One of the things in D2Lod from the very beginning that disappoints me personally is the fact I MUST spend 5 hard skill points into Wind just to receive my access to Armageddon. Why should I - if i plan pure fire drud, or shifter+geddon build? What is the point? I fail to see where is any logic here, otherwise than to artificially penalize any armag-usin druid by 5 skill points.
Imagine if your fire sorc would must to have at least 1 hard skill point in Frozen Orb JUST to have access to your Meteor. Or vice versa. Why do i need to develop cold to gain access to fire?? Arrgh
I wonder if anyone else thinks the same way. Of course, i don't believe this will ever be fixed by Blizzard - but still... Wonderin if anyone thought about writin a petition letter to developers. Just to make 1 simple change - remove this exact damn arrow at the bottom of the tree, from Hurricane to Armageddon.