The full item list has been updated:
And if you want to see exactly which items were removed, the following are the previous winning builds:
#3: (<-- the last one)
Most notably, from the last round, is that there is currently no more of the following items:
- Self-wield (low req) Infinity
- Griffon's Eye
- Arachnid Mesh
Fourth round will be Saturday the 15th at 8pm UTC:
This timestamp has been automatically converted to your local date/time for convenience. The format is DD/MMM/YYYY, HH:MM am/pm. This is based off your browser time.
If any of you want to double check your builds and make changes (or make a completely new build), you have until then, that's when the next draw will be!
The timestamp above should adjust automatically to your own time zone, but just to be absolutely clear; That's at the following times in various time zones:
- Saturday 15th 12pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
- Saturday 15th 3pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
- Saturday 15th 9pm CET (Central European Time) - 21:00 in 24h clock
- Sunday 16th 4am AWST (Australian Western Standard Time)