I played nightmare/hell with just a single drop of chipped. They stop dropping after normal as far as I can tell. Regarding Sapphire in particular, depends if you tried in normal. Then it would be weird if it didn’t drop.
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Player count going up increases the total number of items but has no impact on their quality or rarity
hang on, the chance of drop is important here, because if nothing is dropped there is no chance for it to be MF influenced at all. therefor, drop rate does help getting more uniques, when you have good MF, or better.
other wise nothing will drop for it to be MF'ed...
I had the same thing happen to me after launch (pre-ladder), where I had endless Sols dropping. Something interesting about this game is how common it is for extremely unlikely things to happen, because every event is fairly unlikely on it's own and any sequence of events that occur to you are even more unlikely. In other words, if you were to record the next 20 items that drop for you and then calculate the probability of that exact sequence occurring you should find that it's extremely improbable. But, *something* has to happen. Some random sequence must occur.
Most of those random sequences are unmemorable. The ones that stand out are either extremely lucky or unlucky. This is a big reason why D2 has so much longevity. Each experience is unique and on ladder reset or upon creating a new self-found character you never know what might happen. I once farmed The Summoner for hours (more than 50 kills) without a single Key of Hate dropping. This is very unlucky. However, I also found 3 Jah runes prior to the first ladder, which is extraordinarily lucky! Then again I also farmed around a dozen torches and never got a single sorceress torch.
Last season, I found a Cham and a Zod neither of which I had found in over 20 years of playing. This is ridiculously unlikely which you could consider either lucky or unlucky depending on your perspective. What's even more strange is that I found both of these extremely rare runes without ever having seeing a Lo rune drop.
One final point, is that countless people have played this game countless times over the years to the point where events which are astronomically unlikely to occur for an individual have actually occurred due to the law of large numbers and when this happens, those people are more likely to jump on the internet to tell everyone about it .
Schnorki wrote: 2 years ago
Player count going up increases the total number of items but has no impact on their quality or rarity
hang on, the chance of drop is important here, because if nothing is dropped there is no chance for it to be MF influenced at all. therefor, drop rate does help getting more uniques, when you have good MF, or better.
other wise nothing will drop for it to be MF'ed...
Obviously, more stuff = more unique stuff.
But the chance for each of those pieces becoming higher quality upon dropping (be that in the elite sense or the unique sense) does not change.
If 1 out of 10 is unique (or elite or whatever) on P1, it'll still be 1 out of 10 on P8. It'll just be more in total (on average) because you get to the 10 quicker.
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