Now, needless to say, the way I choose to say things is the undeniably correct way and everyone else is a godless heathen (jk),
but I'm curious how different everyone pronounces the following words; so let's have everyone weigh in!
Shako :: "Shack-o" or "Shay-ko"
SOJ :: "Es-Oh-Jay" or "Sodge"
Ber (rune) :: "Burr" or "Bear"
Sorc :: "Source" or "Sork"
Merc :: "Merse" or "Merk"
Occy :: "Ah-si" or "Ocky"
Open to other people adding your own Diablo 2 terms that people might say different than others!
(For the record, I say the words above as: "Shack-o", "Es-Oh-Jay", "Burr", "Source", "Merk", "Ocky".)
Also: Proof that Shako is pronounced "Shack-o":