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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
DiabloPlayerKiller wrote: 2 years ago
and this is my last challenge to be honest. It is the only thing that still can give me a rush! :)
I don't believe you. Because there's literally no "challenge" in sneak attacking noobs who don't know how or want to PVP. None.

If you like to be cruel and PK people, the game allows you to do that so technically its "part of the game", but don't pretend its anything other than a cheap thrill you get from spreading misery.

If you REALLY wanted a challenge, you would join actual PVP games where everyone is ready and prepared and you ACTUALLY have a high chance of dying.

x) i always think its fun when randoms try to pk me in farm games and not in pvp games. but then again i usualy win and make them look even more stupid x) some pros of 20+ years of playing pvp i guess. but then again its lame AF to do it against random noobs wtf man...join a pvp game for a real challenge.

BillyMaysed wrote: 2 years ago
I don't believe you. Because there's literally no "challenge" in sneak attacking noobs who don't know how or want to PVP. None.
You have to look at the bigger picture than just the final strike. To find good games, to find out where they are going, where to set up ambush, where to track, what chars to be careful of (lots of high level chars in lvl up games too boosting), et.c. is a challenge.

I maybe should do a video that is not edited down to just showcase the killing blows, just to show what it can take to set it up, some times it's goes fast and easy, some times it takes hours until next kill.
As much as I hated getting PKed back in the day, I enjoyed the excitement and the unexpected PvP. Then again, that was Softcore.

Hardcore players should have TP on hotkey already for PvM, and be ready to quick-exit games or quick-TP, with the stakes so high. I'd say there's plenty of time to dip out, as long as you don't get caught right at the Edge of town (who plays there anyway?)
moonlit wrote: 2 years ago
be ready to quick-exit games or quick-TP, with the stakes so high. I'd say there's plenty of time to dip out, as long as you don't get caught right at the Edge of town (who plays there anyway?)
Yes, since you can't use wp's for around 8 seconds after going hostile you have time to tp/wp back to town in safety for sure if you want to.
You remind me of the people who try to ruin my
run lobbies by flagging PvP with the party and trying to kill people in the throne room. Like yeah, the game allows you to do that, but it's the definition of BM.
I really think it's down to culture that DPK is getting shit on by nearly everyone here. PK is an intended part of online play and has been for a very long time. If it were more common, players who choose to enjoy this part of the online experience wouldn't be seen as the pariahs they are. Instead of something like this happening infrequently, people would be on their toes much more. I personally think that would make for a more interesting experience. I like the aspect of HC of not trusting anyone and being wary of public games. It makes success a lot less inevitable and achievements all the more meaningful.

DPK, you do you. Play the game you want to play and enjoy the hunt until someone kills you first. Blizzard has given players a lot of options to avoid getting killed.

I think the PKers that are toxic are the ones that hang around to rub it in or insult players afterwards.
Katonda wrote: 2 years ago
I really think it's down to culture that DPK is getting shit on by nearly everyone here. PK is an intended part of online play and has been for a very long time. If it were more common, players who choose to enjoy this part of the online experience wouldn't be seen as the pariahs they are. Instead of something like this happening infrequently, people would be on their toes much more. I personally think that would make for a more interesting experience. I like the aspect of HC of not trusting anyone and being wary of public games. It makes success a lot less inevitable and achievements all the more meaningful.

DPK, you do you. Play the game you want to play and enjoy the hunt until someone kills you first. Blizzard has given players a lot of options to avoid getting killed.

I think the PKers that are toxic are the ones that hang around to rub it in or insult players afterwards.
Well put, thanks for your feedback! Insults have no place in any game, couldn't agree more. :)
A life lesson, if you're going to punch then you should always punch upwards not downwards. What you're doing is basically game-justified bullying of people you know have less ability or preparation than you. It's cowardly.

In the early days of Diablo I'd pk all the time, but never in this manner. It'd be finding bullys using hacked gear (prevalent back then) and using their strengths against them. It could be bonewalling and iron-maidening a hacked barb to make them instantly explode, or charging down amazons using hacked weapons. Lots of fun and the characters that died deserved it.
You're bragging about having successfully ruined the day for a bunch of random, unsuspecting people?

It's really hard for me to see this anything other than that. And your reasoning appears to be that this is okay because the game technically allows it.

It's not on the developer to eliminate every possible avenue for being unpleasant toward other players.

