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So I'm about to attempt ubers with my Mosaic sin shortly.
Got nats
, maras, torch and anni,
, 15res ring, etc...
is max.
Life is at 1.7k and I don't have a CtA.
My plan is to approach them, split meph off, then go back through the portal get charges, have a ryme shield and
Life Tap
on swap and try to kill meph before
Life Tap
runs out. Then do the other two. Probably be wearing tals armor for meph and otherwise Hustle.
I think I might be able to max out cold and lightning res just barely or fall slightly short with mephs aura.
One idea floating in my head is ditch the headgear, ditch
and go full ham with res with kira and another all res ring.

Any tips and or suggestions about this build? Errors to my plan or something I did forget?
There's plenty of videos where people are steam rolling them with decked out builds, since I don't have that I'm gonna try the slow approach.
I have 6 points into fist of fire, so is it still worth it to use PS
1 or should I stick with 2/3?
Description by Insomnia

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So I'm about to attempt ubers with my Mosaic sin shortly.
Got nats
, maras, torch and anni,
, 15res ring, etc...
is max.
Life is at 1.7k and I don't have a CtA.
My plan is to approach them, split meph off, then go back through the portal get charges, have a ryme shield and
Life Tap
on swap and try to kill meph before
Life Tap
runs out. Then do the other two. Probably be wearing tals armor for meph and otherwise Hustle.
I think I might be able to max out cold and lightning res just barely or fall slightly short with mephs aura.
One idea floating in my head is ditch the headgear, ditch
and go full ham with res with kira and another all res ring.

Any tips and or suggestions about this build? Errors to my plan or something I did forget?
There's plenty of videos where people are steam rolling them with decked out builds, since I don't have that I'm gonna try the slow approach.
I have 6 points into fist of fire, so is it still worth it to use PS
1 or should I stick with 2/3?
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
- Mosaic sin should work well
- aim at 300 light res, you can be lower for cold (250?) And others are fine at 175.
- i suppose you saw the path to split meph ?
- you know tp scrolls dont work in
Uber Tristram
- anyway get tons of full rejuvs and when you enter go right to drop a bunch there to refill.
- if you have crushing blow or a source of open wounds all the better, but if you do so much damage overall you'll be fine
- plan B: ensure you can call for help here in case of an issue (so either public game with not easy pass or friend join allowed with clean friends list)
- did already the minis ?
You have to do the 3 minis in the same session with 9 keys but then can continue or stop with actual Uber Tri when you have the 3 organs.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Great general tips thanks
I think I know about most of them but if there is a standard reproducible way to split meph away I'd like that. ( Would have just winged it )
Necrarch wrote: 2 years ago
- i suppose you saw the path to split meph ?
I found this video is that it? Don't pay attention to that see Schnorki's post.

What I'm also interested in is some strategies specific to the MA assasin when it comes to maintain charges. I can place the portal near the waypoint,
up at shenk and make it to one of their minions before the timer runs out. A question that pops in my mind is how feasible it is to recharge on the minions should the timer run out. This works fine with
Mind Blast
in normal situations or
zones but I'm not sure about uber trist.

I will probably be a few days before I make my attempt since I'm 3/4th of the way to 91 and don't want to throw away my progress. ^^
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

That..was honestly painful to watch. Suicide bombing in the hopes of randomly getting them to end up apart from one another in a semi-acceptable spot is about as daft of an idea as I've ever heard. Not to mention it'll very possibly take you forever to get anywhere with that. Just unnecessarily random and painful. Plus all you have to do with that, especially combined with the "pull them to the xyz area on the right" suggestion, is mess up/get unlucky once and they all end up on the portal, effectively shutting down your game for you and for many people who might otherwise bail you out as a lot of them will simply die on load screen at that point.

I posted this a while ago but it still holds true and after years and years is still my standard (and only) perfectly reliable (once you learn not to go in too far) approach on chars where I do bother to actually split them:
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Default locations aren't too vital as opposed to approach angles as their response to your presence differs a fair bit.

