ladder is around the corner if you want to do a bit of a house keeping, I made a game 'freedump' NA server, feel free to dump whatever you want to get rid of to make rooms
ladder is around the corner if you want to do a bit of a house keeping, I made a game 'freedump' NA server, feel free to dump whatever you want to get rid of to make rooms
Ha! Nice try. You can take my 2 socket Sallet when you pry it out of my cold dead hands. And you won't, because I run with a Raven Frost, so cannot be frozen FTW.
Dude i dont know what happens in NA but ib Eu i can tell this is happening since months ago long before they anounce 2.4. Many items dont even have value any more, and low rolls just take so long to sale.
Check all stashes. Don't forget to trust...
All items in can be sold for runes... Sols Perfect Gems Amethysts Rubys Rals etc
If it's a deal add me we trade in-game.
apsus wrote: 3 years ago
Dude i dont know what happens in NA but ib Eu i can tell this is happening since months ago long before they anounce 2.4. Many items dont even have value any more, and low rolls just take so long to sale.
Same for NA. Understandable too. Everyone has a Shako, or a Lightsabre, or HoZ, or whatever already. So, the only thing left is to try to get a perfect roll. Low rolls sell due to the few new players, or the rich folks starting a new toon and throwing money around. I bet I made someone's day paying 5 PGems for a 21% ED Mage Fist. Plus, there just never was a lot of demand for anything that wasn't BiS or named in some guide as a good alternative.
We are, of course, making the assumption that there will be a world of non-ladder existing concurrently with ladder. I will be staying off the ladder, but from the sounds of it, I will have the servers to myself since most are going to be starting over and grinding for everything again.
Its a piti to see many players rying to get as much as they can from worthless items like barb combat skilelrs for MalIst Etc and not give them away to people that might actually use them or sell them to the real value cause i believe it creates and encarages more people to play it makes an easy start fro them to get motivated and make a good beggining
Check all stashes. Don't forget to trust...
All items in can be sold for runes... Sols Perfect Gems Amethysts Rubys Rals etc
If it's a deal add me we trade in-game.
apsus wrote: 3 years ago
Its a piti to see many players rying to get as much as they can from worthless items like barb combat skilelrs for MalIst Etc and not give them away to people that might actually use them or sell them to the real value cause i believe it creates and encarages more people to play it makes an easy start fro them to get motivated and make a good beggining
Well, there is also something to be said for the people that are building a war chest to go after a HR. I was building one to go for a Jah. While I wasn't trying to rip anyone off, I was cognizant that every Um for 40 Pgems was a (very) small step closer to my goal. Eventually RNGesus blessed me with a Jah, so happy ending...for me.
Plus, the market dictates what things are worth, and if someone is willing to give a Mal for a less than optimal skiller, then it really isn't quite worthless, right? I'll admit that I used to go and dump gear in the "Free for Noobs" games. Then I starting going into the, "A2 Plz help" games and telling the person that since they asked nicely, they get a bunch of unique to use/trade. But, now I often just leave the items. Not worth picking them up and dropping them in games.
But, I also concur that the free loot overall helps. It gets new players hooked, and it gets more characters, owned by new or old players, into the higher difficulties to farm for other items that ARE worth stuff. The A3 Norm Pally I help today could be the one that I trade the Ber for since they found a Griffon's Eye and are trading it off. It's that whole "community" thing, and at the end of the day, we are fighting against the drop rates, not the community. Unless you are PvPing. Then yeah, you are fighting against the community. Kinda the point of PvP.
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