Hey guys,
Recently I started crafting caster amulets and it's not working out. If you have any advice it woulod be much appreciated.
So, i started off by getting an amulet, one that spawned from a tz. It was lvl 93 Chaos Sanctuary which should be high enough. I added in my amulet, a random jewel, 1 Perfect Amethyst and a Ral. This was with my level 91 char.
Given the formula, the level of the crafted amulet shuold be half of 93 rounded down plus half of 91 rounded down, which is 46 + 45 giving a total of 91, which is enough to get +2 skills and 20 fcr(if I'm lucky)
However, the crafted amulet had a required level of 47, which is shockingly low for a nice crafted amulet. I thought i wasn't lucky enough and proceeded to gamble 8 or 9 more but all of them kept rolling +1 skills or a specific skill tree. I started to give up, but then my friend lended me a lvl 94 char. This brings the formula to 46(ilvl) plus 47(clvl) giving a total of 93 which should be well over the requirement to craft a good 2/20 amulet. However, even then, it still spawned with something like 53 required level on the amulet which leads me to think that I wasn't getting a high levelled enough amulet. I got some from Gheed instead of the tz and tried some more, but it just didn't work.
If any crafters have any advice it'd be well appreciated!
Recently I started crafting caster amulets and it's not working out. If you have any advice it woulod be much appreciated.
So, i started off by getting an amulet, one that spawned from a tz. It was lvl 93 Chaos Sanctuary which should be high enough. I added in my amulet, a random jewel, 1 Perfect Amethyst and a Ral. This was with my level 91 char.
Given the formula, the level of the crafted amulet shuold be half of 93 rounded down plus half of 91 rounded down, which is 46 + 45 giving a total of 91, which is enough to get +2 skills and 20 fcr(if I'm lucky)
However, the crafted amulet had a required level of 47, which is shockingly low for a nice crafted amulet. I thought i wasn't lucky enough and proceeded to gamble 8 or 9 more but all of them kept rolling +1 skills or a specific skill tree. I started to give up, but then my friend lended me a lvl 94 char. This brings the formula to 46(ilvl) plus 47(clvl) giving a total of 93 which should be well over the requirement to craft a good 2/20 amulet. However, even then, it still spawned with something like 53 required level on the amulet which leads me to think that I wasn't getting a high levelled enough amulet. I got some from Gheed instead of the tz and tried some more, but it just didn't work.
If any crafters have any advice it'd be well appreciated!
Can be used to make Runewords:
Hey guys,
Recently I started crafting caster amulets and it's not working out. If you have any advice it woulod be much appreciated.
So, i started off by getting an amulet, one that spawned from a tz. It was lvl 93 Chaos Sanctuary which should be high enough. I added in my amulet, a random jewel, 1 Perfect Amethyst and a Ral. This was with my level 91 char.
Given the formula, the level of the crafted amulet shuold be half of 93 rounded down plus half of 91 rounded down, which is 46 + 45 giving a total of 91, which is enough to get +2 skills and 20 fcr(if I'm lucky)
However, the crafted amulet had a required level of 47, which is shockingly low for a nice crafted amulet. I thought i wasn't lucky enough and proceeded to gamble 8 or 9 more but all of them kept rolling +1 skills or a specific skill tree. I started to give up, but then my friend lended me a lvl 94 char. This brings the formula to 46(ilvl) plus 47(clvl) giving a total of 93 which should be well over the requirement to craft a good 2/20 amulet. However, even then, it still spawned with something like 53 required level on the amulet which leads me to think that I wasn't getting a high levelled enough amulet. I got some from Gheed instead of the tz and tried some more, but it just didn't work.
If any crafters have any advice it'd be well appreciated!
Recently I started crafting caster amulets and it's not working out. If you have any advice it woulod be much appreciated.
So, i started off by getting an amulet, one that spawned from a tz. It was lvl 93 Chaos Sanctuary which should be high enough. I added in my amulet, a random jewel, 1 Perfect Amethyst and a Ral. This was with my level 91 char.
Given the formula, the level of the crafted amulet shuold be half of 93 rounded down plus half of 91 rounded down, which is 46 + 45 giving a total of 91, which is enough to get +2 skills and 20 fcr(if I'm lucky)
However, the crafted amulet had a required level of 47, which is shockingly low for a nice crafted amulet. I thought i wasn't lucky enough and proceeded to gamble 8 or 9 more but all of them kept rolling +1 skills or a specific skill tree. I started to give up, but then my friend lended me a lvl 94 char. This brings the formula to 46(ilvl) plus 47(clvl) giving a total of 93 which should be well over the requirement to craft a good 2/20 amulet. However, even then, it still spawned with something like 53 required level on the amulet which leads me to think that I wasn't getting a high levelled enough amulet. I got some from Gheed instead of the tz and tried some more, but it just didn't work.
