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Since I have a habit of dumping on ATVI around the time of every patch and frequently complain about how poorly managed this game is (admittedly some of my criticisms have been a bit off-target because I don't like the company, but I try to be thoughtful if not unrelenting), I wanted to change it up a little. What are your favorite and maybe a couple of your least favorite video games that you've played?

Here is my list, which may also provide some insight to some of my harsh takes on D2R since 2.5:

  1. Left 4 Dead 2 (modded servers)
    Valve took a completely different approach to game management and there are fun, ridiculous, and harmless tricks you can perform that don't affect PvM or PvP balance and don't get nerfed to oblivion. Modded servers gave the game near-endless replayability and customization.
  2. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
    Everything that Blizzard North—who were far from perfect, but I respected their vision—did right in the 2000s is the underpinning of my outspoken complaints about ATVI now. Better play the hell out of D2R while I still can so I can move on before it turns into more of whatever D3 is.
  3. Red Dead Redemption
    Immersive, relaxing, and plenty to do. I still haven't played RDR2 yet and that's most likely the next major title I'll be playing after D2R.
  4. Grand Theft Auto V
    Same as RDR but not so relaxing.
  5. Final Fantasy X
    Same as RDR, and my first and only FF game. The voice acting in a FF was groundbreaking when it debuted and the sphere grid was a marvel to study for how to customize your character builds.
  6. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    Sensing a theme here. Plus more fun, ridiculous, and harmless tricks including painstakingly obtaining an indestructible version of my car.
  7. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    Immersive and yet relaxing considering probably half of the gameplay hours were devoted to cinematic cutscenes. My first and only MG game.
  8. Magicka
    Pure friendly fire chaos and fun.
  9. Super Street Fighter II
    Played the hell out of it in the arcades all the way up to this version, probably the earliest game that exposed me to number crunching and theorycrafting even though I didn't understand it at the time. I was into the more mobile, rotation-based characters (Cammy, Ken, Ryu, Fei Long), followed by charge-based characters (Guile, Chun Li, M. Bison).
  10. The Need for Speed SE (1996)
    A racing game with licensed exotic cars, created with actual vehicle test data, savable full race recordings, and without AI rubberbanding? Unheard of in its day and age and never fully replicated again in the NFS series. Modern racing sims have it beat on accuracy, but are sometimes too hyper-realistic.
Honorable Mentions
  • Half-Life 2 and EPs 1 and 2
  • Portal 2
  • The Secret of Monkey Island
Least Favorite
  1. Diablo III
    Things I still haven't forgiven ATVI for:
    Deckard Cain
    being beaten by a butterfly, adding an "a" between the "o" and final "r" in "terror" (Ter-ROAR!!!11235813), telepathic communication, Azmodan being a clown,
    's character arc, all-around awful storytelling and writing, horrific itemization, number inflation that made Zimbabwe's currency hyperinflation look reasonable, account-bound items, mismanaged auction houses, and on and on...
  2. League of Legends
    At first, Riot Games felt like a breath of fresh air from 2010s ATVI before I grew to loathe Riot's even worse game and community management more than ATVI's. I ended up enjoying Heroes of the Storm far more when it debuted. To its credit though, League did provide me with one of my proudest gaming moments of all-time and I wish I did screen recording back then. At least one my friends who was in-game with me also witnessed it.
  3. Far Cry (2004)
    Overly aggressive AI cheated like hell. If I fired a single sniper round from distant cover, all of the enemies immediately knew where I was and sent the whole battalion of mercs or trigens at me. How y'all going to come at me when *I* don't even know where I am?
Description by Snakecharmed

Can be used to make Runewords:

Since I have a habit of dumping on ATVI around the time of every patch and frequently complain about how poorly managed this game is (admittedly some of my criticisms have been a bit off-target because I don't like the company, but I try to be thoughtful if not unrelenting), I wanted to change it up a little. What are your favorite and maybe a couple of your least favorite video games that you've played?

