A very effective weapon to all end-Act bosses with its Crushing Blow and its +% damage to Demons effect and one of two runewords that cast
Decrepify (the other being
Lawbringer) which helps out in slowing enemies and dealing more damage.
Wrath is usually overlooked by players since it offers no Enhanced Damage considering the valuable runes needed to make it (making runewords like
Faith more preferable).
Its +% damage to demons and undead is counted as an off-weapon enhanced damage, making it deal much less damage than other bows of similar cost even with the high chance of casting
Decrepify. The lack of damage against non-demons/undead makes it hard for farming certain areas, such as
The Secret Cow Level.
Wrath may find the most use on Act 1 mercenaries in utilizing its curses for support fire while the player deals most of the damage during fights.
Teebling Admin