Following the poll that I ran which asked you all if you'd buy additional stash tabs if they became purchasable in-game, so far it seems that about half would pay (begrudgingly) to have more stash tabs, so I thought how many would be required to 'catch 'em all'.
As it stands you have one 10x10 'personal' stash tab for each character, and 3 'shared' stash tabs (across all characters). There is a limit of 20 characters per Resurrected account, so in total you have 23 'stash tabs' available to you on one account. A 'stash tab' meaning one character's worth of storage area.
We can work out the area of one 'stash' area by multiplying its width by its height. m = 1 'block' in the grid:
Code: Select all
10m width
10m height
Further to that, for each character you have the inventory grid too:
Code: Select all
10m width
4m height
So the rough total 'area' of storage per account is the following:
Code: Select all
So 3100m2 is the total theoretical area available on one account. However, this is discounting any space savings by using cube for storage etc. It also assumes that you would be able to play Tetris and get all of the items to use the grid rows and columns perfectly so that everything slots in.
To offset those variable factors a little bit, we'll take off another tabs's worth of area from the final area available. That should cover any anomalies with positioning, available grid space, cube storage, sentimental items and any other factors to come to a more realistic figure.
We know now that 3000m2 is a good guess at the storage area available on one account.
To find out how much space would be needed to collect the entire Holy Grail, we need to know how many items there are in one first of all. There are a few different grail categories out there such as the ' Eth Grail', so for simplicity we'll use the Standard Grail', which is 539 items in total. It comprises of all Unique Weapons, Armor, Jewels, Charms, Rings/Ammies, all Set items, and finally all Runes.
When I built the graphics assets for the each item entry here on the database, I cropped them to standard dimensions that corresponded with the in-game items' actual space occupied on the tetris grid. This allows me to serve Retina graphics to high pixel density displays, and also means I can get the area of each item by querying the records on the database for those 539 items.
There are several possible item 'dimensions': 1x1 (amulets, rings etc.), 1x2 (belts), 1x3 (swords), 1x4 (spears/staves), 2x1 (daggers), 2x2 (shields, helms), 2x3 (body armor), 2x4 (polearms) etc.
Counting the instances of the 1x1 dimensions occurring in the record, making sure to exclude other database entries and DB records using this value that are not part of the grail definition:
This SQL returns a count of 106. So there are 106 items in the grail that are of the 1x1 dimension. Let's work through the other dimension types to get a total count for those too. Then we can find the total area occupied by items of that dimension too:
Code: Select all
1x1 = 106 total, (106x1)=106m2 required
1x2 = 26 total, (1x2)x26=52m2 required
1x3 = 55 total, (1x3)x55=165m2 required
1x4 = 22 total, (1x4)x22=88m2 required
2x1 = 26 total, (2x1)x26=52m2 required
2x2 = 116 total, (2x2)x116=464m2 required
2x3 = 144 total, (2x3)x144=864m2 required
2x4 = 76 total, (2x4)x76=608m2 required
Sum of all of the area required is 2399m2
, but we know that not everything will slot in correctly, so we'll add on a x0.3 stowage factor to try and guess the consequence of any gaps left in the grid. That adds on another 720m2 of area, bringing the total estimate to 3119m2 required
.We now know the rough area required for one account to 'hold' the entire holy grail. We also know how much area is available realistically to one account. Finally, we know how much area one stash tab provides, so...
stash tabs would be required to hold the entire holy grail. So even if you were meticulous in your arrangements of the items, and you had made 20 'full' characters on an account, full shared stash as well, you'd still end up short on space:3119-3000=119m2
overstowed. 119m2 is slightly less than the 140m2 theoretical space available on one character. So it's 'one character short' of having the total space available to accommodate the entire grail.And that's it really
