Looking at some guides, where the build has a lot of off-hand %ed, I started to think that maybe a
Vermilion Jewel of Fervor 15 max 15 ias
could be better than a
Ruby Jewel of Fervor 40% ed 15 ias
in some cases
(or at leas close to it, while being cheaper
I took an example, the "Standard" Strafezon from maxroll
Replacing her two jewels in the head (2 x 40% ed -> 2 X 15 max), increased her overall damage
Damage per Second: 74,505
Damage per Second: 76,105 (~+2%)
An this is a build that has 7 sharp grand charms (70 max) which at first would pull towards Ruby Jewel's side
But I don't see much talk about Vermilion Jewel of Fervor... (at least not as much as I see about Ruby Jewel of Fervor...)