If I have and Act 5 merc with Unbending Will + Lawbringer
How does Taunt and Decrepify interact?
(The last one stays? One of them have priority - please be Decrepify?
How does Taunt and Decrepify interact?
(The last one stays? One of them have priority - please be Decrepify?
Can be used to make Runewords:
If I have and Act 5 merc with Unbending Will + Lawbringer
How does Taunt and Decrepify interact?
(The last one stays? One of them have priority - please be Decrepify?
How does Taunt and Decrepify interact?
(The last one stays? One of them have priority - please be Decrepify?
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
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Time Zone: GMT-3
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You don't even need Unbending Will to make yourself hate your merc. Frenzy mercs bring Taunt by default. And said Taunt will overwrite whatever curse you may currently have on the target.
Having even more Taunt via Unbending Will just makes it even worse/more annoying.
There is no priority other than "whatever hits last wins" so whatever was your latest proc (or cast from the merc's own Taunt) will be active until something else procs/is cast that overwrites it.
On the plus side, Taunt is single target. So at least you keep decrep on the mobs that your merc isn't going after but that are close enough to still get hit by the decrep procs.
Having even more Taunt via Unbending Will just makes it even worse/more annoying.
There is no priority other than "whatever hits last wins" so whatever was your latest proc (or cast from the merc's own Taunt) will be active until something else procs/is cast that overwrites it.
On the plus side, Taunt is single target. So at least you keep decrep on the mobs that your merc isn't going after but that are close enough to still get hit by the decrep procs.
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
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Time Zone: GMT-3
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I use the combination Lawbringer + Hustle.
The merc procs Decrepify so often that the self cast Taunt really isnt an issue.
The merc procs Decrepify so often that the self cast Taunt really isnt an issue.
My understanding was that an A5 merc can only wield one handed swords, which limits you to a Phase Blade for Unbending Will. Given the low base damage compared with something like a Colossus Sword, you'll be missing out on most of the enhanced damage benefit from the runeword.
So misunderstood, but what's a world without Enigma?
I was aware of that
But what I was thinking is that Unbending Will is considerable cheaper than other runeword options and I already had a 6S Phase Blade and the runes...
(also it has Life Leach - so I'm not forced to use an item with it on Body or Head)
Anyway... The Taunt interaction, plus the fact that I need to equip +DEX itens form merc to use a Phase Blade, made go another away

But what I was thinking is that Unbending Will is considerable cheaper than other runeword options and I already had a 6S Phase Blade and the runes...
(also it has Life Leach - so I'm not forced to use an item with it on Body or Head)
Anyway... The Taunt interaction, plus the fact that I need to equip +DEX itens form merc to use a Phase Blade, made go another away

For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Time Zone: GMT-3
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Can always just got with a second Lawbringer! Double the chance to Decrepify, and I think Sanctuary stacks? Depends what areas you're running but I've been using it myself for a bit now.fredkid wrote: 1 year ago I was aware of that![]()
But what I was thinking is that Unbending Will is considerable cheaper than other runeword options and I already had a 6S Phase Blade and the runes...
(also it has Life Leach - so I'm not forced to use an item with it on Body or Head)
Anyway... The Taunt interaction, plus the fact that I need to equip +DEX itens form merc to use a Phase Blade, made go another away![]()
So misunderstood, but what's a world without Enigma?
It was the end goal
but for now I could make only one Lawbringer ... so I needed to think something for the other weapon... for now I will just get the higher damage 1h sword I had...
They changed Dream to the Shock aura stack some patches ago. Don't know if the same thing happen for all items (but the Decrepify proc doubles for sure

They changed Dream to the Shock aura stack some patches ago. Don't know if the same thing happen for all items (but the Decrepify proc doubles for sure

