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Adding the actual amount of items traded when a trade is completed

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For items where each item is the same (runes, gems, keys,
Junk Jewels
, tokens, ...) it would be useful if we could enter the actual number of those items that were traded. Often enough you don't trade only a single one (e.g. 20x
Perfect Amethyst
for 2x
). While some people try to reflect that in the trade description, some don't and it makes the price history less useful.

A possible solution would be to add the amount to the "Mark trade as (Sold)" window. With a default value of 1. And show that value then in the price history.

I know this was request before (feedback/trading-quantity-t550668.html or feedback/selling-counts-t549669.html) but I wanted to bring some attention to this again. IMHO this would be a big improvement for the price history.
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atari 699

Europe XLinux
For items where each item is the same (runes, gems, keys,
Junk Jewels
, tokens, ...) it would be useful if we could enter the actual number of those items that were traded. Often enough you don't trade only a single one (e.g. 20x
Perfect Amethyst
for 2x
). While some people try to reflect that in the trade description, some don't and it makes the price history less useful.

A possible solution would be to add the amount to the "Mark trade as (Sold)" window. With a default value of 1. And show that value then in the price history.

I know this was request before (feedback/trading-quantity-t550668.html or feedback/selling-counts-t549669.html) but I wanted to bring some attention to this again. IMHO this would be a big improvement for the price history.

I agree adding this in would be a great boon. With trade threads dropping off of the last 3d there is no other way to view a thread to get context for certain item trades.

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To use your example, how I typically see that expressed is when the trade is being marked as completed by the person that made the post, they put "-20 x
Perfect Amethyst
, 2 x
". This would express that a loss of 20 PAms is resulted in a gain of 2 Ists.

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-N1 item1
N2 item2
trick a lot 👍
Aelanwyr wrote: 1 month ago
To use your example, how I typically see that expressed is when the trade is being marked as completed by the person that made the post, they put "-20 x
Perfect Amethyst
, 2 x
". This would express that a loss of 20 PAms is resulted in a gain of 2 Ists.

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atari 699

Europe XLinux
Aelanwyr wrote: 1 month ago
To use your example, how I typically see that expressed is when the trade is being marked as completed by the person that made the post, they put "-20 x
Perfect Amethyst
, 2 x
". This would express that a loss of 20 PAms is resulted in a gain of 2 Ists.
Unfortunately this workaround is not very intuitive and is therefore rarely used. It's also not clear if you traded 20 or 21 perfect amethysts when you note it that way. With perfect amethysts it probably doesn't matter, but with other trades it can make a big difference. That is why a simpler and more obvious solution would be preferable.

Another thing to mention here is that there were several occasions where I was NOT able to enter the true price or exchange and had to enter a substitute:

This typically happens in the high runes for
Perfect Gems
exchanges and I had another one today:


It doesn't happen too often but I do get people willing to farm the amounts I list as graphene did in this instance, however if I try to enter that when closing the topic I get a SQL error every time..its like a coded disbelief lol ><

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Aelanwyr wrote: 1 month ago
To use your example, how I typically see that expressed is when the trade is being marked as completed by the person that made the post, they put "-20 x
Perfect Amethyst
, 2 x
". This would express that a loss of 20 PAms is resulted in a gain of 2 Ists.
Right the problem though is after a thread drops off of the last 3d you can no longer see the topic or know the amount offered so when it posts to the price history its showing or inferring it as a singular item exchange, and to the casual eye it can look all over the place.

What we are asking for is something akin to a drop down numeric menu in the closure section that would allow us to post the amount on that end to clarify it that would go to the price history as well (Even just a open box to manually enter a value would also work). This will allow compression of topics and free up space for others in the market as well so it is a win-win overall if its achievable.

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Teebling 6977Admin

Europe PC
Xanhast70 wrote: 1 month ago
It doesn't happen too often but I do get people willing to farm the amounts I list as graphene did in this instance, however if I try to enter that when closing the topic I get a SQL error every time..its like a coded disbelief lol ><
Can you try and reproduce the same conditions with a test listing please Xan? I'll be the test buyer for it. Then if you could screenshot the SQL error it will help me fixing this specific issue.

Also, noted on all of the above discourse, added to the list for next sprint. Adding a quantity sold field will be doable. I'd get it to show in the listing/wherever the listing is being displayed too, including price history (from the time feature implemented onwards of course).

Teebling wrote: 1 month ago
Xanhast70 wrote: 1 month ago
It doesn't happen too often but I do get people willing to farm the amounts I list as graphene did in this instance, however if I try to enter that when closing the topic I get a SQL error every time..its like a coded disbelief lol ><
Can you try and reproduce the same conditions with a test listing please Xan? I'll be the test buyer for it. Then if you could screenshot the SQL error it will help me fixing this specific issue.

Also, noted on all of the above discourse, added to the list for next sprint. Adding a quantity sold field will be doable. I'd get it to show in the listing/wherever the listing is being displayed too, including price history (from the time feature implemented onwards of course).
This topic will most likely cause a response: trade/jah-t1545225.html

And It will be no issue for me to relist it as is after this test.

Come to Hardcore, Embrace the Dread ;)
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Necrarch 2163Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Side note for Teebs on the quantity sold (or traded) : can it have a default quantity of 1 ? Most trades are after all for single items and most players would not want to change that value


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So I was able to replicate the issue in a trade I did today.

Topic Screenshot:
Thread Closure Screen Shot with information entered:
And The Subsequent Post processing Result:

Come to Hardcore, Embrace the Dread ;)
Please Review my about me post for Ground rules before you make posts in my topics. Currently not accepting
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Teebling 6977Admin

Europe PC
Thanks Xan, by the look of the debug message, I just need to increase the max acceptable value of that particular column - it's probably set to 100 if my Memory serves me right. Will address next sprint.



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