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Device: PC
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce: Create a signature for your profile then add a post in the Trade area, note that the signature is not added. This would be useful as I have my tag and game details in my signature and it would save having to add them as separate details in the post.

Anything else to add: I appreciate this may not be a bug but more of a feature request, perhaps an option within the profile to say "Add signature to trades, Yes/No". Thanks for the great work, the site looks really good and I'm looking forward to the planned performance improvements.

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Device: PC
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce: Create a signature for your profile then add a post in the Trade area, note that the signature is not added. This would be useful as I have my tag and game details in my signature and it would save having to add them as separate details in the post.

Anything else to add: I appreciate this may not be a bug but more of a feature request, perhaps an option within the profile to say "Add signature to trades, Yes/No". Thanks for the great work, the site looks really good and I'm looking forward to the planned performance improvements.
Request fulfilledby Teebling3 years agoGo to post
@FranticOrange Signatures re-enabled in trades in update 1.28.

** This is a NON-LADDER trade! ** ** This is a NON-LADDER trade! ** ** This is a NON-LADDER trade! ** tag: GrimReaper#2917
Character name: Sir_Hurin / Arakkin
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Teebling 7105Admin

Europe PC
Hey hey, yeah can add sigs in trade - I disabled it for performance reasons initially but once 1.0 is out they'll be back. Also there'll be bnet/discord copy buttons in your trade replies so bear that in mind.

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Teebling 7105Admin

Europe PC
@FranticOrange Signatures re-enabled in trades in update 1.28.
This post was marked as the best answer.



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