On Season 3 I played a Necro Summoner, and wanted to assemble the biggest army possible (beside de typical 20 Skeleton Mastery & 20 Raise Skeleton, I had 20 Skeletal Mage and start to spent extra points in Revive)
As a non-ladder player now, I "ressurrected" that Necro
After admit to myself that my damage really comes from Corpse Explosion and not from my Minions,
I decided to test playing only with the Skeleton Warrior (without creating any Revive or Skeletal Mage).
(I'm playing mostly "Players 1", farming high density areas - like Cows - and I don't have Enigma)
After a few games I feel no loss on my offense power, and the game seems way faster and fluid
(I assemble my "initial army" much faster, I do not spent time creating Revive at end of each other fight, and the better, on "closed areas" my Skeleton/Merc never keep stuck behind a Skeletal Mage anymore