I use it a lot on act 1 Rogue merc i really like cause it causes confusion curse also hase high def Currently using on superior EthCorona also gives a bit more survaivability to the merc due to chance to cast terrot and Mind Blast...
Some people Also use it in act 5 merc but its descent runeword and i like it personally..
another use use if people find 3 Battle Orders barb Helm the make it Deli for the +2 to skill so they have 5 Bo help. and extremely rare now days to see also 5 Tornado deli but the rest skills arent much
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apsus wrote: 3 years ago
I use it a lot on act 1 Rogue merc i really like cause it causes confusion curse also hase high def Currently using on superior EthCorona also gives a bit more survaivability to the merc due to chance to cast terrot and Mind Blast...
Some people Also use it in act 5 merc but its descent runeword and i like it personally..
another use use if people find 3 Battle Orders barb helmet the make it Deli for the +2 to skill so they have 5 Bo helmet. and extremely rare now days to see also 5 Tornado deli but the rest skills arent much
Check all stashes. Don't forget to trust...
All items in can be sold for runes... Sols Perfect Gems Amethysts Rubys Rals etc
If it's a deal add me we trade in-game.
I've been using it in the last two D2LOD ladders on my Singer Barbarians: they need any skill points they can get to buff up their damage and Delirium is better than Lore but worse than an Echoing Helm in this sense. It's a temporary choice until you find the right Helm.
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