Inspired by
I'm trying out the Dual Dream, Dragon + HoJ built after completing the Uber Tristram Challenge.
Dream/Dragon/HoJ Gear: - Dracul's Grasp
- Marrowwalk
- Thundergod visor
- Raven Frost
- Dwarfstar
* Crack of heavens
* Flame Rift
Sunder charms to address immunities.
Rest of inventory is with charms to make achieve max 75% resist (one maxed out but I digress).
Have worked extremely hard to collect the materials. Many thanks to friends and D2R community support (trading) otherwise this would not have been possible,
I've restat but not allocated all the points yet: Currently:
1 point wonders:
- Smite
- Holy Shield
- Redemption
- Fanaticism
- Zeal
- Holy Shock/ Holy Fire
- Conviction
62 skill points left
Spoiler alert: Big disappointment: monsters are not dropping like flies when you walk/run around like in video (Max Convict Aura by default). Not sure what's missing? Maybe need to max out Holy Fire/Shock but if you do that, you DO NOT have Conviction aura.
Somehow I get the feeling that there's a bug in the system that not all the 4 auras are doing its job. The monster's health are not decreasing fast.... And I'm only doing P1 runs (online solo game)
Any comments what does it takes to achieve the effect from the YouTube video?
Thanks in advance for your Insight and comments
