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I don't know if others are experiencing this issue (on BNet only) but, whenever I go to a lobby to join something like a Cow, Chaos or
run, I'll see the game populated and then get the [This game is no longer available] message when I try to join it. So I'll refresh the game list, try another game that's populated, and get the same thing.

I feel like since 2.4 dropped, this has become a bigger issue than before, at least for me. I play in the Americas, so I don't know if this is happening to anyone else from that realm too, but it's making me not want to do any public games because I can't join them, or I fail to join. It's either that, or the refreshing the game list does absolutely nothing.

Ladder S1 is 6 days away, how the heck are we supposed to join games like this?

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I don't know if others are experiencing this issue (on BNet only) but, whenever I go to a lobby to join something like a Cow, Chaos or
run, I'll see the game populated and then get the [This game is no longer available] message when I try to join it. So I'll refresh the game list, try another game that's populated, and get the same thing.

I feel like since 2.4 dropped, this has become a bigger issue than before, at least for me. I play in the Americas, so I don't know if this is happening to anyone else from that realm too, but it's making me not want to do any public games because I can't join them, or I fail to join. It's either that, or the refreshing the game list does absolutely nothing.

Ladder S1 is 6 days away, how the heck are we supposed to join games like this?

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Schnorki 3714Moderator

That's due to the change in how games stay open (or not) and not so much due to the list itself.

In the past, when you created a game, it would stay open for x time after you were in it for y time. So if you had something like a cow run, you ended up with cows-01, cows-02, cows-03 and so on all open until eventually the first of them started closing.
That's why in the past, you had games in your list that when you joined them were empty:
1) Your list refreshed
2) Folks left their game (that is in your list) to join new game
3) You join that game
4) Game is empty

With the change, each char/account can only hold one game open as host (excluding games that still have folks in them).
So now, in that same situation you get:
1) Your list refreshed
2) Folks left their game (that is in your list) to join new game
3) You try to join that game
4) You get an error message because the host having created the next game killed that previous game after the last person left it

So while you now get that error message, you instead get significantly less empty games to join because now, they'd only be empty if the last person literally left while you were already loading in.

That change was fairly necessary, considering how massively you could abuse the prior game-perming in conjunction with dclone.
Oh is that was that prior post I saw was talking about? I guess that makes sense. I didn't realize they had changed this but thanks for explaining. I do remember there being a lot of dead games prior to 2.4 and even now I still get the occasional one I can join with no one there.

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Schnorki 3714Moderator

You still get the empty ones, yes, but they should significantly less common.

Basically, empty games + the error message games combined should be about the same amount as you had for empty games in the past.


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