Here is my list, which may also provide some insight to some of my harsh takes on D2R since 2.5:

  1. Left 4 Dead 2 (modded servers)
    Valve took a completely different approach to game management and there are fun, ridiculous, and harmless tricks you can perform that don't affect PvM or PvP balance and don't get nerfed to oblivion. Modded servers gave the game near-endless replayability and customization.
  2. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
    Everything that Blizzard North—who were far from perfect, but I respected their vision—did right in the 2000s is the underpinning of my outspoken complaints about ATVI now. Better play the hell out of D2R while I still can so I can move on before it turns into more of whatever D3 is.
  3. Red Dead Redemption
    Immersive, relaxing, and plenty to do. I still haven't played RDR2 yet and that's most likely the next major title I'll be playing after D2R.
  4. Grand Theft Auto V
    Same as RDR but not so relaxing.
  5. Final Fantasy X
    Same as RDR, and my first and only FF game. The voice acting in a FF was groundbreaking when it debuted and the sphere grid was a marvel to study for how to customize your character builds.
  6. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    Sensing a theme here. Plus more fun, ridiculous, and harmless tricks including painstakingly obtaining an indestructible version of my car.
  7. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    Immersive and yet relaxing considering probably half of the gameplay hours were devoted to cinematic cutscenes. My first and only MG game.
  8. Magicka
    Pure friendly fire chaos and fun.
  9. Super Street Fighter II
    Played the hell out of it in the arcades all the way up to this version, probably the earliest game that exposed me to number crunching and theorycrafting even though I didn't understand it at the time. I was into the more mobile, rotation-based characters (Cammy, Ken, Ryu, Fei Long), followed by charge-based characters (Guile, Chun Li, M. Bison).
  10. The Need for Speed SE (1996)
    A racing game with licensed exotic cars, created with actual vehicle test data, savable full race recordings, and without AI rubberbanding? Unheard of in its day and age and never fully replicated again in the NFS series. Modern racing sims have it beat on accuracy, but are sometimes too hyper-realistic.
Honorable Mentions
  • Half-Life 2 and EPs 1 and 2
  • Portal 2
  • The Secret of Monkey Island
Least Favorite
  1. Diablo III
    Things I still haven't forgiven ATVI for:
    Deckard Cain
    being beaten by a butterfly, adding an "a" between the "o" and final "r" in "terror" (Ter-ROAR!!!11235813), telepathic communication, Azmodan being a clown,
    's character arc, all-around awful storytelling and writing, horrific itemization, number inflation that made Zimbabwe's currency hyperinflation look reasonable, account-bound items, mismanaged auction houses, and on and on...
  2. League of Legends
    At first, Riot Games felt like a breath of fresh air from 2010s ATVI before I grew to loathe Riot's even worse game and community management more than ATVI's. I ended up enjoying Heroes of the Storm far more when it debuted. To its credit though, League did provide me with one of my proudest gaming moments of all-time and I wish I did screen recording back then. At least one my friends who was in-game with me also witnessed it.
  3. Far Cry (2004)
    Overly aggressive AI cheated like hell. If I fired a single sniper round from distant cover, all of the enemies immediately knew where I was and sent the whole battalion of mercs or trigens at me. How y'all going to come at me when *I* don't even know where I am?

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

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Necrarch 2404Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Without order, and with no negatives, some favorites:

- Almost all my old NES games, from the Marios and many others, but the very first Zelda still comes very high.

- in the same vein, the incredibly beautiful and poetic Ōkami (played it on Wii). Painting on a game fully like a Japanese stamp is an experience!

- Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft 2. Love strat games and fond of the universe.

- For long games, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 stays one of the best games ever.
lords for the win ! ^^

- D2, no need to say why ;)

And lots of board games, but that would be another topic to raise.

Must have forgotten many of them!


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Time-tested favorites off the top of my head:

Baldur's Gate I+II
Fallout I+II
Icewind Dale I+II
Planescape: Torment
Dragon's Age: Origins
Gothic series
TES: Morrowind

Modern favorites:

Disco Elysium
Wasteland II+III
Pillars of Eternity I+II
Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous
Divinity: OS I+II
Atom RPG+Trudograd

I proverbially fart in the general direction of any MMO or Hack&Slash game. Never played D1, never played D3, likely not to play D4 either. Playing D2R only because I did play it those 20+ years ago and had some friends to start with a year ago (who quit already).

