I developed an open source application for tracking HG progress - for offline players: it tracks all of the save files in your save folder in real-time and provides stats about your HG completion. For online players - it works like any other tracker where you manually check the boxes.
The app, in automatic reading mode, will tell you which item is in which character/savefile, which makes working with mules a little less annoying.
It also has the Silospen's Drop Calculator built in (copy of a .jar file built from the drop calc source on Silospen's github) which makes it easy to find drop information for your missing items quickly.
The app was originally written for my fellow streamer, he uses that on his streams. The app opens a port on localhost with the result summary page, and that can be fed to OBS and used on streams.
Some screenshots below
Welcome screen:

Statistics screen:

Item list (automatic save reading mode):

Item list (manual selection mode)


You can download it from Github's project releases page, or use the direct links to latest release from the website.
Website: https://holygrail.link/
Project page: https://github.com/zeddicus-pl/d2rHolyGrail
This is how it looks on stream when displayed via OBS:
https://clips.twitch.tv/DreamyPlacidSca ... 9MKHuO9owj