I'm level 92 and have started crafting amulets. When I gamble one from Gheed does the amulet "required level" make any difference to the final craft? I understand this is different from the actual item level which is not displayed but at level 92 I know I am gambling for items within my level range?
I'm level 92 and have started crafting amulets. When I gamble one from Gheed does the amulet "required level" make any difference to the final craft? I understand this is different from the actual item level which is not displayed but at level 92 I know I am gambling for items within my level range?
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
is gamble even worth it?
maybe on low level. but after that its way too expensive, and you can finish 2million on like 20-30 rolls
not really worth it
I am having a gold barb and gambling amulet, rings and Boots. Gambled some really nice rings lately and some Boots that I sold for a Zod rune. For me it is definitely worth it.
rikus wrote: 3 years ago
is gamble even worth it?
maybe on low level. but after that its way too expensive, and you can finish 2million on like 20-30 rolls
not really worth it
Gheeds 15% reduce vendor price and Edge reduce another 15% keep an Edge in your stash and equip it when you are gambling
I'm level 92 and have started crafting amulets. When I gamble one from Gheed does the amulet "required level" make any difference to the final craft? I understand this is different from the actual item level which is not displayed but at level 92 I know I am gambling for items within my level range?
in order to get 2 skills from your craft amulet, your level needs to be at least 93. (some people did the math for us)
if you craft at level 92, there is 10% chance that the magic amulet you use in crafting has an ilvl lower than required for 2 skills.
so i suggest you save your runes and pgems until you reach 93.
when you reach level 95, it is certain that any amulet you gamble has high enough ilvl to get 2 skills.
so in summary,
- make craft amulet at character level 93 and 94
- just gamble amulet at character level 95+ (or you can still craft if you want)
StrixAorus wrote: 3 years ago
in order to get 2 skills from your craft amulet, your level needs to be at least 93. (some people did the math for us)
That's not fully correct. +2 to all skills affix has lvl90. The item level in gambling depends only on your char lvl. And it will be -5 / +4 of your current char lvl.
Hence in theory you might gamble an amulet which can be crafted into +2 at lvl 86 with 11% chance.
At lvl95 according to the formula every amulet you gamble will have at least the item lvl 90.
When I gamble one from Gheed does the amulet "required level" make any difference to the final craft?
Required level has nothing to do with the item lvl. A simple magic amulet like +1 to str or sth dropped from Diablo on hell will still have item lvl > 90.
If you wanna make sure that the amulets you craft have item lvl >= 90, with char lvl lower than 95, keep +2 to any char type amulets from gambling (since +2 is again lvl 90 affix).
Those have normally required lvl 67 e.g.
But you probably won't find that many. Like 6 or 8 when spending 10 millions gold with a 15% Gheed's Fortune and the Edge runeword.
Hi on this topic of gambling amulets to craft, I recently got my char to lv93... tried to search online but found it hard to get a definite answer there, my question is simply:
If my lv93 character gamble an amulet from npc Gheed, would ALL amulet that I gambled and purchased be automatically at ilvl 89 ?
Thanks in advance for any who can provide me your valuable advice!
Ronin13 wrote: 1 year ago
Hi on this topic of gambling amulets to craft, I recently got my char to lv93... tried to search online but found it hard to get a definite answer there, my question is simply:
If my lv93 character gamble an amulet from npc Gheed, would ALL amulet that I gambled and purchased be automatically at ilvl 89 ?
Thanks in advance for any who can provide me your valuable advice!
No, the ilvl would be from 88 and above, but it surely is enough for a lvl 93 char to craft a +2 skill neck.
Ronin13 wrote: 1 year ago
Hi on this topic of gambling amulets to craft, I recently got my char to lv93... tried to search online but found it hard to get a definite answer there, my question is simply:
If my lv93 character gamble an amulet from npc Gheed, would ALL amulet that I gambled and purchased be automatically at ilvl 89 ?
Thanks in advance for any who can provide me your valuable advice!
No, the ilvl would be from 88 and above, but it surely is enough for a lvl 93 char to craft a +2 skill neck.
for +2 guaranteed, 93 is the minimum if the amulets come from gambling.
Gambling for the amulets is usually the way to go.
First: what else to do with the gold?
Second: The Cash you can get back from unwanted (rare) amulets
+2 is >= alvl 90
alvl 90 = Ilvl 90
Amulets have qlvl1
implying max{Ilvl,qlvl} = Ilvl. by that we go with
Ilvl < 99 - int(1/2) = 99
(2 because it's always like this, Ilvl cannot be > 98)
int(clvl/2) + int((clvl - 5)/2) >= 90
ilvl from gambling amulets:
ilvl = clvl - 5 + rnd(10)
so gambling always substracts -5 from your clvl and then adds a random number from 0-9
since we would go for 100% the random roll is 0 so:
ilvl = clvl - 5
so with all this, you take that sentence from Arreat Summit.
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