Yes, my game preferences are very limited, basically pidgeon-holed into a single genre or two.

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
Favorites In No Particular Order, No Least Favorites (Old and New, PC unless otherwise noted)

Diablo 2 Resurrected
Overwatch (because I made multiple in real life friends from it)
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Fallout 3 & New Vegas
Heroes of Might & Magic 3
Half Life 2
Portal 1 & 2
Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
Star Ocean 3: Till The End of Time (PS2)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Prey (The Human Head Studios one, not the Bethesda one)
Myst (The Entire Series Riven, III, IV, etc)
Mass Effect (Trilogy)
Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate (SNES)
GTA (Yes, the top down view one)

And The Obscure Ones:
Star Trek: The Next Generation Pinball (Williams 1993)
Untitled Goose Game
Tetris Effect
The Fall
Age of Mythology
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (Sega Genesis)
Golden Sun (GBA)
I'll tell you that I don't really like to hate people despite the recent thread. I don't have a problem with other people doing it. I just don't like to do it as it gets me cranky. I will then not be talking about the games I despise as I could not separate the games from the developers which would lead to me getting cranky about the poor quality of certain games.

I will however talk for days about my favorite video games. For the sake of brevity however, I will only really talk about one game per series. I tend to love most games in a solid franchise as is on display here, but I'm only picking one to love today by means of a random thought, and I'm just going to grab some random games with no interest in ordering or any particular count.

The story, characters, graphics, music, and/or play represented by my list are amazing. The games on the list represent, to me, works where everything clicked making something that is unquestionably art that is more than just a concatenation of gimmicks. Developers everywhere are still trying and failing to get the mix as good as shown off by the list in other games, and I think it is because the developers here accidentally created masterpieces. I don't think anyone in game development really has a bloody clue why these games work as well as they work.

??): Disgaea 4 - The greatest game of all time. The prinny instructor is the best instructor. Valvatorez is such a weird sweetheart.

??): Panzer Dragoon Saga - The greatest game of all time. Shapeshifting Dragon? Sold! The weird combination of mechanics totally works wonders.

??): Mega Man X4 - The greatest game of all time. Gun or Sword? Why not both!?

??): Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars - The greatest game of all time. F**k Your 100 Jumps! What's not to love about Princess Peach in a giant turtle's shell wielding a frying pan!?

??): The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past - The greatest game of all time. There is another entire map!? I chased the "No Glitches" category for years, and I'm still only minutes away.

??): Yu-Gi-Oh! - Legacy of the Duelist- Link Evolution - The greatest game of all time. It's Time to Duel! I love a good weird card game... for children.

??): Persona 5 - The greatest game of all time. Stylish as F**k! The game brings an unreal number of little quality-of-life improvements to the series.

??): Metroid 2 - Return of Samus - The greatest game of all time. *Morph Noise* I chased the "100%" category for years, and I'm still only seconds away.

??): Super Mario Brothers - The greatest game of all time. You can move to the right!? This was literally the first game I played where you had more than one screen worth of game.

??): Final Fantasy 6 - The greatest game of all time. *Kefka Laugh* Kefka is just such a fun villain to watch.

??): Castlevania - Symphony of the Night - The greatest game of all time. What is a man? I used to compete with a then record holder on a monthly basis.

??): Contra - Super C - The greatest game of all time. *Pew Pew Pew* I'll never forget the times I played this with my brother or dad.

??): Jak 3 - The greatest game of all time. I wish I had a pair of pants just like those! I absolutely love running around with the fully upgraded... yellow gun.

??): The Elder Scrolls 5 - Skyrim - The greatest game of all time. *Opening Notes* You know the ones...

??): Vampire Savior - The Lord of Vampire - The greatest game of all time. *Meow* I will pick kitty girl, and I will kick your butt.

??): Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction - The greatest game of all time. Stay awhile and listen. Despite all the running, I probably have more hours in this than any other game.

??): Borderlands 2 - The greatest game of all time. Bazilliondier? I've not actually counted or anything, but the number of combinations was probably less than in the first game thanks to the way guns rolled.

??): Gran Turismo 4 - The greatest game of all time. *Vroom Vroom* What online only b******t?

??): Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 - The greatest game of all time. She did what now? I almost put The New Tetris here because of the weird block bonuses, but I actually like the silly story mode.

??): Rogue Legacy - The greatest game of all time. Alektorophobia Does What? I found it genuinely difficult to decide which game to put in this spot.

??): Game Dev Story - The greatest game of all time. Kairobot? If only it was this easy...

??): One Piece - Pirate Warriors 3 - The greatest game of all time. Sabo is the best of the brothers. They've gotten so much mileage out of that engine!

??): The Room 2 - The greatest game of all time. Oh, you can sleep your phone. I usually like creative uses of hardware.

??): Dragonball Xenoverse 2 - The greatest game of all time. Goku! I enjoy this silly entry way more than the pure fighting or pure roleplaying entries.

??): Ratchet and Clank - Up Your Arsenal - The greatest game of all time. Rip-Ya-New-One! I have done so many silly challenge runs of this game.

??): Fallout - New Vegas - The greatest game of all time. Boone and Dogmeat are easy mode! It crashed.

??): Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag - The greatest game of all time. Look... just get rid of the modern day stuff. They still haven't made Skull and Bones?

??): Ninja Gaiden - The greatest game of all time. O_O I'm talking about the NES game.

??): Portal 2 - The greatest game of all time. *Portal Gun Noise* I used to play both sides of cooperative during run practice because only a handful of people could keep up.
phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago

??): Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars - The greatest game of all time. F**k Your 100 Jumps! What's not to love about Princess Peach in a giant turtle's shell wielding a frying pan!?

I forgot to mention this game. The battle with Culex from "another world" with Final Fantasy battle music was epic.
Queegon wrote: 2 years ago
Yes, my game preferences are very limited, basically pidgeon-holed into a single genre or two.
That just made me more aware of how mine are all over the place.

I guess I don't really have a type, so much as I need a game to be engaging, have a decent to great story, and have polished gameplay. Ideally, the game will also have built-in activities (or I can at least invent self-directed goals) to do outside of the main campaign as well. That last point is one of the main things still keeping me on D2R and what made me lose interest in the original Assassin's Creed despite playing through maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the campaign. That's why a more traditional FPS is unlikely to make it on my favorites list. Even my ranking of L4D2 as #1 would fall off hard if I didn't play on modded servers that had additional custom gameplay elements or modes as well as a great community.

There are more games I've played that didn't even make honorable mention that I considered fun, maybe even great, but perhaps not compelling or outstanding enough to make my all-time list. Those also span across all genres.
Tey_Rossa wrote: 2 years ago
Fallout 3 & New Vegas
This one is in my library and has been for a few years now and I still haven't gotten around to it. I need to get on this because I'm more familiar with the Fallout lore and universe than someone who hasn't played the main games in the series should be. (I know New Vegas is a spinoff, but it's widely considered the best game in the franchise.)
Tey_Rossa wrote: 2 years ago
Wolfenstein: The New Order
I remember when this game came out although I never had it on my wish list. I still never finished Return to Castle Wolfenstein because my PC at the time kept freezing on one of the later stages in the game. Now I see that there have been four new Wolfensteins released after New Order. I'm impressed that they were able to make a franchise out of Wolfenstein 3D considering that game nowadays feels more like a tech demo than the start of a franchise.

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

It seems that the majority of my favourite games either begin with D or are Nintendo exclusives. :)

In no order:
Deus Ex
Doom 2 (first game I really played properly, I was definitely too young)
D1 & 2
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Mario Kart (can't really pick a specific one)
Pokemon (as above)
LoZ: Breath of the Wild
No Mercy (I was big into wrestling when this came out, the nostalgia is strong)
Metroid Prime

PC | PSN | Switch | Europe | UTC + 0
All trades are PC, PSN or Switch!
All trades will be conducted with a cup of tea.
Offering a free cross platform trading service!
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
Modern racing sims have it beat on accuracy, but are sometimes too hyper-realistic.
I get what you are saying, but I wouldn't call the AI in any racer I've played realistic.
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
To its credit though, League did provide me with one of my proudest gaming moments of all-time and I wish I did screen recording back then.
I'm curious.
Queegon wrote: 2 years ago
Time-tested favorites off the top of my head:

