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So far I've tried about 20 times with edited character in offline mode (not want to waste keys) and only got one success. I use Beast and Spirit shield/
staff. Having 9 skeletons and about 12-16 Udars. My merc uses Malice/Insight and COH and some modified
, about 300 resistance. Tried with Duress and Obedience, dies even faster.

For me some problems are hard (a matter of pure luck) to solve:

Merc with 75 resistance always die even without Meph's aura, especially when facing Diablo. Sometimes he just died suddenly in a fire attack I couldn't even have time to give him Full Rejuv Potions. Without merc, there's no open wounds, and to a certain point udars damage will not beat Uber's health regeneration.

When I
(I use a staff) on those ubers there is a chance my mercs or my character got killed instantly.

Those minions are hard to dealt with. They distracted revives and mercs, cause hard damages and constantly spawn with more and more numbers. Also when
comes out, his brother always not die in vein.

I don't know if there is a certain way to lure out
or Diablo alone and not spawn too much minions. I read some guide about how to deal with Meph's aura, but for me it turns out this one is the easiest, because it almost always comes alone.
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 Deleted User 59958 0

So far I've tried about 20 times with edited character in offline mode (not want to waste keys) and only got one success. I use Beast and Spirit shield/
staff. Having 9 skeletons and about 12-16 Udars. My merc uses Malice/Insight and COH and some modified
, about 300 resistance. Tried with Duress and Obedience, dies even faster.

For me some problems are hard (a matter of pure luck) to solve:

Merc with 75 resistance always die even without Meph's aura, especially when facing Diablo. Sometimes he just died suddenly in a fire attack I couldn't even have time to give him Full Rejuv Potions. Without merc, there's no open wounds, and to a certain point udars damage will not beat Uber's health regeneration.

When I
(I use a staff) on those ubers there is a chance my mercs or my character got killed instantly.

Those minions are hard to dealt with. They distracted revives and mercs, cause hard damages and constantly spawn with more and more numbers. Also when
comes out, his brother always not die in vein.

I don't know if there is a certain way to lure out
or Diablo alone and not spawn too much minions. I read some guide about how to deal with Meph's aura, but for me it turns out this one is the easiest, because it almost always comes alone.
Just buy tourch for 3x3 and 1-2 keys. Be happy )
I did it as a barb recently, I always fight one at a time. lure meph out from the top of the town, then when he is dead walk around the outside and come in from the left part of town you run to a point then back out before you even see them. keep doing it a little farther in each time until you start to see one or minions and keep backing out. eventually you get just one to come out, now with minions you probably cant just walk because they will all run past you, but teleporting you should be able to do the same. Also,
was incredibly useful - the ubers spawn a limited number of monsters, but they respawn virtually instantly so if you just make them run away with
until they are outside aggro range you will fight the boss alone. so the beginning of each fight is basically just surviving until you have made all the adds well outside aggro range then just 1v1 the boss. Not sure about the merc surviving, I just resigned to mine dying and killed them alone. maybe you could get open wounds on your own gear and hit them with a ranged weapon or something? I also thought poison stopped the healing as well, so I do it with a poison charm, but I havent tested it or anything, just kinda flailing and throwing whatever I can at them, are you hitting them with poison too?
I did an uber necro in old D2 and I remember it was painfully hard. I didn't have Beast or any fancy stuff, not even a torch, but managed to pull it off.

Some tips, from what I remember:

- try to go inside without a merc or minions first, and lure one of the ubers, preferably
which indeed is the hardest
- use the
staff to focus the Urdars on the uber when you notice they attack minions, this is very important
- use
as the main curse to slow them down
- I used Obedience as a merc weapon, but you are right that regen is a major problem. If you isolate each uber and kill them fast, regen can be overcome, but I guess you can experiment.

Of course it's useful to have a smiter friend in case you can't beat them, so you don't loose the torch.
How about a
Blackhorn's Face
on merc? its got prevent monster heal/slow target/light absorb could add socket for
on it. Or a
Vampire Gaze
for physical damage reduction.
Treachery will be a better pick for armor, since it god 15lv
cast when struck which will give 60% all-resist but also give 15% physical damage reduction.

