My goals or priorities are max resistances (and increased max limits), staying alive with Life Tap, hp, max blockc, and then doing enough damage. I don't prioritize fast teleporting. To anwer you question on tweaks:
I do my teleporting with my secondary swap cta/Spirit. I don't prioritize FCR however I just noticed I'm at 65%, 10% off the next breakpoint. Maybe I should try a second FCR ring and Cham my Helm... something to think about. If you have a 30+ Spirit on swap, you are at a good breakpoint already.
I do like Eth Exile due to the ton of defense I gain and the increased maxed cold/fire resist. I was running with Phoenix for a while but it didn't seem to make much difference. I'd say try tgods over String of Ears but not sure it'll make much difference. I like the stats and extra lightning max resis plus I don't believe smiting benefits from life leech.
See if you can get a maras - +2 skills with all the res should be a nice improvement even if it's not a 30 all res one. I liked gore riders instead of goblin but not sure how much differnece you would see there. Maybe worth trying both? Since I go with LW, I get tons of crushing blow so I no longer feel like I need it in Boots and Helm freeing up those slots for more resistance items. Since I get Fade from LW, I can go full fanatism for dps instead of Conviction.
Hope this helps! Let me know if I can answer any other question.