I can see where your mind was at when you composed that list.
Queegon wrote: 2 years ago
I proverbially fart in the general direction of any MMO
I'm down with Hack-and-Slash, but I'm with you on that one, but I'll take that one step further and say pretty much every "live service" game.
Tey_Rossa wrote: 2 years ago
Myst (The Entire Series Riven, III, IV, etc)
I see you too are a person of taste and refinement... minus the music/tone puzzles because I have an
Tey_Rossa wrote: 2 years ago
The battle with Culex from "another world" with Final Fantasy battle music was epic.
My friend at the time brought it over to my house, and we played through the game long after we were supposed to have gone to bed. I still remember him barking "That's from FInal Fantasy." loud enough to have gotten us in trouble.
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
That just made me more aware of how mine are all over the place.
Nothing wrong with a little variety.
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
Ideally, the game will also have built-in activities (or I can at least invent self-directed goals) to do outside of the main campaign as well.
I feel you. I'm not really an achievement hunter because too many of them have an online component, but I'll replay the crap out of a game that gives me a good reason.
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
I need to get on this because I'm more familiar with the Fallout Lore and universe than someone who hasn't played the main games in the series should be.
While not as buggy as New Vegas, you should still save manually early and often when/if you play Fallout 3.
Janet the Java wrote: 2 years ago
I was really close to including Pokemon
in my list, but I already had a ton of roleplaying games. I own multiple cartridges of
because friends who were in the Navy sent me copies from around the world. I know one day the cartridges will die along with my event Mew and my friends "Have," "a," "good," "one," "my," and "dude" team.
phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago
I'll tell you that I don't really like to hate people despite the recent thread. I don't have a problem with other people doing it. I just don't like to do it as it gets me cranky. I will then not be talking about the games I despise as I could not separate the games from the developers which would lead to me getting cranky about the poor quality of certain games.

Yeah, I do like that approach and mindset. I know for myself, I needed to take a step back and understand why I've been cantankerous about D2R and have been since 2.5. I think writing down my list of favorites helped me see what makes for a fantastic video game experience in my book and also recognize what doesn't work and how to spot those games in advance before I get too entrenched in them.

D2R is definitely an oddball in that it's a remake and continuation of a 23-year-old game that I spent a lot of time playing when I was younger and wasn't quite ready to put down when my original characters expired. As much as I enjoyed D1 and loved D2, I was always wary of the entire franchise's direction after D3 and later figuring out why that game didn't work for me. I definitely had some not-so-positive gaming experiences between 2012-15.

phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago
??): Contra - Super C - The greatest game of all time. *Pew Pew Pew* I'll never forget the times I played this with my brother or dad.

Among some of your other great mentions, this one stood out to me on your list. For the longest time, I didn't even know there was a sequel to the original Contra even though I played the first game to death. I didn't find out about Super C until maybe 20 years after it came out and never played it. Even now thinking back to the time I thought I played Super C with a friend, I actually had it confused with Contra III: The Alien Wars. Did you ever play that one?

PC | Softcore Non-Ladder | US Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Expansion Ladder Season 1 Level 99 (#115 Amazon, #584 Overall)

Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
Did you ever play that one?
Yeah, but I didn't like it as much for the opposite reason I loved the earlier Contra games: I almost never got to play with anyone. The Mode7 levels made my brother and dad motion sick.

I did though have a somewhat similar experience regarding the Hard Corps entry. The story made short: we never felt right playing his Genesis after my brother died. I didn't know about Contra - Hard Corps until Hard Corps - Uprising was released... nearly twenty years later.
Queegon wrote: 2 years ago
Time-tested favorites off the top of my head:

Baldur's Gate I+II
Fallout I+II
Icewind Dale I+II
Planescape: Torment
Dragon's Age: Origins
Gothic series
TES: Morrowind

Modern favorites:

Disco Elysium
Wasteland II+III
Pillars of Eternity I+II
Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous
Divinity: OS I+II
Atom RPG+Trudograd
I agree with you on most of these with a few caveats.

