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Suggestion - Price Check result should show the trade title (like users' Sell/Buy History) for magic

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I tried to make a Price Check (historic) for items with an affix, the Price Check found some (OK)
But as the result do not show the trade title (unlike the users' Sell/Buy History), I cannot identify what item the trade was about as the description does not specify either πŸ˜“

I understand that the title is a unnecessary for uniques/set/runes/gems as the title of all those trades will be the same...., but for magic/rare/crafted is not true as in many cases trade for magic/rare/crafted use title as a description and don't follow a standard πŸ˜›

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I tried to make a Price Check (historic) for items with an affix, the Price Check found some (OK)
But as the result do not show the trade title (unlike the users' Sell/Buy History), I cannot identify what item the trade was about as the description does not specify either πŸ˜“

I understand that the title is a unnecessary for uniques/set/runes/gems as the title of all those trades will be the same...., but for magic/rare/crafted is not true as in many cases trade for magic/rare/crafted use title as a description and don't follow a standard πŸ˜›
Request fulfilledby Teebling1 month agoGo to post
Feature request fulfilled in 1.47.
When checking historical prices for a magic or rare item (or any item that does not correlate to a DB entry/a keyword search for prices), you can now see the full title of the original listing before the description. This should help gathering more context about the original listings when appraising magic and rare items (or simple keyword price searches).

For a while: not accepting

Time Zone: GMT-3
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Teebling 6977Admin

Europe PC
Feature request fulfilled in 1.47.
When checking historical prices for a magic or rare item (or any item that does not correlate to a DB entry/a keyword search for prices), you can now see the full title of the original listing before the description. This should help gathering more context about the original listings when appraising magic and rare items (or simple keyword price searches).
This post was marked as the best answer.

Teebling wrote: 1 month ago
Feature request fulfilled in 1.47.
When checking historical prices for a magic or rare item (or any item that does not correlate to a DB entry/a keyword search for prices), you can now see the full title of the original listing before the description. This should help gathering more context about the original listings when appraising magic and rare items (or simple keyword price searches).

For a while: not accepting

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
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atari 700

Europe XLinux
Thanks @Teebling for the implementation and thanks @fredkid for suggesting it. IMHO this is a huge improvement for the price history.



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