overpaying on a handful of occasions and they are typically caught off guard and very grateful that I didn’t take advantage of them. It’s happened in the opposite direction as well where someone has an item that is at least worth an
and they are asking for a
. I can’t string people along if I sense ignorance or inexperience. It just feels so gross even entertaining it.

So yeah, I basically just blew myself in front of you all and what a great, moral and altruistic person I am.I’m probably better than most people and some people might argue that I’m just like Jesus. But yeah, those are my favorite trade stories because I’m saving other people from having bad trade stories. I know how much loot comes out of 100
runs and it ain’t enough to justify throwing it away in an ill thought out transaction.
Same. There's each party receiving what they want and then there's blatant rip offs. Recently had a discussion on reddit where some guy was bragging about how he ripped a bunch of people off, then continued on with "I don't lose any sleep over it bla bla bla" and that's why games die and their communities suffer...Trade like a pro, but don't be a jerk is the
yeah, I think that's demented, especially considering they absolutely KNOW how fickle and punishing the RNG in this game can be. Being ok with -- let alone boasting about -- ripping people off is basically akin to saying "I find flushing hours of your life down the toilet amusing and mundane." I think it's a soft marker for sociopathy at worst and severe emotional under development at best.
You know it's funny, I don't have the heart to rip people off. I was in a game where I guy was willing to trade a Griffon's for a

It was a damn good Griff's too. I stood there for a few seconds, thinking about doing it.. then just abruptly left the game.

Sure, someone else probably ripped the poor dude off, but I wasn't going to be the one to do it. I generally hate people that try to scam or blatantly rip off others.
Trading has been quite smooth on this site, though it’s frustrating to hear about people intentionally bidding up items for fun to benefit the seller (with no intent to actually buy). That’s totally bogus and not cool IMO.


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