I have only played PST for one or two hours and thus cannot say how good it is. I have begun to play Torment: Tides of Numenera a couple of times and enjoy what I played, but was always frustrated that I could not resolve some quests in a satisfying matter (which is part of the concept, I guess).

I really enjoyed the Piranhabytes Games (Gothic and Risen) when I played them "back in the day". However I think that they aged very poorly - something that shows when you look at Elex, which suffers from some of those poor qualities, too.

I never got into Morrowwind, but I really enjoy Skyrim, although I spend more time modding it than actually playing it.

I only played Disco Elysium for an hour or so, but what I saw really intrigued me, I will certainly give it another try once I've got more time and when I'm in the mood to immerse myself into a game.

Maybe I'll give Wildermyth a chance, it sounds and looks quite cool. The same goes for Atom RPG.

Regarding Pathfinder I'm somewhat torn. There are some things that I really like, but others the outright infuriate me. Examples of the latter are the pseudo-hardcore-attitude that shines through on some ocassions. There was one optional fight that I could just not win and after researching how you could possibly win that fight I found a forum post that felt like "Oh, you poor noobs, obviously you are supposed to keep [totally obscure item that a new player would never keep because it looks so weak] to overcome its damage reduction, that's common knowledge for poeple like me, who have read every pathfinder book in existence twice". Plus, in many ways its just too much of the same, the game could easily be dozens of hours less withouth being any less good. I haven't fininshed either of the games yet, because the became a drag for me at some point due to their repetitiveness. Which is a shame, because there are many things that I really enjoy about the games.

I would certainly have to add the Mass Effect series, Witcher III and Path of Exile to the list.

In my trades I'm looking for
Perfect Gems
or Runes beginning at
Preface: When speaking of Gameboy i mean the classic one+ GBC. "Classic Version" also applies to some other games on the list, as i don't have much to do with contemporary gaming besides d2r.

Most Favourite in no particular order:

- Diablo II (of course)
- Diablo I (of course)
- Baldurs Gate I+II
- Icewind Dale I+II
- Doom
- Duke Nukem 3d
- Quake
- Super Mario Land I+II (Gameboy)
- Wario Land I-III (Gameboy)
- Zelda Titles: Nes, Snes and Gameboy
- Super Mario Kart Snes+N64
- Tetris (Gameboy)
- Dr Mario (Gameboy)
- Rogue
- Pokémon (Gameboy)
- Heroes of Might and Magic I-III
- Star Craft I
- Castlevania
- Hearthstone (until recent Battleground changes)
- Fabled Lands (not a computer game in a strict sense, rather a series of books, but there is a Java Program and a port on Steam)
- Worms Series
- WoW (Only the "single player" content. As soon as you get dependend too much on other players, the game gets toxic imo)

Least favourite game:
- League of Legends (IMO the archetype of a game being toxic by design. Much about it said before in this thread.)

Maybe i edit with some more games in the future when i remember them

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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Favs in no particular order:
- Wizball (let's start this off by showing how old I really am, lol)
- Doom
- Quake
- Quake 3: Arena
- Portal 2
- The original counter strike
- Duke Nukem 3D
- Legends of Kyrandia
- Anno 1602
- Age of Empires 2
- Starcraft
- Civilization II and V (or was it II and IV? can't remember anymore tbh)
- Diablo
- Diablo 2 (+now resurrected)
- Nox (funnest damn oldschool rpg pvp ever)
- Guildwars 1 + 2
- Whole bunch of Nintendo games from the N64 and earlier times
- Hyperblade (god I wish that one got a modern remake)
- Freelancer while the hope for CR's expansion was not yet killed by Microsoft
- Magicka
- Baldur's Gate 1 + 2
- Planescape: Torment
- Some I'm probably forgetting about now
- Star Citizen (yup, even in the current alpha state that's already making the list)

In terms of time invested, early WoW should make that list but honestly, I think I was just playing that because everyone was so there was a bit of a lack of an alternative at the time.