Order is of course a matter of preference (or just
in and take all 3) but if you wanna go for the classic meph to whomever to whomever is left then one easy way to ensure that is to go in from the top (between the 2 further up buildings) just far enough for meph to aggro and
you. The other two will ignore you. Pull him out to the top left (top right would work but risks blocking your portal if you fail) and have at it. Then just approach the other two from literally anywhere until one of them actually comes to you. VERY rarely will they both move at the same time, even when you do aggro both..more commonly neither will move for ages and they'll just spam random casts at you from a distance, not doing anything.

Basing it on your map there, this is pretty much my normal approach if I feel like doing one at a time (mad paint skills yo!): 1 = portal
2 = run over here to buff (far enough over so merc follows you there and doesn't mess up pathing/pulling)
3 = kill meph here
4 = kill the next one here (most of the time
reacts first, every so often it ends up being dia instead)
5 = clean up whomever is left

(Certainly not the only valid pathing/order, just the one I got used to over the decades)
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

As for Mosaic specifics, I only ran ubers with a fully geared one so the experience is bound to differ a bit but extrapolating from that/pieces that will hold true regardless:

- You can conveniently ignore any AR in your gearing as you will pre-
on random low mobs outside and will then hit 100% of the time no matter what, thanks to the finisher buff.
- Given enough gear (possibly not true yet), you can largely ignore
Life Tap
as cobra buffs your leech so hard, it suffices for the most part, even with their horrid drain effectiveness. In either case though (cobra or
Life Tap
), make sure not to use
Fists of Fire
as that will lower (all the way to 0 with higher levels) your physical damage and hence eliminate all of your leech.
- Given even more gear, you can use FoF and ignore all leech as you can just pull all 3 and they die in one big pack before you ever come close to being hurt.
- Gore riders are your friend. Not only do upped gores offer the highest base kick damage you can find on
but they add crushing and open wounds at the same time, maximizing your overall damage output. Especially while still at less gear, you really want at least some (gores is enough) open wounds to prevent their regen (remember that PMH doesn't work on ubers).
- As always, just
resistances across the board and try to at least get close (50+) against meph.
- While you could ditch
when using kira's, the cold absorb does help if your cold res is too low against meph so it may be worth having both.

I'd open the
portal next to the town portal location up top, not the waypoint. The reason being that you're probably not charging up on mobs next to a waypoint but mobs somewhere in some zone. So
up, tp to town, enter
right next to it and you end up with a solid 10+ seconds left to leisurely pull whatever your next pull is. Once you did pull, your charges shouldn't drop. Ever. If you stop attacking ubers for >15 seconds (or at all) post-pull, something obviously went wrong so just re-
outside and go again. I wouldn't bother trying to re-
on mephs skeletons after what has at that point already obviously gone wrong, all while continuing to be bombarded by him/them as you do that.

And as always, it never hurts to make sure you have someone ready to help you out in case it does go south. There's usually a number of folks here happy to help but depending on timing, you may still end up alone when not checking up front.

Personally, simplified, while not stacked on gear yet (and hence realistically knowing they'll take a while to kill -> you will get hurt along the way), I would say:
1) Get drac's
2) Get upped gores
3) Use the rest of your slots to
out resistances (including against meph)
4) Str/dex to use gear, full vita otherwise
Weapon Block
is your friend (should be obvious)
6) Max
Dragon Talon
(optional..typically bad for normal farming but optimized for ubers)
Done. Should be more than easy enough with that as you'll have plenty of standing power, drac's to keep you tapped indefinitely, OW covered to stop regen indefinitely and a bit of crushing blow on top to make up for what finisher damage may still be lacking.
I managed to take out Ubers before my Mosaic Sin was fully ready, it went a lot smoother than I was expecting!

For gear I used
Guillaume's Face
, Fortitude (though Duress/Smoke may have been better options honestly, Fort's enchanced damage doesn't do that much for the char),
Laying of Hands
String of Ears
Natalya's Soul
Dwarf Star
Raven Frost
, and a +1 Sin skills +20 all res rare amulet.

