12/27 - Still no word from blizzard on this bug with the new patches. it may still be in effect. be careful!!
Source:"i repeat this is a HUGE BUG as if certain conditions are met the game will start deleting your items doesnt matter if on bnet or in singleplayer.
so apparently characters have a limit of 8kb and if that is reached the game starts deleting items. some item(especially rares and crafted items) take up more filesize than others. in the old days with a smaller inventory this issue might not be so apparent but nowdays with a bigger stash this can easily become reality..
the game will start removing items based on its gold value, so jewellries and charms are pretty much the first goners...
THIS IS HUGE and blizz MUST migrate their database to a bigger size (i dont care if the game gets taken down for a week or so THIS SHIT MUST BE FIXED)
and everybody should know it, YOU ARE AFFECTED TOO
thanks to this thread of pointing it out https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comment ... _crafting/
and my consolence to OP"
This has actually happened to me too, several items i knew for a fact i had just went poof one day. Nothing major like some other people though.