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Light radius in D2L graphics vs D2R graphics comparison

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Found this neat little site that lets you compare multiple images with a slider, figured it'd make it nice and easy to compare the effect of light radius in D2L vs D2R. I think I've mentioned this topic before in the past but I didn't really have an easy way to showcase it at the time.

If you compare the D2R Default LR and D2R Maximum LR options (and then compare it to D2L Default vs D2L Max) you can see that positive light radius is basically useless in D2R graphics, it makes an extremely small difference on the light bouncing off the arches of the jail cell and also makes the puddle reflection way brighter.

I think the puddle reflection is a quirk of the 3D lighting implementation in D2R, I'm guessing it's an invisible light source above your characters head that increases in intensity as your light radius increases and they forgot (or couldn't) make it invisible in reflections.

Negative light radius works as intended in D2R though, of course the detrimental thing works while the positive thing doesn't heh. :P Bummer that this probably won't ever get fixed seeing as Blizzard can't even deliver on "bug fixes" anymore, I like the darkness of D2R but I wish light radius worked as effectively as it did in D2L to counter it.

Shamelessly copy/pasted from my Reddit post, figured a few here might find it interesting at least. 😛
Description by DarkMaster

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Found this neat little site that lets you compare multiple images with a slider, figured it'd make it nice and easy to compare the effect of light radius in D2L vs D2R. I think I've mentioned this topic before in the past but I didn't really have an easy way to showcase it at the time.

If you compare the D2R Default LR and D2R Maximum LR options (and then compare it to D2L Default vs D2L Max) you can see that positive light radius is basically useless in D2R graphics, it makes an extremely small difference on the light bouncing off the arches of the jail cell and also makes the puddle reflection way brighter.

I think the puddle reflection is a quirk of the 3D lighting implementation in D2R, I'm guessing it's an invisible light source above your characters head that increases in intensity as your light radius increases and they forgot (or couldn't) make it invisible in reflections.

Negative light radius works as intended in D2R though, of course the detrimental thing works while the positive thing doesn't heh. :P Bummer that this probably won't ever get fixed seeing as Blizzard can't even deliver on "bug fixes" anymore, I like the darkness of D2R but I wish light radius worked as effectively as it did in D2L to counter it.

Shamelessly copy/pasted from my Reddit post, figured a few here might find it interesting at least. 😛
Well, it resembles me old Tibia. Back then your character had to use a light source (such as a torch or a spell) at night or in caves, or you literally couldn't see anything further than one tile from your character (which usually meant inevitable death).
But all of that darkness was client-side! Clever players hacked their clients see everything like in daylight.
What would be the solution? To make the server send only the data of objects visible to the player.
What did the devs do instead? They incorporated the light hack into the client. -.-


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