How would it work >> well you could go into game as a new character on offline and just either kill Blood Raven or lvl up to lvl 8 and buy first Merc. Alternatively on online you could make a new game and ask someone else to just kill Blood Raven for you so you get a free Merc. From that point and onward, you are not allowed to kill ANYTHING by yourself:
=NO melee
=NO ranged
=NO damaging spells
=NO attacker takes damage stuff (aka Thorns-y like stuff)
=NO aggro pets or summons (so Sages are fine)
=You must finish all quests in order
=Your Merc must kill Blood Raven again
=You can buff your Merc or yourself or debuff enemies but generally be careful not to do [if any] damage to enemies
=Curses are fine, Tele is fine
=Healing via potions or NPCs is fine
=Quiting game/rerolling monster mods are fine
Additional challenge would be to be a SSF run, I guess, but it's not necessary!

Did you do/tried such a run and how did it go?
