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Do Skiller charms of vita worth the price for casual players?

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I saw Skiller charms of vita being sold for very high prices (a bunch of
and even saw one for 15

I know that they are very very rare and Life is in general the best suffix you could get on a Skiller charm, so if you want to have the "perfect set up" you will end up needing them.

But if you are just a casual player, just want to have a "good set up" and is not seeking the "perfect set up", do the cost really worth? 🤔

For me seems like if you are still gearing up, you can get life from other sources for a way smaller price and get some skiller with no suffiix (which is away cheaper -
or less depending on the skill tree)
And if you are already geard up and are just doing some little improvements, you probably don't really need that extra life..

With my Lightning Sorceress for example I have 4 skillers (with no relevant suffix) and I don't feel the need for more life during my runs (~1.4k life, ~2.3K with
Battle Orders
Don't seems to me that worth to pay a lot of
to get more 180 life (~13% increase)
(I did felt the need for more life in the past before I had my Call To Arms, but now I don't 😉)

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I saw Skiller charms of vita being sold for very high prices (a bunch of
and even saw one for 15

I know that they are very very rare and Life is in general the best suffix you could get on a Skiller charm, so if you want to have the "perfect set up" you will end up needing them.

But if you are just a casual player, just want to have a "good set up" and is not seeking the "perfect set up", do the cost really worth? 🤔

For me seems like if you are still gearing up, you can get life from other sources for a way smaller price and get some skiller with no suffiix (which is away cheaper -
or less depending on the skill tree)
And if you are already geard up and are just doing some little improvements, you probably don't really need that extra life..

With my Lightning Sorceress for example I have 4 skillers (with no relevant suffix) and I don't feel the need for more life during my runs (~1.4k life, ~2.3K with
Battle Orders
Don't seems to me that worth to pay a lot of
to get more 180 life (~13% increase)
(I did felt the need for more life in the past before I had my Call To Arms, but now I don't 😉)

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Necrarch 2214Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Matter of where you are on your D2 journey and what your objectives are. When you're done with completed the chars you want, you may want to optimize them. That's where you don't do any more any charms with only one affix and you add life on skillers, to a point where you consider yourself happy enough with what you have on your toon.

As a, example, for my most advanced char (Bone necro), I wanted all my life skillers to be at least with 30 life to reach enough life. Cost me quite a lot but satisfying when you get there (over 1250 life with max block setup / 2000 + with CtA) :)


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Schnorki 3906Moderator

Necrarch wrote: 1 year ago
Matter of where you are on your D2 journey and what your objectives are. [..]
That about sums it up.

Mind you, vita skillers may be among the most expensive but depending on your exact build, that doesn't make them the best. Or at least not for every GC slot. There's plenty of builds who may for example want some life skillers but will want (or "need") FHR skillers as a priority until they hit that target breakpoint. Luckily, those tend to be a fair bit cheaper which is always nice.

For those GC slots where you do want a life skiller as your best in slot, it really depends - as Necrarch accurately pointed out - on just how far along you are. If you have nothing else to get anyways then yeah, go for 45 life skillers all day. But in terms of actual gameplay, you don't normally notice a 10 life difference. Or a 45 life difference. Or even a few hundred life difference realistically. At least not in the late, geared stages...early on when you're struggling in "trash gear" anyways, a few hundred life would be a godsend, yeah, but you don't consider buying 45 lifers at that point anyways. Or at least you shouldn't.

Getting skillers in general should be the first priority as they tend to offer a fair bit of offensive (=clear speed) value. Life is usually definitely the secondary concern, far behind the skill on it. Second stage would be to aim for skillers with some (say 20+) life on it which are comparatively significantly cheaper. Only after such an interim stage would you then consider going for 40+, let alone 45 life skillers.
Mind you, depending on what trades you happen to see and how many runes you happen to stumble over, there's nothing wrong with skipping a stage or two in the gearing process and going right for 45 life if you can but there's really no gameplay reason for it. So long as your overall gear is generally BiS or close to it (even if not top-end rolls), you typically won't even notice a difference between full plain skillers vs. full 45 lifers. You'll see it on the char sheet, sure..but if you notice it during normal gameplay, something else is wrong with your build/playstyle.

PvP as usual remains an obvious exception as you want to eek out every last bit of stat (here life) gain you can. No being cheap there. :P


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