If any crafters have any advice it'd be well appreciated!
Currently iso sorc lightning skillers. can be plain, or +vita. If you have these for trade please pm me or add me on bnet.
Welcome to RNG. Yes, you are at the right level. But the odds of crafting a decent amulet are low. The odds of a 2/20 a VERY low. The odds of a 2/20 with useful other affixes is near zero. Crafting is a big numbers game, thats why you see vis of streamers doing it 100 at a time, and they will only get a handful of decent amulets, and almost never get a GG one
For reference: I probably crafted well over 5000 caster Amulets and only got 2 truly GG ones and maybe around 50 tradable (counting anything above Jah)...Kakumba wrote: 6 days ago Welcome to RNG. Yes, you are at the right level. But the odds of crafting a decent amulet are low. The odds of a 2/20 a VERY low. The odds of a 2/20 with useful other affixes is near zero. Crafting is a big numbers game, thats why you see vis of streamers doing it 100 at a time, and they will only get a handful of decent amulets, and almost never get a GG one
All my trades are NON-LADDER
You're confusing item level with required level. They're not the same. Item level (ilvl) is a hidden attribute on each item, determined at item generation. You can never see this number in-game. That's why you just have to know where/how the item was acquired to be sure which ilvl it has. For magic, rare and crafted items, the item level (ilvl) determines which affixes it can get. Each affix has a pre-determined affix level, the item level must be greater than or equal to the affix level of an affix for that affix to be possible. Affixes are then randomly drawn from the pool of available affixes. For magic and rare items, the affix with the highest affix level determines the required level (but it's not a straight up affix level equals required level - the required level of an affix is lower than the affix level). For crafted items, the required level calculation is a bit more intricate, but in the end, it depends on the affixes selected. If the game picks a bunch of low level affixes, then the required level will also be low.wvgcswiglett wrote: 6 days ago However, the crafted amulet had a required level of 47, which is shockingly low for a nice crafted amulet. I thought i wasn't lucky enough and proceeded to gamble 8 or 9 more but all of them kept rolling +1 skills or a specific skill tree. I started to give up, but then my friend lended me a lvl 94 char. This brings the formula to 46(ilvl) plus 47(clvl) giving a total of 93 which should be well over the requirement to craft a good 2/20 amulet. However, even then, it still spawned with something like 53 required level on the amulet which leads me to think that I wasn't getting a high levelled enough amulet. I got some from
Gheed instead of the tz and tried some more, but it just didn't work.
Item level is a hidden attribute, it determines which affixes are possible.
The randomly selected affixes determines the required level.
If it picks only low level affixes it will have a low required level.
I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
A good ammy has a required level of 89. That's a one with +2 skills and other goodies.
As ShadowHeart said, if you craft one with only +1 skill and some weaker affixes, it could require low levels to wear it. This doesn't mean that something's wrong, it mean that you didn't won the lottery.
As ShadowHeart said, if you craft one with only +1 skill and some weaker affixes, it could require low levels to wear it. This doesn't mean that something's wrong, it mean that you didn't won the lottery.
A great place to get crafting jewelry is through gambling. However, to get the right iLvl you need to be (IIRC) character level 93 to guarantee that every ammy is capable of randomly rolling a +2 to all class skill. The random nature of the mods makes it rare to find "GG" stuff. However, you can really pop out some good stuff that is self-use. It will burn through lots of jewels and gems, and addiction is costly. I craft as I go and grind up everything for a few different crafts. Depending on your break points a +2 skill ammy with +5%fcr can make hitting the next breakpoint easier. I like to use Mara's as a reference for trade. If it's as good as, it's worth offering for trade.
Make any offer whatsoever of any runes, tokens, keys essences, 9%light+ res sc - I am cheap and easy.
ISO: Caduceus with any combos of Redemption/ Conversion/ Conviction -
ISO: Pally Combat, Pally Offensive Aura, Necro P&B, Black Cleft
ISO: Caduceus with any combos of Redemption/ Conversion/ Conviction -
ISO: Pally Combat, Pally Offensive Aura, Necro P&B, Black Cleft
from crafting +500 items->
30% chance of "better than this garbage rare i'm wearing"
20% chance of "not bad"
5% chance of "hey that IS nice"
0% chance of GG ...
30% chance of "better than this garbage rare i'm wearing"
20% chance of "not bad"
5% chance of "hey that IS nice"
0% chance of GG ...
