I'm playing a classic-Tesladin with dual Dream + Grief + Fortitude and a Pride-merc. I want to test something different and want to know if the combination in the topic is worthwhile the runes it would cost. The merc would have an Infinity as I need Level 2 Fanaticsm + the 45% IAS from Doom (made with a War Spike or a Scourge) + 40% IAS from LoH & Highlord's Wrath to reach the max Zeal-breakpoint. The skillpoints I freed from Conviction would go into Resist Cold and Resist Fire to boost the two auras.
Another option would be dual Dream + Doom-weapon but not with a Dragon-armor but a Fortitude-armor and maxed out Resist Cold.
Has anyone tried this and how is the damage compared to a dual Dream-Paladin with Grief and Fortitude? I'm tempted but I don't want to waste the runes needed for such a plan.
Thanks in advance
