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Act 5 Merc - Is Sazabi's Grand Tribute a budget option or a good option?

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I saw some people saying they use Sazabi's Grand Tribute on their Act 5 Merc.

For me, on paper at least, Sazabi's Grand Tribute seems way worse than the typical options:
- Fortitude
Andariel's Visage
Vampire Gaze

- 2 Runewords (Lawbringer / Plague /
Crescent Moon
/ Last Wish / Death / Hustle, etc...)

Is Sazabi's Grand Tribute just a budget option or am I missing something?

Can be used to make Runewords:

I saw some people saying they use Sazabi's Grand Tribute on their Act 5 Merc.

For me, on paper at least, Sazabi's Grand Tribute seems way worse than the typical options:
- Fortitude
Andariel's Visage
Vampire Gaze

- 2 Runewords (Lawbringer / Plague /
Crescent Moon
/ Last Wish / Death / Hustle, etc...)

Is Sazabi's Grand Tribute just a budget option or am I missing something?

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
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It’s mostly because it’s a budget survival set - the merc will rarely die (big bonuses to life, life steal, res, hit recovery, poison reduction - it’s got basically all the survivability a merc need), but only does ok damage - no open wounds, crushing blow,
Critical Strike
, auras, curses, ect.

Your other options add much more value, but are very expensive
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Necrarch 2269Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
I use Sazabi on my a5 merc for my zon.

It's an excellent survival option, but it's also because I love sets.
And you can custom this quite well: 2nd sword + 3 jewels.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
I use sazabi set + Lawbringer on my a5 merc for bow sorc.

He rarely dies due to the mix of high physical damage reduction %, massive life stolen hit %, and the % maximum life increase. The downside is he does next to no damage against demons or beasts.

I think it's worth it just so I don't have to look for more andys or make another Fortitude. I just need him to stall groups of monsters without dying anyway so the lack of damage isn't an issue.
Ever since the changes implemented the remastered (new & improved) Sazabi's Grand Tribute sees renewed interest in it's use, esp with Act 5 Merc.

Super underrated but now i'm glad it's finally taken renewed reception - been selling all parts of the set with quick turn around.

There is already 1 or 2 discussions for this Set previously (see below for Similar threads..)

The basis for this set is simply to Tank, not to kill. Hrothgar can bask against any aura enchanted Deathlord pack - NP.

I do this by making him use Lawbringer on his offhand (RHW slot) *
The decrep works (to me) 50% of the time after he gets frenzied , telestomp on First in line in the pack and hopefully a Decrep kicks in.
Cast FOH simultaneously, then finish off any stranglers with individual HB.

* alternative choices include Plague , Hustle &

Currently moving on to Path Of Exile 2 - Always looking for ORBS. PM if you wish to trade.

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veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
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