Hey! Yeah I get that. The reason why I posted was because the amulets i was crafting with dropped from a tz level of 93 and I crafted with a level 93 char, and it was confusing me because the amulets rolled were absolute trash. Rolled with +1 skills and a low required level. I know that the req level doesn't equal the ilvl, i just wasn't sure if i was messing something else up that screwed up my chances,because I thought crafting with a level 91 char on a lvl 91 amulet would have guaranteed that the req level of the crafted amulet to be fairly high. I am sure that my amulets were the one that dropped from the tz. Should I keep trying?Is it a luck based issue?ShadowHeart wrote: 6 days agoYou're confusing item level with required level. They're not the same. Item level (ilvl) is a hidden attribute on each item, determined at item generation. You can never see this number in-game. That's why you just have to know where/how the item was acquired to be sure which ilvl it has. For magic, rare and crafted items, the item level (ilvl) determines which affixes it can get. Each affix has a pre-determined affix level, the item level must be greater than or equal to the affix level of an affix for that affix to be possible. Affixes are then randomly drawn from the pool of available affixes. For magic and rare items, the affix with the highest affix level determines the required level (but it's not a straight up affix level equals required level - the required level of an affix is lower than the affix level). For crafted items, the required level calculation is a bit more intricate, but in the end, it depends on the affixes selected. If the game picks a bunch of low level affixes, then the required level will also be low.wvgcswiglett wrote: 6 days ago However, the crafted amulet had a required level of 47, which is shockingly low for a nice crafted amulet. I thought i wasn't lucky enough and proceeded to gamble 8 or 9 more but all of them kept rolling +1 skills or a specific skill tree. I started to give up, but then my friend lended me a lvl 94 char. This brings the formula to 46(ilvl) plus 47(clvl) giving a total of 93 which should be well over the requirement to craft a good 2/20 amulet. However, even then, it still spawned with something like 53 required level on the amulet which leads me to think that I wasn't getting a high levelled enough amulet. I got some from
Gheed instead of the tz and tried some more, but it just didn't work.
Item level is a hidden attribute, it determines which affixes are possible.
The randomly selected affixes determines the required level.
If it picks only low level affixes it will have a low required level.
Currently iso sorc lightning skillers. can be plain, or +vita. If you have these for trade please pm me or add me on bnet.
Okay that's great. Nice to get some confirmation. I guess ill just keep trying!Florian_G wrote: 5 days ago A good ammy has a required level of 89. That's a one with +2 skills and other goodies.
As ShadowHeart said, if you craft one with only +1 skill and some weaker affixes, it could require low levels to wear it. This doesn't mean that something's wrong, it mean that you didn't won the lottery.
Edit: After rolling a total of 14 amulets I got only one amulet with a higher req level: 2 barb, 7 fcr, 6 mf and 12 mana.... Yeah that really got my hopes up but after seeing the stats, absolute disappointment
Currently iso sorc lightning skillers. can be plain, or +vita. If you have these for trade please pm me or add me on bnet.
Keep trying, it's just RNG, it's completely random.
When you're doing high level crafts like that, pretty much every single affix is in the pool, so the odds of it randomly picking a combination of multiple good ones is pretty low, crafted amulets only have 4 affixes (besides the built-in ones). On top of that, to get a 2/20 specifically, it not only needs to roll a +2 to skills prefix as well as the Apprentice suffix (10% fcr), it also needs to roll a 10 on the built-in 5-10 FCR roll.
Just quickly looking at the list of possible affixes on amulets at Arreat Summit, there are 83 prefixes and 59 suffixes available on rare/crafted items (unless I miscounted). I haven't done the math but you might need to make hundreds of crafts before you hit a 2/20 for a class you actually want.
There is no such guarantee. All that the high level ilvl + clvl does is guarantee that the affixes you want are in the pool of affixes that might be selected. The higher the level, the more affixes are available. There's no "floor", there's no lower bound, it's all RNG.wvgcswiglett wrote: 5 days ago I thought crafting with a level 91 char on a lvl 91 amulet would have guaranteed that the req level of the crafted amulet to be fairly high
I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
Ah! Well that's great. Guess Ill just keep trying. One more thing though, does a higher clvl + ilvl have a higher chance of getting said affixes?Or is it purely a true or false type of thing?ShadowHeart wrote: 5 days agoKeep trying, it's just RNG, it's completely random.