Crap games:
- Too many to bother starting a list
phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
Modern racing sims have it beat on accuracy, but are sometimes too hyper-realistic.
I get what you are saying, but I wouldn't call the AI in any racer I've played realistic.
I agree. In this case, I was referring more to the reproduction of the visual and aural experience rather than the AI. The Need for Speed felt very grounded as a racing game given the technological limitations at the time, but not to the extent where it felt too much like a racing sim like Gran Turismo was in 1997. TNFS had point-to-point tracks with roads that felt realistic in terms of elevation changes and reasonable pathing (not too straight, but also not full of nonsense curves and switchbacks), great graphics (for mid-'90s standards) to make the environments look realistic despite being fictional locales, and the point-to-point tracks even had oncoming traffic in head-to-head racing mode.

Its only real competition in the PC space at the time was Test Drive III: The Passion, which looked awful because it originally came out in 1990. Even Test Drive 4 looked rather janky and had awful audio despite being released a few years after TNFS. I feel like The Need for Speed was greatly aided by the unique vehicle data (especially in the handling department) and the engine and road noises with Road & Track magazine's assistance, and I'm sure they had some input in realism of the environments as well.

The best way I can describe how The Need for Speed felt as a racing game in the 1990s is this video that briefly compares its comically arcadey sequel NFS2 to it.

phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
To its credit though, League did provide me with one of my proudest gaming moments of all-time and I wish I did screen recording back then.
I'm curious.
I don't know how familiar you are with LoL or MOBAs in general, but I was playing a support character and I saved my lane partner and AD carry in the most clutch manner from certain death. I completely flipped the script and gave my partner the advantage to kill the guy who was about to kill him. My friend was playing mid lane on our team and he yelped out on voice chat in disbelief when he saw what I did.

The bloody details: This was after the laning stage and my ADC and I were well into mid-game roaming at this point. I was playing Lulu and Fizz was the carry. We got caught by Darius on the other team who took down Fizz to a sliver of health, then right as Darius began his ultimate move animation for the certain kill, I canceled his ultimate with a perfectly timed ultimate of my own applied to Fizz. The extra health and AoE slow I gave Fizz allowed him to kill Darius and gave us control of the mid lane. The game was fairly even up to that point, but that ultimate swung the momentum our way to push hard for the eventual win.

Anyway, it looked like a moment that would have play-by-play broadcasters and the audience lose their shit if it had happened in a live tournament game. Alas, I was nonetheless a bronze-tier player because despite being a pretty good support and halfway competent AD carry, I was terrible top, middle, and jungle, and my situational awareness was not sound enough to be a good solo queue player.
phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
Ideally, the game will also have built-in activities (or I can at least invent self-directed goals) to do outside of the main campaign as well.
I feel you. I'm not really an achievement hunter because too many of them have an online component, but I'll replay the crap out of a game that gives me a good reason.
Yeah, sometimes I don't need or want to follow a mission. I just want to mess around or explore a bit. That's probably the attraction of open world games to me, because there are minigames or side quests. Ideally that extra activity isn't just sightseeing. D2 isn't quite as open, but I have found enough to do despite being well past simply beating Hell difficulty with my characters.
phantomotap wrote: 2 years ago
Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
I need to get on this because I'm more familiar with the Fallout Lore and universe than someone who hasn't played the main games in the series should be.
While not as buggy as New Vegas, you should still save manually early and often when/if you play Fallout 3.
Good to know, thanks!

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Blubbalutsch wrote: 2 years ago
- Super Mario Kart Snes+N64
I especially loved Mario Kart 64. For me, I got really good at powersliding and put in a lot of time and practice into nailing the track shortcuts. The one on 64's Rainbow Road skipping practically the first third of the track was the most satisfying to pull off.
Blubbalutsch wrote: 2 years ago
Least favourite game:
- League of Legends (IMO the archetype of a game being toxic by design. Much about it said before in this thread.)
The thing is, I actually did like the gameplay and the artistic design. The experience of playing with toxic players and Riot not doing enough to reign them in was what made the experience negative. There were certainly times when I lost my focus and played on tilt as well, but I could never understand how some people had the energy to type out their anger in chat and then do things like intentionally grief or tank their team when things didn't go their way. There was no chill like you could find in a casual D2 duel. Everything was a pissing match, even in ARAM games. The game was so centered around winning because it would always remind you of your overall win-loss record after every match in the post-match statistics.

