This fellow is called Furious, as he does have a bit of a Temper... He has his Tiny Oak Sage by his side at all times, and when needed, can summon 2 Ravens, one Wolf one Dire Wolf and a Grizzly to his aid. But he rarely needs to, as he is rocking a full Iratha's with upgraded Belt, and an Angelic upgraded Mantle and Sword, with two rings: He barely uses that sword, since in Battle, he just summon his little animal farm, and protects himself with a fully synergized Hurricane and Cyclone Armor.. Then he pulls out his Kuko Shakaku, and reigns down fire and Terror from the skies!
So far, in the land of Nightmare, he has little issues, and will continue to bravely stride forth into the depths of Hell...
It's really fun to fool around with off beat strategies, all the more since these Sunder charms have been introduced. Makes both Hybrid builds and Single Skill buolds more viable, if you ask me!
So, does my Druid sound cool, or more like a fool, on a quick ride to his demise? And what is your own idea of a fun build?
I'm hoping for some creative input, but if you happen to like some meta character, feel free to share as well!