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Stay a while and listen!

Background: This site is amazing and the community is wonderful! Because of d2io I have been able to accumulate quite a bit of Wealth. I much prefer trading over the actual act of playing d2, I know I'm one of those weirdos 😋. Now I feel I'm in a good position to give back. I teamed up with @jazman, who provided everything but the
runes (well he also provided one
lol) for this small event. So please give them a huge
out, seriously. The prizes would have been boring without him.

Eligibility: Your account must have been created before this posting AND your hearts received plus your trade trust received must be equal to, or greater than 10. I understand this might be a bit controversial. Both jazman and I strongly want these spoils to go to people who are active in the community.
Edit Note: I encourage players of all platforms to participate. There are enough active people here who can transfer between PC and console.

Contest: What is the single highest skill level number, for a single skill, that can be legitimately displayed on each character class's skills tab? (For example: is level 38
the skill with the highest number that can be displayed for the Paladin ?). So pick a class and come up with the craziest combination of items that gives the most plus to a skill that you can think of! These items can include plus to all skills, plus to skill trees, and plus to individual skills.
Note: I do not know what the answer is, nor am I going to try and figure it out. I will simply pick the highest submission as the winners.

  • Only ONE submission per person (not one submission per class)
  • Please don't google it, use your creativity!
  • No editing your submission once it's been posted
  • Must include a build proving how you got to that skill number and what the skill is. Can be a typed-out list of gear, charms, skills used or can be a maxroll screenshot (NO LINK)
  • Legitimate build only. A build that would pass the bnet online servers check. No hero editor, hacked, fused (I know these can theoretically legitimately spawn, but I'm creating the rules here), or any other non-sense items.
  • You cannot duplicate someone's post. However, if someone picks a skill, and you can make that skill a higher number with a different build you can submit that.
  • The giveaway/contest will run from the time it is posted to 27 May 2024 1000 PST
Winner Selection: There will be 7 winners, one winner for each character class. The submission with the highest skill depicted for that character class will win. Each winner will get to pick one prize from each prize group. The winner with single highest skill submitted (regardless of character class chosen) will win the grand prize which is TWO prizes from each prize group. If there is a tie between two character classes, then the earlier submission of the two will break the tie. The prize selections will go in order of submittal date, except for the grand prize who will get to pick first. Once this ends, it will take me a few days to sort through the winners, and verify if the math from the builds check out. Please be patient.

Group A: Group B:
  • Cold Facet (-5/+4 Die) (1x)
Group C:
  • Poison Facet (-5/+4 Die) (1x)
  • T-gods (194ed) (1x)
  • Bul-Kathos Ring (4ll) (4x)
  • Bul-Kathos Ring (3ll) (1x)

Disclaimer: This is all in good fun and I've probably written bad rules with loopholes. Please don't exploit any potential loopholes. Good luck and don't forget to include your +1 to skills from Call To Arms 😉
Description by Knappogue

Can be used to make Runewords:

Stay a while and listen!

Background: This site is amazing and the community is wonderful! Because of d2io I have been able to accumulate quite a bit of Wealth. I much prefer trading over the actual act of playing d2, I know I'm one of those weirdos 😋. Now I feel I'm in a good position to give back. I teamed up with @jazman, who provided everything but the
runes (well he also provided one
lol) for this small event. So please give them a huge
out, seriously. The prizes would have been boring without him.

Eligibility: Your account must have been created before this posting AND your hearts received plus your trade trust received must be equal to, or greater than 10. I understand this might be a bit controversial. Both jazman and I strongly want these spoils to go to people who are active in the community.
Edit Note: I encourage players of all platforms to participate. There are enough active people here who can transfer between PC and console.

Contest: What is the single highest skill level number, for a single skill, that can be legitimately displayed on each character class's skills tab? (For example: is level 38
the skill with the highest number that can be displayed for the Paladin ?). So pick a class and come up with the craziest combination of items that gives the most plus to a skill that you can think of! These items can include plus to all skills, plus to skill trees, and plus to individual skills.
Note: I do not know what the answer is, nor am I going to try and figure it out. I will simply pick the highest submission as the winners.

  • Only ONE submission per person (not one submission per class)
  • Please don't google it, use your creativity!
  • No editing your submission once it's been posted
  • Must include a build proving how you got to that skill number and what the skill is. Can be a typed-out list of gear, charms, skills used or can be a maxroll screenshot (NO LINK)
  • Legitimate build only. A build that would pass the bnet online servers check. No hero editor, hacked, fused (I know these can theoretically legitimately spawn, but I'm creating the rules here), or any other non-sense items.
  • You cannot duplicate someone's post. However, if someone picks a skill, and you can make that skill a higher number with a different build you can submit that.
  • The giveaway/contest will run from the time it is posted to 27 May 2024 1000 PST
Winner Selection: There will be 7 winners, one winner for each character class. The submission with the highest skill depicted for that character class will win. Each winner will get to pick one prize from each prize group. The winner with single highest skill submitted (regardless of character class chosen) will win the grand prize which is TWO prizes from each prize group. If there is a tie between two character classes, then the earlier submission of the two will break the tie. The prize selections will go in order of submittal date, except for the grand prize who will get to pick first. Once this ends, it will take me a few days to sort through the winners, and verify if the math from the builds check out. Please be patient.