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Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago
The experience of playing with toxic players and Riot not doing enough to reign them in was what made the experience negative.
It was a sad day when I realized that the single best feature Dota2 ever introduced...was "mute all chat".
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Favs in no particular order:
- Wizball (let's start this off by showing how old I really am, lol)
- Doom
- Quake
- Quake 3: Arena
- Portal 2
- The original counter strike
- Duke Nukem 3D
- Legends of Kyrandia
- Anno 1604
- Age of Empires 2
- Starcraft
- Civilization II and V (or was it II and IV? can't remember anymore tbh)
- Diablo
- Diablo 2 (+now resurrected)
- Nox (funnest damn oldschool rpg pvp ever)
- Guildwars 1 + 2
- Whole bunch of Nintendo games from the N64 and earlier times
- Hyperblade (god I wish that one got a modern remake)
- Freelancer while the hope for CR's expansion was not yet killed by Microsoft
- Magicka
- Baldur's Gate 1 + 2
- Planescape: Torment
- Some I'm probably forgetting about now
- Star Citizen (yup, even in the current alpha state that's already making the list)

In terms of time invested, early WoW should make that list but honestly, I think I was just playing that because everyone was so there was a bit of a lack of an alternative at the time.

Crap games:
- Too many to bother starting a list
Probably Civ IV, that is generally held up as the best by fans of the series... I liked V too though, that was the first one with hexes and 1 unit per tile.

Another older PC game I forgot to mention: Unreal Tournament, I played that a lot.

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I'm afraid for me there are way too many. i consider most favourite are games that i played more than once and still enjoyed them.

1) gothic 1
2) gothic 2-3
3) fallout 1-2
4) eschalon 1-2-3
5) syberia 1-2
6) baldur's gate 1-2
7) master of magic (old and remastered)
8) runaway adventure 1-2-3
9) Elex 1(maybe 2 also)
10) windforge
11) monkey island 1-2-3-4
12) crysis
13) divine divinity (1)
14) nail'd
15) diablo 1
16) diablo 2 res
17) diablo 3(yeah i know, but i played it alot! and i'm not a fan, but its still dumb fun)
18) freelancer

games that disappointed me:
gothic 4
witcher 1-2-3
cyberpunk 2077
fallout 3-4
alot of remastering and new version of games.

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.
this is difficult for me. I have 2000+ games and there are certainly a good amount of good games around.
I am not a fan of triple a/mainstream titles and I am very picky about games.
also, I've been playing wow for 16 years since the closed beta in europe on mythic level (and hc since there was no mythic before) and I've missed a lot of games in that time.

I could give you examples per computer, though (shows how old I am).

atari 800xl/xe: boulder dash, river raid

c64: katakis, skate or die, ik+, armalyte, great giana sisters and many other usual suspects

atari st: carrier command, blacklamp, elite

amiga: all turicans, lucasarts games, twin world, legend of fearghail and many other usual suspects

pc: a defining moment on pc certainly was logging into the wow beta for the first time.
another real cool moment was when you could install might and magic 3, 4 and 5 and switch games on the fly when you finished m&m3. this was amazing.
also, playing through dungeon master and beating lord Chaos for the first time was amazing, too.
starflight1&2 were also real nice.
I like dark future and cyberpunk in general, so the fallout series and the wolfenstein series are favourites as well.
I also played quake3 (osp and cpma) competitively and cs since beta1 competitively. when cs came out was amazing, too. good memories.

which games I favour highly depends on my mood nowadays, but there are certainly good games out there.

crap (aka stuff I will never play)

- battle royale games (this is nothing new, we played half-life: hunted in 1996, so "battle royale" is not new at all)
- among us, fall guys and so on
- valorant
- lol (or any other moba for that matter)
- gta (after gta2 it was over, 1 and 2 were actually good)
- cod (1, 2 and 3 were actually good)
- tower defense games
- visual novels
- card battlers (been trying hearthstone for a while, nope, not my genre)
- shit like pokémon
- idlers and clickers
- twin stick shooters (don't like that control scheme)
- shit like stranger things, the quarry and so on.



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