Most of us understand the importance of not antagonizing other people. Grow up.
don't be so mean to him. it's probably the only skill in his pathetic life, so let him be and have his fun... or what ever.

i must say, that i m surprised that this topic is alive and u didn't get ban for fake selfpromotion of mastery in attacking non PvP players.

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EnragedN3wb 214Moderator

moonlit wrote: 2 years ago
As much as I hated getting PKed back in the day, I enjoyed the excitement and the unexpected PvP. Then again, that was Softcore.

Hardcore players should have TP on hotkey already for PvM, and be ready to quick-exit games or quick-TP, with the stakes so high. I'd say there's plenty of time to dip out, as long as you don't get caught right at the Edge of town (who plays there anyway?)
Katonda wrote: 2 years ago
I really think it's down to culture that DPK is getting shit on by nearly everyone here. PK is an intended part of online play and has been for a very long time. If it were more common, players who choose to enjoy this part of the online experience wouldn't be seen as the pariahs they are. Instead of something like this happening infrequently, people would be on their toes much more. I personally think that would make for a more interesting experience. I like the aspect of HC of not trusting anyone and being wary of public games. It makes success a lot less inevitable and achievements all the more meaningful.

DPK, you do you. Play the game you want to play and enjoy the hunt until someone kills you first. Blizzard has given players a lot of options to avoid getting killed.

I think the PKers that are toxic are the ones that hang around to rub it in or insult players afterwards.

I personally 100% agree with this take on things. A few of the responses in here are far more toxic than anything the OP has done imo.

If you're not ready to die & lose all your progress at any moment, you probably shouldn't be playing hardcore... Sure it's definitely BM, but these players have every opportunity to VERY easily survive this, & it's a learning moment like any other Death in HC. Just tp or leave if you get hostiled. We dealt with this(with FAR worse behavior & remarks from the PK I might add) all the time back in the day & it was a mild annoyance at worst, & made the game more exciting at best.

 Deleted User 632 0

this all makes me wonder how playing hardcore would be like if the game was always set to hostile on hardcore. with no option for private games online. possibly with a max and minimum level requirement for each act to setup for more equal level pk fights. and you kinda had to risk fights anytime you played online with others. would you be more for those kinda fights?
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

Udyret wrote: 2 years ago
this all makes me wonder how playing hardcore would be like if the game was always set to hostile on hardcore. with no option for private games online. possibly with a max and minimum level requirement for each act to setup for more equal level pk fights. and you kinda had to risk fights anytime you played online with others. would you be more for those kinda fights? parties, constant free-for-all?

Honestly..increase the player limit past 8, make more areas useful for high lvling and remove the party screen entirely (so you don't even know how many players may be with you) and it might just get me to start playing hardcore.

Completely different game, obviously but it could be fun.

 Deleted User 632 0

Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Udyret wrote: 2 years ago
this all makes me wonder how playing hardcore would be like if the game was always set to hostile on hardcore. with no option for private games online. possibly with a max and minimum level requirement for each act to setup for more equal level pk fights. and you kinda had to risk fights anytime you played online with others. would you be more for those kinda fights? parties, constant free-for-all?

Honestly..increase the player limit past 8, make more areas useful for high lvling and remove the party screen entirely (so you don't even know how many players may be with you) and it might just get me to start playing hardcore.

Completely different game, obviously but it could be fun.
yea. i imagine it would be fun. and when you're setup to fight more often you will get used to it. it might not be as scary if it's not a rare thing to fight people anymore.
I don't understand why using paladin 14 and not 85+lvl sorc to instakill the whole crew. You already specifically equipped for PK against random farmers with a lot of full rejuvs and charms, have higher level etc so I really don't see how it is different.

You can also make a challenge out of process of taking candies from children in a way nobody could see or prove you did that. Yes, it is easy to make them cry but avoiding their mom or convincing that their kid lied could be pretty challenging too

Don't hesitate to reach me^^
fallens4e wrote: 2 years ago
I don't understand why using paladin 14 and not 85+lvl sorc to instakill the whole crew. You already specifically equipped for PK against random farmers with a lot of full rejuvs and charms, have higher level etc so I really don't see how it is different.

You can also make a challenge out of process of taking candies from children in a way nobody could see or prove you did that. Yes, it is easy to make them cry but avoiding their mom or convincing that their kid lied could be pretty challenging too
I imagine it's so that people don't chicken out until it's too late. A level 85 sorc can move a lot quicker than a lower level paladin. Players might be as threatened.
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

fallens4e wrote: 2 years ago
I don't understand why using paladin 14 and not 85+lvl sorc to instakill the whole crew. You already specifically equipped for PK against random farmers with a lot of full rejuvs and charms, have higher level etc so I really don't see how it is different.