Group A: Group B:
  • Cold Facet (-5/+4 Die) (1x)
Group C:
  • Poison Facet (-5/+4 Die) (1x)
  • T-gods (194ed) (1x)
  • Bul-Kathos Ring (4ll) (4x)
  • Bul-Kathos Ring (3ll) (1x)

Disclaimer: This is all in good fun and I've probably written bad rules with loopholes. Please don't exploit any potential loopholes. Good luck and don't forget to include your +1 to skills from Call To Arms 😉

I am permanently no longer accepting
runes as trade currency
Current Winner's List (full detailed breakdown on page two of this thread)

Grand Prize @Necrarch Level 62
Bone Armor
Necromancer (tie breaker was the time of submission) (Prizes Received)
2nd Place @Dromar186 Level 62
Claws of Thunder
Assassin (Prizes Received)
3rd Place @krathkor Level 58
Barbarian (tie breaker was the time of submission) (Prizes Selected)
4th Place @Nikanu Level 58 Armagedon Druid (Prizes Received)
5th Place @mohoo Level 56
Lightning Fury
Amazon (Prizes Received)

I am permanently no longer accepting
runes as trade currency
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Necrarch 2408Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Hmm, makes lots to think of, but great initiative ! Thanks mate !


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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TheDoo 387

Europe PC
Here goes nothing... My guess would be:

Class: Sorceress

Max skill count: 56 with CtA (55 without CtA on swap)
Picture: Gear: Flickering Flame,
Ormus' Robes
Arachnid Mesh
, 2x SoJ, +3 Fire amulet, Leaf in +3
staff, Anni, Torch, 9x Fire Skillers, CtA

Nice giveaway and splendid idea! However, unfortunately, I think some classes have enormous advantages to fight for the ultimate prize. :(
Good luck everyone and have fun! :)

P.S. Heck I made a mistake on accident, don't know if this edit will count even tho nobody saw it (I put the wrong picture). :((((

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
skill -

cta 1
combat skillers 9
torch 3
anni 1
Fury 5
Fury 5
Enigma 2
Master's magic barb
w. +3
staffmod 6
maras 2
bk ring 1
bk ring 1
gloves 2

total 38

38 + 20 hard points = lvl 58

apparently barb combat skills do now spawn on amulets...
TheDoo wrote: 10 months ago
Nice giveaway and splendid idea! However, unfortunately, I think some classes have enormous advantages to fight for the ultimate prize. :(
Good luck everyone and have fun! :)
I agree that some classes have advantages over other's, there where the "submit first" comes into play. This is the most fair way I could think of. There were enough prizes to do 8 winners, I really wanted there to be 8 character classes, but no dice.
TheDoo wrote: 10 months ago
P.S. Heck I made a mistake on accident, don't know if this edit will count even tho nobody saw it (I put the wrong picture). :((((
That is fine, since no one posted a submission between your post and edit 😄

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runes as trade currency
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TheDoo 387

Europe PC
Sorry for double post but I know for sure that there is a class that can easily beat my score for the ultimate/double prize... Now I left some room to see if someone figures it out because it's gonna be fun to follow this thread and see who comes up with that solution. I just wanted to play a bit with the numbers, not expecting to win anything, but know for sure this is not the highest a single skill can go in general. :D

Sooooo gooood luck people! :D

Edit: Big shoutout to @jazman as well (dunno how I forgot to write that, whooopsies)!!!

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
krathkor wrote: 10 months ago
apparently barb combat skills do now spawn on amulets...
"Do not*" or "do now"?

I am permanently no longer accepting
runes as trade currency
Knappogue wrote: 10 months ago
krathkor wrote: 10 months ago
apparently barb combat skills do now spawn on amulets...
"Do not*" or "do now"?
"do not" , from
Arreat Summit
Here to congratulate you for the nice contest idea and to thank you for spreading the Wealth. :)

I will be mostly offline for the next 2 months. I won't keep any trades active during this period. I will hold another giveaway on my return.
You can contact me for rune trades if you see me online during this period. Best of luck!
I guess it's barbarian and
Battle Orders

What i am sure:
  • Skillers: 9
    Hellfire Torch
    : 3
    Anihilus: 1
    Armor: Enigma +2
    Amulet: +3 to Warcries (they do spawn, i sold one a couple of weeks back)
    Ring: +2 (2x Stone of Jordan)
    : Arachs +1
Now, the following items i really don't know if they are the most skills possible, so i'm running a chance here.
Total: 20 hard points + 32 from gear = 52.
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mohoo 36

Europe PC
Congrats for this nice contest ! :-)

I give it a try !