Edit: oops submitted instead of previewed..

Still not got my Call To Arms so I went in at level 80 with just over 1.1k life, and I had to take a
Life Tap
& I think
. I had an 11/13 Anni plus a handful of extra res charms, I'll log in and check what my stats are like geared up for Ubers and post my skill build.

As long as you can separate the three bosses you shouldn't have too hard of a time with them. Be wary about using 1
Phoenix Strike
too as the
spam can boot you from the game! I had that happen on my run right as the last boss was about to die, I was ready to quit the game for the night but luckily got straight back into my game.

I'd recommend getting your charges somewhere like
Arreat Plateau
as building up your charges on the attackable environment things like the doors, barricades, catapults, and fortification towers means you can hassle-free build them up then TP back to town and jump in. I baited
out similar to Schnorki's pic above, then brought him close to the red portal first to ensure my charges would still be up by the time I got to him. this was the build I got 'em down in. The Mosaic sin is a somewhat cheap and effective uber killer for sure.
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mhlg 1516

Americas PC
I've used Schnorki's route for every run and I have yet to die in a single one. The
is to take care when pulling
out, because he's the greatest threat of the three. Like most people I use Treachery to proc
before going in.

The video you posted is a mess so ignore it.

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
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Soli 14

That video was so funny. It has some useful things like the thawing and antidote potions, the
, the
Life Tap
, the Treachery proc (although I like the flames of
better), but yikes the put-all-your-stuff-away-and-die-to-move-them-around strategy... lol.

PS 1
TS 3
CS 3
BoI 3
CoT 3

. Pre

portal where the TPs open.

When you go build your charges in Frigid or
Bloody Foothills
or wherever, after it's all charged, go find an enemy, open your TP, hit that enemy again, and go back to town and enter the

(Referring to Schnorski's image) I usually don't go around the northern most house to get to point #2, but I'll go that way and pull Meph's attention. Usually he'll spawn a
you can tap again to refresh charges. Then you pull him back north to point #2/#3. Killing Meph IMO is the most dangerous part. High resistances are a must. I find
Tiger Strike
Cobra Strike
both at 1 point on 3 charges to be enough life leech, but I'll have to quaff a full rejuv maybe 2/3 times if I get down past 50% life at any point.

After that, I like to separate Diablo and
because I think fighting them both at the same time with Meteo-Rain falling causes me to DC. I'm at 10% DC rate on my keys with my Mosaic assassin, lol.

You can do this!!
I did ubers with a very basic Mosaic sin. The only gear I had that was even partially optimized was standard gore riders. I used kiras and Smoke for resistances and had LoH not dracs. No CoH, or any prebuffs, no rejuv potions even. I found I needed to use lifetap to stay alive vs
and meph because they would 2 shot me with low lifepool but otherwise it went fine and cobra kept me alive vs
, diablo and
. Didn't even need any absorb, though I think I was at 75 lres with mephs
. Definitely died a few times but as long as you have a private game with name and password that is re-enterable so you can easily grab your body you'll be fine.
Well, Schnorki mentioned it already, but I highly recommend to use upped Gores instead of Nats. Nats have horrible kick dmg (especially considerung you
Tigers too, which I also recommend) and phys dmg is your friend against ubers. I personally always run with PS1 for uber trist (due to same reason -> phys dmg). Was suprised to read it might kick you out of the game, haven´t had this issue once until now but maybe because I only gave 1 into DT and thus still have only a 3 kick attack due to lack of MA skillers, but yeah, creating an own game (custom name/pw) is anyhow recommendable, especially if you die and need to get your equip back by rejoining.
One thing I haven´t seen here too: Ground
Not only does it help you significantly with light res, the absorb also helps quite a lot. I always use it for ubers and
Über Izual
, even if I have to give up +2 assa skills and other adds from my
, it pays out.
Regarding your
Life Tap
2nd hand, Meph can spawn skellis real quick. You should think about a
staff instead to be able to approach him immediatly instead of relying to fight your way to him (or hoping to have nothing blocking your way to get to him). I also do not have a great maxed out build, and sometimes my life (1.6k with uber equip) drops scaringly low, but nothing a full rejuv can´t fix (avg reaction times implied)
i have a lvl 90 Mosaic Sin
with Infinity merc and what i can say is no problem at all to get the brain eye and horn
But when it comes to Uber-

