Below is the list of every run and what runes did i get each run. I only count Countess and her minions, i dont count other monsters, so if someone kills every monster on the way to Countess, he/she can add few runes more to this list.
1. Ort
2. Eth
3. Eth + Ral
4. No rune (sic!)
5. Sol + Shael + Ral
6. Sol
7. Eld + Tal
8. El + Ith
9. Tir
10. Shael + Key
11. 2x Tal
12. El
13. Mal (!) + Eth
14. Shael + Sol + Key
15. Thul + Tir
16. Sol
17. Ral + Ort
18. Eld
19. No rune again
20. Tal + Ort + Sol
21. Shael
22. 2x Ith + Sol
23. Amn + Tal + Nef
24. Dol + Ith
25. El + Ort
26. Nef + Ith
27. Io + Ort
28. El
29. Amn
30. El + Tir
31. Hel
32. Nef
33. Ort + Ko
34. Tal
35. Ral + Hel + Key
36. El + Thul
37. Tal
38. Lum + Amn
39. Io + Nef
40. Thul
41. Tal + Thul
42. Tal + Amn
43. Tal + Tir
44. Nef + Ith + Key
45. Ort + Tir
46. Tal + Key
47. Ral + Sol
48. Thul + Ort
49. Ort
50. Tal + Eld
51. Thul + Shael
52. 2x Amn + Ort
53. Dol + Tal
54. Hel + Fal
55. Amn + Tal + Lum
56. Hel + Amn + Eth
57. Eth + Shael
58. Ort + Shael
59. Tal + Ort
60. Shael + El
61. Ort + El
62. Ort + Eth
63. Ith + Shael
64. Sol + El + Thul
65. Fal + Tir + Shael
66. Nef + Sol
67. El + Ral + Key
68. Ith + Ort + Tir
69. Amn
70. Thul
71. Amn + Thul
72. Ral + Thul
73. Dol + Thul (3x in a row, damn...)
74. Tal
75. Amn
76. Eth + Nef + Thul
77. 2x Ral
78. Tal + Amn + Key
79. Amn
80. Dol + Tal
81. Tal + Ral + El + Key
82. Shael + Ort + El + Key (wow

83. Dol
84. Ort + Ral
85. Sol
86. Eth + Amn
87. 2x Ort
88. Tal + Lum + Thul
89. Ith + Tal
90. Tir
91. Dol + Sol
92. Tal + Eld + Ko
93. Ort
94. Dol + Thul
95. Ith + Ort
96. Ral + Tal
97. Amn + Ort
98. Amn + Ort again
99. Nef + Shael
100. 2x El... so funny finish

Now, lets take a look at the list ordered from the most frequently dropped runes to the least frequent
Tal- 23
Ort - 23
Amn - 16
Thul - 14
El - 14
Ral - 12
Shael - 12
Sol - 11
Ith - 9
Tir - 8
Nef - 8
Eth - 8
Dol - 7
Eld - 4
Hel - 4
Lum - 3
Io - 2
Ko - 2
Fal - 2
Mal - 1
Keys - 9
As you can see, I got lucky only one time when i found Mal. Basically almost all other runes are low except few drops. Hell Countess can drop everything from Ist and below. She can also drop Lo, Ohm, Vex, Gul due to her mlvl, but the chances are... very very very low.
Also worth noticing is the Key of Terror drop rate. Doing 100 runs, i found 9 Keys, which is a good result i think.
Summary - If someone wants urgent lots of Tal, Ort, Amn or Thul runes, Hell Countess is way to go. Amn rune is used in making caster amulets and rings in Horadric Cube, so doing Countess runs will be helpful to farm Amn runes. She has very low chance to drop Ist, Mal, Um or even Pul rune, so if someone search for these runes, better to farm Travi or Cows.
That's it. Wish you guys all the best when ladder hits, and the best drops possible