Amazon /
Lightning Fury

Rare Javelins +6 Java Skills (Lancer's
Matriarchal Javelin
Spirit Shield +2 all skills
Rare lancer's gloves +3 JS
Thundergod's Vigor
Lightning Fury

Harlequin Crest
Enigma +2
Mara's Kaleidoscope
Stone of Jordan x2 +2
9 skiller charms + Torch + Anni = +13
Battle Command
Base Skill 20

Total 56
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Necrarch 2408Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
I'll go on with my beloved necro.

Skill :
Bone Armor

> Skill points 20
> CtA 1
> Skill shrine 2 (who thought of that one ?)
> 9 skillers + torch + anni : 13
That's 36 out of the gear itself that any class can reach.

White with +3
Bone Armor
base : 9
Any +2 armor (Enigma / CoH...) : 2
Venomous necro head with + 3
Bone Armor
base : 6
Venomous amulet : 3
: 3
Arach : 1
Double SoJ / BK : 2
Gloves /
do not bring anything

On gear : 26

For a total of level 62 on
Bone Armor
. :)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
How about an Assassin? With
Dragon Flight
or whatever other Martial Arts ability.

9x Shogukusha's Grand Charms = 9
Anni & Torch = 4
2 Mosaics with +3
Dragon Flight
each = 10
Arachnid's Mesh = 1
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
= 2
+3 Martial Arts amulet = 3
+2 Martial Arts gloves = 2
Chains of Honor = 2

That's +32 from inventory for Lv 52
Dragon Flight
Blades of Ice
or whatever!

I'm going to edit because I was a dope and forgot headpiece! Disqualify me if you must :)

+3 from Martial Arts
= 55
Dragon Flight
, and I didn't even think about skill shrine or CTA on swap for another +3 to 58. Good call previous posters :)
Another edit: I realized I only had +2 martial arts gloves... what a dummy. Should be 60, but whatever, I suck at math XD

Hardcore mode is my jam. Played a lot of D1. Played D2 from its release till about 2010, then lots of D3 for most of the 2010's. 29 year Magic: the Gathering player. 12 year League of Legends player.
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
> Skill shrine 2 (who thought of that one ?)
I was wondering how long it was going to take for someone to come up with the +2 from Skill Shrine 😁

I am permanently no longer accepting
runes as trade currency
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
I'll go on with my beloved necro.

Skill :
Bone Armor

For a total of level 62 on
Bone Armor
. :)
lol this site's skill tool only goes to 60...
Would go with
Skeleton Mastery

9 Skiller
3 torch
1 anni
7 White (3 in base)
6 necro shield (3 in base, 3 summoning)
3 blue amulet
2 rings (soj, bul kathos)
2 armor (Enigma, etc.)
3 blue helmet
1 arachs


20 from skill points

3 shrine+cta

EDIT since necro was already taken, kudos! :)

And since I edited I'm of course out and happily so, it was just a nice thought exercise. Next best I can think of would be an assa build as shown below (if that turns out well enough to win something, anyone feel free to pick it up!)

Will be interesting to see how the thread continues and what other builds people will come up with :)

Good luck to everyone!

Fist of Fire Assassin:

9 Skiller
3 torch
1 anni
10 dual Mosaic (3 in each base)
3 blue amulet
2 rings (soj, bul kathos)
2 armor (Enigma, etc.)
3 Flickering Flame helmet
1 arachs
3 blue gloves

20 from skill points

3 shrine+cta
krathkor wrote: 10 months ago
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
I'll go on with my beloved necro.

Skill :
Bone Armor

For a total of level 62 on
Bone Armor
. :)
lol this site's skill tool only goes to 60...
That was actually the nexus of this giveaway lol

I am permanently no longer accepting
runes as trade currency
I just made my first Chaos ever (including LoD), so I'm good, thank you.
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TheDoo 387

Europe PC
Necrarch wrote: 10 months ago
I'll go on with my beloved necro.

Skill :
Bone Armor
There ya go, that's The One! :D Congrats Mr. Necro-master! Weeell, I guess another one would be with SM since you can incorporate
as well there, but IIRC it's a tie (I made those calculations long time ago xd)... :)
P.S. A hint for someone else that comes after me, if you can't find any other skill and equipment combo that can go further than 58 (so 59+) for Sorc, just use mine and add +2 from Skill shrine if that counts. :D Good luck to whoever sees this first I guess. :P

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."


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