(was my first) i ended up killed 3 times before gettin used to it ... no complain for two of them but
was really annoying i had to be at least half full of rejuv to make it alive

i end up with a 12 14 torch so im not sure if ill do more... -_-
do you all use Enigma with your sins??
mrjakatakkk wrote: 1 year ago
i have a lvl 90 Mosaic Sin
with Infinity merc and what i can say is no problem at all to get the brain eye and horn
But when it comes to Uber-

(was my first) i ended up killed 3 times before gettin used to it ... no complain for two of them but
was really annoying i had to be at least half full of rejuv to make it alive

i end up with a 12 14 torch so im not sure if ill do more... -_-
i need to reply to this post
i was kinda new to the world of Mosaic Sin and now i can say that with
Cobra Strike
charged up ... no need to have any Full Rejuv at alll Since 1 pts in that skill gave me something like 140% life after hit and i do 7xKick with
Dragon Talon
Its like 4 rejuv per hit 😬
Looking at all these tactics just makes me chuckle while killing all 3 at the same time as a smiter. Shield goes brrrrrrrr
Hello - Sorry to necro this thread, but i figure that was better than doing a new one :)
I have a pretty geared Mosaic sin and was thinking of giving ubers a shot.

I am using Enigma - should I swap to something with more resistence?

Should I use griffin's
or guillame's face?

as far as rings/
. I've been using soj/ravenfrost and
Arachnid Mesh
- should i swap out soj/arach mesh for something more defensive or just give it a go? It takes me a long time to get all the keys so I'm hoping to optimize my chances before i use them all :)

I play on ps5 but trade on pc. Please reply to a post or send me a DM here if i don't respond on so I get a notification.
All trades negotiable - I'm just having fun :)
Currently looking for keys as trade currency
i'm also in the process of leveling a paladin and i have enough currency to trade around and make a Grief if it's really that' much easier

I play on ps5 but trade on pc. Please reply to a post or send me a DM here if i don't respond on so I get a notification.
All trades negotiable - I'm just having fun :)
Currently looking for keys as trade currency
A good geared Mosaic is a very easy killer. I have a similar setup and she melts Ubers like butter. It seems the easiest from all my characters (I don't have a smiter, though).

Griffon's Eye
I think is better if you finish with lightning damage (just two charges of
Phoenix Strike
instead of three - if you are going on the
Phoenix Strike

Enigma is very good as you can move fast across the map or run when in danger. For resistances I put on some charms to compensate the lack of them (I have several Grand Charms with +15 all res).

Raven Frost
Arachnid Mesh
are good.
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Main issue is Uber Meph : counting his
Aura, you'll need to have cumulated 300 light res (100 penalty hell + 125
+ 75) to overcome it and stay at 75% to be safe - you may not need that much though. Don't forget to
before entering, that is a big booster. As for damage, as said, you're the biggest damage dealer in the game, should go fine if you manage to enter and go charged enough :)

Don't forget the
Uber Tristram
map to try to lure Meph alone (enter by the top side of the village)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
i was planning to do 1
Phoenix Strike

of lightning
Blades of Ice

3 cobra
3 tiger
and Rain down meteors. I could definitely do the
Chain Lightning
stead though if that would be better.

i specced this and went full
Fists of Fire
but i never use it because no leech. I think I should respect out of it and just put a couple of points in and max

I play on ps5 but trade on pc. Please reply to a post or send me a DM here if i don't respond on so I get a notification.
All trades negotiable - I'm just having fun :)
Currently looking for keys as trade currency


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