Countess dropped a Lo some time ago, highest rune by now. Made Fortitude for my A2 Merc, because he couldnt tank 2 cows at the same time. Now he tanks a whole hord
2nd highest was Ohm, dropped from a skeli near the portal at Pindleskin.
Just one day before the Ohm, a Gul dropped from one of the red monsters in Arcane Sanctuary.
Also found 2 Ist, 3 Mal, 2 Um. Found 1 Um on the way to Andy.
Also found 2 gheeds so far, 1 crap and 1 decent. The first dropped from a minion in level 2 of The Countess tower, 152GF 35MF, 2nd today on my way to Nihlahtak from one of those little Spear throwers.
The Sur was in cow (IIRC)
One of the Lo dropped while questing in act 5 (Almost missed it too, I was on a trap sin and went back to check out a spot I cleared, and there was a Lo on the Ground).
One was in a chest in The Arcane Sanctuary.
Don't recall where the other 2 Lo dropped.
I've been farming for essences from Diablo and Mephisto. The drops haven't been noteworthy, but last night after i killed diablo he dropped a Jah rune. Somedays I get a Gul back to back other days(weeks) I dont get anything. Its the randomness is just part of the game .
Majority of my high rune drops happen here (2 Jah, Sur, Lo, Gul, Mal, Ist). The trick is they drop when you've done enough cow runs to just give up on the game in general and feel cursed by the RnG gods. This is the exact moment I've been bequeathed a high rune by the cows.
Math may say its (n) runs to see a particular rune drop, but I believe this is them being sadistic and getting back at me for eating so many hamburgers. Once i've felt their pain, they give me a treat.
My luckiest break came when I was after a Jah. I’d already cubed a Ber so this was the final hurdle.
I made a post on here asking for advice on the most effective farming method, trav? Cows ? In that post I asked “am I just best waiting for a gg drop like a griffons or a Dweb?”
The very next day Baal dropped a one from perfect -49 Death’s web. Even the plus to life and mana were perfect.
I traded for a Jah shortly after.
How I found my first Ber was so lucky, woke up super early, did a quick trav run and bingo! All in 30secs. Went to bed again and had to make sure I hadn’t dreamt the whole thing.
It was years ago, but I still remember my first high rune drop very clearly.
I have been running cows, the Sanctuaries, and Baal (that bastard!) till my nose bled, and even though I turned out to be relatively lucky as far as unique items go, I had almost zero luck regarding runes. I mean, the highest rune I had was a Pul, when a champion Soul Killer in WSK dropped me Tyrael's Might!
I've done cows so many times, that one time when my husband asked me what I would like for dinner, my answer was 'Moo, moo-moo-moo moo.' ('I'll just order Thai, then.', his reply was.)
Then one day, doing the Radament quest, I kicked a rat's nest in the Sewers with my trusty Druid, and BAM! A Vex rune!
A Vex rune, in a rat's nest. In an effing rat's nest. After sending Baal, Diablo, all their minions, and countless bovines to the eternal hunting fields with no runes higher than Pul to show for it, I find a Vex rune in the Sewers. In a rat's. Effing. Nest. I was ecstatic and livid in equal measure.
I made my first Heart of the Oak with that rat smelling, beautiful Vex rune.
I love this game.
Due to a family emergency I won't be able to trade in the near future. If you were in the process of trading with me, I am really sorry for the inconvenience.
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