i'm building a Fury druid,non ladder, got all the gear, and can barely wait to level him up and start slaying, he lev 70 atm, need to get him to 91.
i built him around the weapon, a Death Decapitator i made in a 15 3 base self found, 398 dmg roll, and the build i chose is best shown in this short vid(have all the equipment):
however, the video just shows the druid killing some random mobs and diablo, and i have 2 questions that bug me a lot:
do i have enough ar with this build, (i stacked as many ar charms as possible, and rings both have above 100)? saw other builds having a huge problem with ar, needing to use angelic for example when ubering.
and second:
How does the ias on this build stack up? i undestand there's like a 70 IAS Cap on Werewolf/gear?(i can use an ias calculator but don't understand it very well, it's my first melee char really, and a lot of gear gives bonus IAS however if it's capped the extra should be useless?)
send me your thoughts on this build please

edit: i was so excited to build this druid that i didn't think to ask these questions before buying the equipment, and my dudes, it was crazy expensive, especially the Metamorphosis, and most charms set me back a few Ber/ Jah so i spent most of my acummulated Wealth on this