When you're doing high level crafts like that, pretty much every single affix is in the pool, so the odds of it randomly picking a combination of multiple good ones is pretty low, crafted amulets only have 4 affixes (besides the built-in ones). On top of that, to get a 2/20 specifically, it not only needs to roll a +2 to skills prefix as well as the Apprentice suffix (10% fcr), it also needs to roll a 10 on the built-in 5-10 FCR roll.
Just quickly looking at the list of possible affixes on amulets at Arreat Summit, there are 83 prefixes and 59 suffixes available on rare/crafted items (unless I miscounted). I haven't done the math but you might need to make hundreds of crafts before you hit a 2/20 for a class you actually want.
There is no such guarantee. All that the high level ilvl + clvl does is guarantee that the affixes you want are in the pool of affixes that might be selected. The higher the level, the more affixes are available. There's no "floor", there's no lower bound, it's all RNG.wvgcswiglett wrote: 5 days ago I thought crafting with a level 91 char on a lvl 91 amulet would have guaranteed that the req level of the crafted amulet to be fairly high
Currently iso sorc lightning skillers. can be plain, or +vita. If you have these for trade please pm me or add me on bnet.
No, a higher clvl + ilvl will not yield a higher chance of getting the highest level affixes; If the result's ilvl is too low for the affix, it can't appear at all, and if the result's ilvl is high enough then the affix part of the pool of possible affixes. Further increasing the result's ilvl doesn't yield a higher chance of that affix to be picked.wvgcswiglett wrote: 5 days ago One more thing though, does a higher clvl + ilvl have a higher chance of getting said affixes?Or is it purely a true or false type of thing?
The +2 skill levels prefix has an affix level of 90.
If you craft something that has a resulting ilvl of 89 or lower, the affix cannot be selected.
If you craft something that has a resulting ilvl of 90 or higher, the affix has a chance of being selected. That chance will not improve by increasing the ilvl further.
(in fact, the chance of getting a specific affix will decrease if you increase ilvl beyond what is necessary for that affix, as the pool of available affixes gets bigger and bigger the higher the ilvl - while this is not relevant for the +2 skills prefix as that's the highest level affix that is available on rare/crafted item, it is something to keep in mind if you were ever crafting something of lower level and looking specifically for certain low/mid level affixes and not caring about the possible higher level affixes)
I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
Wow, didn't know that! Thanks!ShadowHeart wrote: 5 days agoNo, a higher clvl + ilvl will not yield a higher chance of getting the highest level affixes; If the result's ilvl is too low for the affix, it can't appear at all, and if the result's ilvl is high enough then the affix part of the pool of possible affixes. Further increasing the result's ilvl doesn't yield a higher chance of that affix to be picked.wvgcswiglett wrote: 5 days ago One more thing though, does a higher clvl + ilvl have a higher chance of getting said affixes?Or is it purely a true or false type of thing?
The +2 skill levels prefix has an affix level of 90.
If you craft something that has a resulting ilvl of 89 or lower, the affix cannot be selected.
If you craft something that has a resulting ilvl of 90 or higher, the affix has a chance of being selected. That chance will not improve by increasing the ilvl further.
(in fact, the chance of getting a specific affix will decrease if you increase ilvl beyond what is necessary for that affix, as the pool of available affixes gets bigger and bigger the higher the ilvl - while this is not relevant for the +2 skills prefix as that's the highest level affix that is available on rare/crafted item, it is something to keep in mind if you were ever crafting something of lower level and looking specifically for certain low/mid level affixes and not caring about the possible higher level affixes)
Currently iso sorc lightning skillers. can be plain, or +vita. If you have these for trade please pm me or add me on bnet.
I've seen a few level 95s come through in remastered. I'm guessing it's +2 skills and mana leech causing the jump. I haven't seen higher in remastered, but I guess you can get higher. 98s in classic.
Make any offer whatsoever of any runes, tokens, keys essences, 9%light+ res sc - I am cheap and easy.
ISO: Caduceus with any combos of Redemption/ Conversion/ Conviction -
ISO: Pally Combat, Pally Offensive Aura, Necro P&B, Black Cleft
ISO: Caduceus with any combos of Redemption/ Conversion/ Conviction -
ISO: Pally Combat, Pally Offensive Aura, Necro P&B, Black Cleft
Wow! 95..... I dont even have a char level that high, I aint wearing no amulet like thatSayWhat wrote: 5 days ago I've seen a few level 95s come through in remastered. I'm guessing it's +2 skills and mana leech causing the jump. I haven't seen higher in remastered, but I guess you can get higher. 98s in classic.
Currently iso sorc lightning skillers. can be plain, or +vita. If you have these for trade please pm me or add me on bnet.
