If they had dropped all the immunes to 95 max, then yeah.ghostpos wrote: 2 years ago Couldn't they have reduced some elemental resistances on enemies to achieve the same affect as sunder charms? Now it's just more inventory space required.
Back in the day, someone had the bright idea to introduce immunities to the game and figured it'd be a good way to make it harder.
Imo that was just idiotic to begin with as it did nothing to make the game more challenging. It merely made it binary. "Cold immunes here? Alright, not going there then.".
But instead of simply undoing that addition of immunities, they chose to come up with some convoluted dumbass way of doing it that makes you blow 3 slots in your inventory on what is basically circumventing an entire game mechanic while leaving it just as not-challenging-but-binary for pre-sunder levels/play.
Old, ooold mechanics. There was a time, however brief, where Cold Mastery broke immunities. It actually came back for an equally brief period in D2:R. Knowing that that was an option and probably the original plan (since it happened quite early on), it'd make sense to drive cold immunes to massive res as they would be far easier countered via mastery. They merely forgot to tone down those resistances again when CM was made to not break anything.Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago So even on the topic of the Sorceress's elemental masteries, why is cold different than fire and lightning, and why do cold immune monsters have such a drastically higher resistance to their immune element compared to their fire and lightning immune counterparts if Cold Mastery can't break their immunity in the first place?
See further up (educated guess + vaguely remembering ancient statements from a bygone time).Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago Also, what was the motivation to add immunities in 1.07 and how does that relate to the current product team's desire to remove them? Do they not have phones know how to revert changes?
The current team really just seems largely unmotivated, ignorant and incompetent. They're not exactly hiding the fact that they don't think things through, can't even be asked to take a single look at their "bright ideas" in terms of testing and probably don't have a single person that actually plays this game. Can't expect them to do anything logical, let alone involving actual thinking and work re existing mechanics.
That'd still be half a day longer than I'd endure there before finding a nice tree and a thick rope. Or a barrel of rum. More likely a barrel of rum.Snakecharmed wrote: 2 years ago That's where I would have focused my attention rather than inventing sunder charms, but I ask "why" a lot by profession and I care about underlying principles rather than stacking layers of workarounds to circumvent problems.
I wouldn't last a day at ATVI.