Take Offer in Rune/P.Gem/UberKey/Mix of LowRune
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sako1031 wrote: 3 years ago
How about a
Blackhorn's Face
on merc? its got prevent monster heal/slow target/light absorb could add socket for
on it. Or a
Vampire Gaze
for physical damage reduction.
Treachery will be a better pick for armor, since it god 15lv
cast when struck which will give 60% all-resist but also give 15% physical damage reduction.
Prevent monster heal doesn't work on ubers afaik. That would be too easy now, would it.


I'd imagine this to be brutally hard with a summoner tbh. Maintaining enough dps even with uber gear seems like a massive challenge to me but I am no necro expert. I played a summoner once back in the very early days of D2. Getting the necessary resists wouldn't even be the hardest part IMO.

 Deleted User 59958 0

therob91 wrote: 3 years ago
I did it as a barb recently, I always fight one at a time. lure meph out from the top of the town, then when he is dead walk around the outside and come in from the left part of town you run to a point then back out before you even see them. keep doing it a little farther in each time until you start to see one or minions and keep backing out. eventually you get just one to come out, now with minions you probably cant just walk because they will all run past you, but teleporting you should be able to do the same. Also,
was incredibly useful - the ubers spawn a limited number of monsters, but they respawn virtually instantly so if you just make them run away with
until they are outside aggro range you will fight the boss alone. so the beginning of each fight is basically just surviving until you have made all the adds well outside aggro range then just 1v1 the boss. Not sure about the merc surviving, I just resigned to mine dying and killed them alone. maybe you could get open wounds on your own gear and hit them with a ranged weapon or something? I also thought poison stopped the healing as well, so I do it with a poison charm, but I havent tested it or anything, just kinda flailing and throwing whatever I can at them, are you hitting them with poison too?
I never tried to use a barb to beat a uber, have a
paladin though. Actually the only time I have success was lure
out alone and those udars surprisingly attack the real one when he made a copy. I'm going to try these equipment you mentioned to keep minions away.
is not efficient enough.

 Deleted User 59958 0

suslik wrote: 3 years ago
Just buy tourch for 3x3 and 1-2 keys. Be happy )
It's even harder to get the keys for me.

 Deleted User 59958 0

mihaifm wrote: 3 years ago
I did an uber necro in old D2 and I remember it was painfully hard. I didn't have Beast or any fancy stuff, not even a torch, but managed to pull it off.

Some tips, from what I remember:

- try to go inside without a merc or minions first, and lure one of the ubers, preferably
which indeed is the hardest
- use the
staff to focus the Urdars on the uber when you notice they attack minions, this is very important
- use
as the main curse to slow them down
- I used Obedience as a merc weapon, but you are right that regen is a major problem. If you isolate each uber and kill them fast, regen can be overcome, but I guess you can experiment.

Of course it's useful to have a smiter friend in case you can't beat them, so you don't loose the torch.
Regen is one thing, but not the worst problem. Basically every time the spawns appears in large number I know I lost this one. I never tried to lure them out without summons. But I think I could be a strategy. I have a
myself. Thanks for the advice.

 Deleted User 59958 0

sako1031 wrote: 3 years ago
How about a
Blackhorn's Face
on merc? its got prevent monster heal/slow target/light absorb could add socket for
on it. Or a
Vampire Gaze
for physical damage reduction.
Treachery will be a better pick for armor, since it god 15lv
cast when struck which will give 60% all-resist but also give 15% physical damage reduction.
Good advice, I'll try if merc can survive with these equipment.

 Deleted User 59958 0

Voyager2k10 wrote: 3 years ago
sako1031 wrote: 3 years ago
How about a
Blackhorn's Face
on merc? its got prevent monster heal/slow target/light absorb could add socket for
on it. Or a
Vampire Gaze
for physical damage reduction.
Treachery will be a better pick for armor, since it god 15lv
cast when struck which will give 60% all-resist but also give 15% physical damage reduction.
Prevent monster heal doesn't work on ubers afaik. That would be too easy now, would it.


