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Anything else to add: well i cant find any of my own trades they dont pop up what do i do wrong ?

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Steps to reproduce:

Anything else to add: well i cant find any of my own trades they dont pop up what do i do wrong ?
Fixedby axz3 years agoGo to post
You can see your trade activity and completed trades on your profile.

1. Click your nickname in the top right corner
2. Go to View Profile

You can see your trade activity under the "Trade Activity" header. From here you can click the name of the trade to get to the page for a specific trade.

To the mod team - not sure if it's considered bad manners answering threads in the Bug Reports section if so, sorry.

Bnet - Znamp#2343
Traderie - ... 2/listings
Discord - Znamp#7697

† Stay Safe †
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axz 3

Assassin Europe PC
You can see your trade activity and completed trades on your profile.

1. Click your nickname in the top right corner
2. Go to View Profile

You can see your trade activity under the "Trade Activity" header. From here you can click the name of the trade to get to the page for a specific trade.

To the mod team - not sure if it's considered bad manners answering threads in the Bug Reports section if so, sorry.
This post was marked as the fix.
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EnragedN3wb 213Moderator

Just to add to that, there is a short delay from posting a trade to when it shows up in your profile or on the trade list, so if it's not there right away, just give it a few minutes.


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