Over the last month the tracker page itself has received 5 million page views (excluding automated traffic), serving over 150,000 unique visitors. Not only has the tracker itself been a success, but your report data now also feeds into a number of Discords, Telegrams, sites and other communities via the public API.
A special Shout out to @Schnorki who helped me design the tracker and has continued to make improvement suggestions and other great observations.
It was his idea to message me and persuade me to build it in the first place, and he's also a top reporter too. Huge props Schnorki, this is definitely your moment to shine.
Thank you ALL!
573 Schnorki
241 Tetra
177 Felsbestie
161 iamergo
127 FranticOrange
102 Hannes99
91 Aleh
89 Steccothal
85 Bisu
70 Izaura
68 vivagordida
68 S7ORM3X
66 insanity69
56 yugnalgum
56 Sparr0w77
54 brad8506
51 moot11
50 mbonilla
49 jarheads0331
48 zilonka
48 Danisan
47 Rangelod
47 Chaz6969
47 Invincible05
46 Rayney
43 Teebling
41 areaba
41 Szambodiver
40 Lord_Poseidon
40 Child Of YHWH
39 Rathma_Zero
39 tengusheath
38 tae-kyun KIM
38 Dinjlz
37 VooDoo
36 geo89
36 La_Brick_48
35 Rogar79
35 Carbunul
34 Whitextreme
34 sirmajorlee
34 Tey_Rossa
33 fredericojordan
32 WMAlleg
31 NapalmN8
30 Limon4uk_gg
29 txageod
29 tinydancr
28 Naitsirk
28 Saadriq
27 dukedinh
26 Taz
26 worstd2playerever
25 manu151186
25 Tasinho
24 zeleboba
23 Optar
23 RhAce0
23 ain3c
22 ksr115
22 snorlaxing
22 LoRd_HuMuNgUs
22 desc49
22 MattMakesPhotos
22 Malleus
22 blutuzko
21 tepidhotdogwater
21 kusarus
21 calimehtar
21 smir
21 cristobal03
21 Thesseus
21 Buckland
20 Denszecu
20 Shoes
20 icebergggg
20 Softe
20 Lawlesscowboy122
20 Sixen
20 Miyitan
19 Bapanadin
19 Israfil
19 Zendra
19 mikimikov
19 Otto2
19 wale
19 diegoliveira
19 Heptane
18 Pasadei
18 lertrade
18 Betty84
18 Condaan
18 ShocKAttacKGuN
18 seelenapparat
17 xkog
17 las7resor7
17 lovelets
17 seras
PS this is just a raw query to the database, but I can make it into a 'top 100' page in the same style as the market stats page if there's enough clamour for it