For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Not sure what change you're referring to for Dream (item aura stacking isn't new) but curses don't behave like that. They won't just double up in terms of "curse applied twice = twice as effective!". What will double up though is the proc chances since you can then trigger it on either weapon swing. So once triggered, it is the same as with one but you do get more uptime to to more frequent triggering. Whether that makes a 2nd Lawbringer worth it..I would challenge.fredkid wrote: 1 year ago It was the end goalbut for now I could make only one Lawbringer ... so I needed to think something for the other weapon... for now I will just get the higher damage 1h sword I had...
They changed Dream to the Shock aura stack some patches ago. Don't know if the same thing happen for all items (but the Decrepify proc doubles for sure)
It's still a decent combo for leveling. And yes, they overwrite!
For the end gear I may suggest, from my own personal experience (that is also quite budget friendly), something like Djinn Slayer Headstriker combo or even 2 Headstriker is a very, very nice raw dmg output. If you are a specific elemental dmg dealer then you might want to consider something like Crescent Moon with Djinn or Lightsabre, [if you can find yourself] Azurewrath (cold + magic) or even Bloodmoon (for big LL boost).
For a long time I was using Djinn + Frostwind even (for that juicy fire + cold combo) and I have to say it's surprisingly good, even great (ofc this is on players 1 but still).
On the other hand, the true end gear most people use for Frenzy baba is a Grief + Last Wish combo.
P.S. I founded out that for the pure raw physical dmg output, apparently is the best to have 2 ethereal Headstriker. Now that being said, from all the drops in D2R I probably got about 15 Headstrikers and never an ethereal one.
For the end gear I may suggest, from my own personal experience (that is also quite budget friendly), something like Djinn Slayer Headstriker combo or even 2 Headstriker is a very, very nice raw dmg output. If you are a specific elemental dmg dealer then you might want to consider something like Crescent Moon with Djinn or Lightsabre, [if you can find yourself] Azurewrath (cold + magic) or even Bloodmoon (for big LL boost).
For a long time I was using Djinn + Frostwind even (for that juicy fire + cold combo) and I have to say it's surprisingly good, even great (ofc this is on players 1 but still).
On the other hand, the true end gear most people use for Frenzy baba is a Grief + Last Wish combo.
P.S. I founded out that for the pure raw physical dmg output, apparently is the best to have 2 ethereal Headstriker. Now that being said, from all the drops in D2R I probably got about 15 Headstrikers and never an ethereal one.
Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
I didn't mean that aura stack is new, I meaned that its not a thing that existed since the start of the game (https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Dream_Rune_Word - says it starts in patch 1.14D), so I don't discard the chance that they didn't apply this change to all cases...Schnorki wrote: 1 year agoNot sure what change you're referring to for Dream (item aura stacking isn't new) but curses don't behave like that. They won't just double up in terms of "curse applied twice = twice as effective!". What will double up though is the proc chances since you can then trigger it on either weapon swing. So once triggered, it is the same as with one but you do get more uptime to to more frequent triggering. Whether that makes a 2nd Lawbringer worth it..I would challenge.fredkid wrote: 1 year ago It was the end goalbut for now I could make only one Lawbringer ... so I needed to think something for the other weapon... for now I will just get the higher damage 1h sword I had...
They changed Dream to the Shock aura stack some patches ago. Don't know if the same thing happen for all items (but the Decrepify proc doubles for sure)
About " Decrepify proc doubles", I meaned what you explaned, two Lawbringer will make you feel like "~40% Chance To Cast Decrepify On Striking"
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
I will try Lawbringer + Frostwind for now.TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago It's still a decent combo for leveling. And yes, they overwrite!
For the end gear I may suggest, from my own personal experience (that is also quite budget friendly), something like Djinn Slayer Headstriker combo or even 2 Headstriker is a very, very nice raw dmg output. If you are a specific elemental dmg dealer then you might want to consider something like Crescent Moon with Djinn or Lightsabre, [if you can find yourself] Azurewrath (cold + magic) or even Bloodmoon (for big LL boost).
For a long time I was using Djinn + Frostwind even (for that juicy fire + cold combo) and I have to say it's surprisingly good, even great (ofc this is on players 1 but still).
On the other hand, the true end gear most people use for Frenzy baba is a Grief + Last Wish combo.
P.S. I founded out that for the pure raw physical dmg output, apparently is the best to have 2 ethereal Headstriker. Now that being said, from all the drops in D2R I probably got about 15 Headstrikers and never an ethereal one.
(already have a Frostwind)
Last Wish is for billionaries only
I don't want to invest much on the second weapon for now... To inve$t in something, seems to be a better option get a The Reaper's Toll and go with the Act2 Mercenary
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Aura stacking works like this since auras from runewords became a thing
(That behaviour of Dream, as "as of patch 1.14d ...." was already present when Dream was released back in ...
It was one of the first ladder only runewords right?)
There was a "minor" aura stacking bug with A3 Mercs though. Were some Strange times when everyone was running around with a3 Mercs.
But that was a bit overpowered and got then fixed by blizz
For clarification: the bug was probably universal for all Mercs, not only a3 ones. It was that those were the ones that were most abused for that.
I don't know for sure how the bug manifested because I haven't played much at that time. But I think it boiled down to giving the Merc 2 dreams and then remove and reequip one of those a few times. The aura didn't reset and the merc then had a, let's say, LVL 120 Holy Shock aura
(That behaviour of Dream, as "as of patch 1.14d ...." was already present when Dream was released back in ...
It was one of the first ladder only runewords right?)
There was a "minor" aura stacking bug with A3 Mercs though. Were some Strange times when everyone was running around with a3 Mercs.
But that was a bit overpowered and got then fixed by blizz
For clarification: the bug was probably universal for all Mercs, not only a3 ones. It was that those were the ones that were most abused for that.
I don't know for sure how the bug manifested because I haven't played much at that time. But I think it boiled down to giving the Merc 2 dreams and then remove and reequip one of those a few times. The aura didn't reset and the merc then had a, let's say, LVL 120 Holy Shock aura
This is my Zealer. There aren't many like him and this one is mine.
My Zealer is my best friend. He is my life. I must master him as I must master my life.
Without me, my Zealer is useless. Without my Zealer, i am useless.
My Zealer is my best friend. He is my life. I must master him as I must master my life.
Without me, my Zealer is useless. Without my Zealer, i am useless.
I can confirm that this (or rather similar) bug still exists but only when you do a reset via Akara or Token. If you have an aura or a skill that adds something on top of your damage and you reset, and then you unequip or not use the said skill and you go out of town things magically stack (for example you have a Dream shield and after reset you unequip and switch to Dragon). You can also visually see both auras as they are both still active even tho you actually have only 1 of those. Now if I properly saw (never really invest time to test more on this matter) it goes off even when you change Act (aka tele to other act from wps) not maps/areas tho (I think or maybe if you use wps in general? dunno). I definitely remember this aura bug being there for hours sometimes... It ofc resets back to normal when you exit game (not the whole game, just save & quit and remaking game does the trick). Don't know about the Merc's bug tho.Flippy wrote: 1 year ago I don't know for sure how the bug manifested because I haven't played much at that time. But I think it boiled down to giving the Merc 2 dreams and then remove and reequip one of those a few times. The aura didn't reset and the merc then had a, let's say, LVL 120 Holy Shock aura
Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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