I grind what I find, and don't trade for the materials, but am always putting jewels and gems as I get them to craft. To date this is the only 95 ammy worth keeping I made. I got one 95 character and won't do that again lol. I keep him just for gambing ammys rings and gloves. To me it's a free chance at a really strange rare item.
Make any offer whatsoever of any runes, tokens, keys essences, 9%light+ res sc - I am cheap and easy.
ISO: Caduceus with any combos of Redemption/ Conversion/ Conviction -
ISO: Pally Combat, Pally Offensive Aura, Necro P&B, Black Cleft
ISO: Caduceus with any combos of Redemption/ Conversion/ Conviction -
ISO: Pally Combat, Pally Offensive Aura, Necro P&B, Black Cleft
I crafted over 300 caster amulets and have not gottena 2 skill 20 fcr yet.
Ive got :
> a few 2 skills with 15-18 fcr, with decrnt mods
> a few +2 to tree with 18-20 fcr and decent mods
> a few +1 skills with 18-20 fcr with bad to decent mods
Have not gotten a good 2/20 at all.
Bad luck. Its all random. I am sure someone who crafted a few and have gotten2/20 + good mods. Its like playing lottery
I crafted over 300 caster amulets and have not gottena 2 skill 20 fcr yet.
Ive got :
> a few 2 skills with 15-18 fcr, with decrnt mods
> a few +2 to tree with 18-20 fcr and decent mods
> a few +1 skills with 18-20 fcr with bad to decent mods
Have not gotten a good 2/20 at all.
Bad luck. Its all random. I am sure someone who crafted a few and have gotten2/20 + good mods. Its like playing lottery
Can trade on PC or SWITCH
I've got a couple blood rings stashed somewhere with a 96 lvl req. If I can find one, I'll edit this post with a screenshot. Not that terribly uncommon.SayWhat wrote: 5 days ago I've seen a few level 95s come through in remastered. I'm guessing it's +2 skills and mana leech causing the jump. I haven't seen higher in remastered, but I guess you can get higher. 98s in classic.
83 prefixes, 59 suffixes say Shadow so should not be too hard to compute a 2/20 chance... (well, there are sub constraints but will give an idea
Prefix: 7 désirable ones (+2 for one class, 7 classes). 7/83 + 76/83*7/82 (2 rolls)
Suffix : 1 désirable one. 1/59+58/59×1/58 (2 rolls also)
Fcr auto mod: 1/6 (goes from 5 to 10 if I remember well)
Multiply those 3 numbers and you should have a decent approximation (on phone so not doing it myself)
Edit: forgot that was not necessarily 2 prefixes + 2 suffixes... well, let's assume it is
So rough approx:
2/11 to get any +2
1/29 to get 10 fcr
1/6 to roll 10 on automod
So 1/957 to get a 2/20. To give an idea, count a 1/1000 chance to get 1, so 1/7000 for a specific class
Édit 2: affixes are probably not with the same likelihood, and the number of affixes rolling as prefixes or suffixes, so the calculation is probably quite false.
Still, having a rule of thumb that a 2/20 will roll around 1 on 1000 crafted caster amulets will give an idea of the magnitude.
If you do at 2/18+ (ex for druids) you have 3 times more chances but all classés will not like the same non 20 rolls depending on their breakpoints.
Prefix: 7 désirable ones (+2 for one class, 7 classes). 7/83 + 76/83*7/82 (2 rolls)
Suffix : 1 désirable one. 1/59+58/59×1/58 (2 rolls also)
Fcr auto mod: 1/6 (goes from 5 to 10 if I remember well)
Multiply those 3 numbers and you should have a decent approximation (on phone so not doing it myself)
Edit: forgot that was not necessarily 2 prefixes + 2 suffixes... well, let's assume it is

So rough approx:
2/11 to get any +2
1/29 to get 10 fcr
1/6 to roll 10 on automod
So 1/957 to get a 2/20. To give an idea, count a 1/1000 chance to get 1, so 1/7000 for a specific class
Édit 2: affixes are probably not with the same likelihood, and the number of affixes rolling as prefixes or suffixes, so the calculation is probably quite false.
Still, having a rule of thumb that a 2/20 will roll around 1 on 1000 crafted caster amulets will give an idea of the magnitude.
If you do at 2/18+ (ex for druids) you have 3 times more chances but all classés will not like the same non 20 rolls depending on their breakpoints.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
It shows the odds of getting the set of affixes on rare/crafted/magic items
It shows the odds of getting the set of affixes on rare/crafted/magic items
For a while: not accepting Ral or Hel; and considering Perfect Skull as a regular Perfect Gems on my trades.
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
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