I'd imagine this to be brutally hard with a summoner tbh. Maintaining enough dps even with uber gear seems like a massive challenge to me but I am no necro expert. I played a summoner once back in the very early days of D2. Getting the necessary resists wouldn't even be the hardest part IMO.
Yeah, just saw a bunch of videos and found it's not that easy.
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xSD 146

Barbarian Americas PC
Cast confusion on mobs, it won't overwrite the decrip and helps give you more CC and take less damage.
Doing Ubers as a summoner is all about beeing fast on kills. If you are unlucky and merc gets killed right away, its realy hard, if your udars run out of time and you got to get new, it gets even harder, eventualy you will not find enough to recover and need to get the tree guys. So having insane dps and open woulds is the
. You can try and get a range weapon with open wounds and if your merc dies you can shoot urselve. Infinity realy help, Enigma ofc. Doing ubers with a summoner is realy more like giving yourselve a ssf challenge in a trade league. Doing it the hard way on purpose even if it so much easier with a smiter :)

I know what i am talking about. I got Enigma, Infinity, Beast, 20/20 Torch, full inventory of skiller 35+ Life, max resist, merc got 2500 def Duress and 10ll andariels with 15% ias 30% FR jewel and sometimes i need to get help.

 Deleted User 59958 0

xSD wrote: 3 years ago
Cast confusion on mobs, it won't overwrite the decrip and helps give you more CC and take less damage.
Last time I tried it will overwrite, unless it's just a screen bug. And I think confusion only make monsters to attack the target, they could still attack your character if stay too close.

 Deleted User 59958 0

Tirpath wrote: 3 years ago
Doing Ubers as a summoner is all about beeing fast on kills. If you are unlucky and merc gets killed right away, its realy hard, if your udars run out of time and you got to get new, it gets even harder, eventualy you will not find enough to recover and need to get the tree guys. So having insane dps and open woulds is the
. You can try and get a range weapon with open wounds and if your merc dies you can shoot urselve. Infinity realy help, Enigma ofc. Doing ubers with a summoner is realy more like giving yourselve a ssf challenge in a trade league. Doing it the hard way on purpose even if it so much easier with a smiter :)

I know what i am talking about. I got Enigma, Infinity, Beast, 20/20 Torch, full inventory of skiller 35+ Life, max resist, merc got 2500 def Duress and 10ll andariels with 15% ias 30% FR jewel and sometimes i need to get help.
Yes, it feels pretty much like a matter of luck. I tried this because I used weaker build to beat uber in original game in PlugY mods and it's almost zero difficulties. It turns out the real one is much harder. A smiter would be more appropriate.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Couple of things that stand out to me:

1) Practice. Sounds like one of your main problems is simply that you can't separate
from Diablo. All that one takes is practice and a bit of patience. Note that - unlike
- these two tend to not immediately run at you. So even when you're far enough in to aggro one, you might think you need to step further in (and get the 2nd) simply because he didn't start running towards you get. Sometimes, you just need to give it a bit or step in and out a couple times before the first one finally charges. Given that practice though, you should be able to separate them 100% of the time.

2) Malice. While the 100% open wounds is hard to argue against, you also can't overlook the fact that the actual base damage of Malice is..well, terrible. And that in turn means that any leech your merc may have is abysmally low which then obviously makes it that much harder for him to actually survive in general.
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rikus 150

Assassin Americas PC
Wow ubers sounds scary. I won’t survive this. What kind of loot are we speaking that it’s worth that much?

Honestly it sounds like bliz was testing gameplay of epic runs of world of Warcraft.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

They're not that scary. They just don't work with any old build (or by blindly charging all 3 at once without the gear to back that up).

As for the loot, they're the only source for hellfire torches. So yeah, def worth it.
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xSD 146

Barbarian Americas PC
DY050503 wrote: 3 years ago
xSD wrote: 3 years ago
Cast confusion on mobs, it won't overwrite the decrip and helps give you more CC and take less damage.
Last time I tried it will overwrite, unless it's just a screen bug. And I think confusion only make monsters to attack the target, they could still attack your character if stay too close.
Confusion literally does not work on act bosses so no, it will not overwrite your Decrip on the main boss. Anytime a new wave of creeps spawn, recast confusion.
DY050503 wrote: 3 years ago
sako1031 wrote: 3 years ago
How about a
Blackhorn's Face
on merc? its got prevent monster heal/slow target/light absorb could add socket for
on it. Or a
Vampire Gaze
for physical damage reduction.
Treachery will be a better pick for armor, since it god 15lv
cast when struck which will give 60% all-resist but also give 15% physical damage reduction.
Good advice, I'll try if merc can survive with these equipment.
Playing my Nerco and using my
Iron Golem
, i think you could use a weapon with open wound for the golem to prevent healing =p such as
The Gnasher
gave CB and OW .

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