Background: This site is amazing and the community is wonderful! Because of d2io I have been able to accumulate quite a bit of Wealth. I much prefer trading over the actual act of playing d2, I know I'm one of those weirdos
Eligibility: Your account must have been created before this posting AND your hearts received plus your trade trust received must be equal to, or greater than 10. I understand this might be a bit controversial. Both jazman and I strongly want these spoils to go to people who are active in the community.
Edit Note: I encourage players of all platforms to participate. There are enough active people here who can transfer between PC and console.
Contest: What is the single highest skill level number, for a single skill, that can be legitimately displayed on each character class's skills tab? (For example: is level 38 Charge the skill with the highest number that can be displayed for the Paladin ?). So pick a class and come up with the craziest combination of items that gives the most plus to a skill that you can think of! These items can include plus to all skills, plus to skill trees, and plus to individual skills.
Note: I do not know what the answer is, nor am I going to try and figure it out. I will simply pick the highest submission as the winners.
- Only ONE submission per person (not one submission per class)
- Please don't google it, use your creativity!
- No editing your submission once it's been posted
- Must include a build proving how you got to that skill number and what the skill is. Can be a typed-out list of gear, charms, skills used or can be a maxroll screenshot (NO LINK)
- Legitimate build only. A build that would pass the bnet online servers check. No hero editor, hacked, fused (I know these can theoretically legitimately spawn, but I'm creating the rules here), or any other non-sense items.
- You cannot duplicate someone's post. However, if someone picks a skill, and you can make that skill a higher number with a different build you can submit that.
- The giveaway/contest will run from the time it is posted to 27 May 2024 1000 PST
Group A:
- Jah (7x 2x)
- Ber (1x)
- Sur (1x)
- Lo (1x)
- Ohm(1x)
- Rotting Fissure (-70) (1x)
- Eschuta's Temper (+3/14 lite/18 fire /23 energy) (1x)
- Cold Facet (-5/+4 Die) (1x)
- Steelrend (54ed/170def/17str) (1x)
- Griffon's Eye (-15/+13/+186def) (1os) (1x)
- Shako 111def (1x)
- Poison Facet (-5/+4 Die) (1x)
- T-gods (194ed) (1x)
- Bul-Kathos Ring (4ll) (4x)
- Bul-Kathos Ring (3ll) (1x)
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun and I've probably written bad rules with loopholes. Please don't exploit any potential loopholes. Good luck and don't forget to include your +1 to skills from Call To Arms