You can also make a challenge out of process of taking candies from children in a way nobody could see or prove you did that. Yes, it is easy to make them cry but avoiding their mom or convincing that their kid lied could be pretty challenging too
If you're after random lowbie PKs, a charger is actually one of the cheesiest ways of doing it. Firstly, the single-target dmg for that level is just nuts and can typically take out any player close to your lvl in one hit (given a decent weapon). Second, and this is much more important (unless things changed significantly in D2:R, can't say I tested it again since): They don't see you coming.
tends to desync you so hard that you are flat out invisible to other players for quite some time meaning you have all the time in the world to stop mis-clicking and accidentally hitting your target even as a mediocre to terrible PKer before they have any chance to react because on their screen (and map) you simply don't exist yet.

If you go with a high lvl sorc instead then sure, you can annihilate lowbies no problem as well and you can take out multiple ones at a time BUT they see you coming and can react accordingly. As quick as
is, their heads up isn't big but it is there.
desync is limited, tends to auto-correct (i.e. backwards-teleporting you) and at least on their map, they will see you before you get to them. That adds up to them having a better chance at fleeing as well as you running at least some risk of actually dying yourself.

I actually had regular "mirage duels" for lack of a better term with a buddy of mine back in the day, going through the various movement skills and skill/gear combinations, just to see which one gives the other side the least heads up. And
was the clear winner reliably with one of us typically dead before we ever saw the other (charging) one. And that was true even at gear levels where it took more than one hit.
is where it goes completely bonkers because then you're basically just chasing ghosts.
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
fallens4e wrote: 2 years ago
I don't understand why using paladin 14 and not 85+lvl sorc to instakill the whole crew. You already specifically equipped for PK against random farmers with a lot of full rejuvs and charms, have higher level etc so I really don't see how it is different.

You can also make a challenge out of process of taking candies from children in a way nobody could see or prove you did that. Yes, it is easy to make them cry but avoiding their mom or convincing that their kid lied could be pretty challenging too
If you're after random lowbie PKs, a charger is actually one of the cheesiest ways of doing it. Firstly, the single-target dmg for that level is just nuts and can typically take out any player close to your lvl in one hit (given a decent weapon). Second, and this is much more important (unless things changed significantly in D2:R, can't say I tested it again since): They don't see you coming.
tends to desync you so hard that you are flat out invisible to other players for quite some time meaning you have all the time in the world to stop mis-clicking and accidentally hitting your target even as a mediocre to terrible PKer before they have any chance to react because on their screen (and map) you simply don't exist yet.

If you go with a high lvl sorc instead then sure, you can annihilate lowbies no problem as well and you can take out multiple ones at a time BUT they see you coming and can react accordingly. As quick as
is, their heads up isn't big but it is there.
desync is limited, tends to auto-correct (i.e. backwards-teleporting you) and at least on their map, they will see you before you get to them. That adds up to them having a better chance at fleeing as well as you running at least some risk of actually dying yourself.

I actually had regular "mirage duels" for lack of a better term with a buddy of mine back in the day, going through the various movement skills and skill/gear combinations, just to see which one gives the other side the least heads up. And
was the clear winner reliably with one of us typically dead before we ever saw the other (charging) one. And that was true even at gear levels where it took more than one hit.
is where it goes completely bonkers because then you're basically just chasing ghosts.
Thanks for your detailed explanation, very interesting read!^^

Don't hesitate to reach me^^
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago

Second, and this is much more important (unless things changed significantly in D2:R, can't say I tested it again since): They don't see you coming.
tends to desync you so hard that you are flat out invisible to other players for quite some time meaning you have all the time in the world to stop mis-clicking and accidentally hitting your target even as a mediocre to terrible PKer before they have any chance to react because on their screen (and map) you simply don't exist yet.
desynch in D2 took quite many constant charges to make it so, and is/was used only for duelling.

For low lvl you simply do not have the mana to pull this off.

desynch really only worked when duelling in Blood Moore, because it requires a large empty space. If you watch my videos I am often in tight areas and never charging to try to de-synch, It will simply not work when PK'ing at low levels, it is only for higher lvl duelling in
Blood Moor


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