Thought of another one: BeastBillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago I dont think a giant table is needed because there aren't that many bases to even consider.
1. A lot of runewords CAN use many bases but are a complete waste if made in a sub-optimal base or a base with way too high of strength and/or dexterity requirements. So for 99% of runewords, they only have 1-2 possible bases they should ever be put in.
2. Elite bases can only be found in Hell and the best place to find 99% of them is The Secret Cow Level. ( Berserker Axe - Pit, worldstone, Mausoleum or maggot lair)
3. Bases are worth a lot more if they are superior and even more with max rolls
Weapon Bases:
2os Wand - White (with x2-3 Bone Spear)
2os staff - Leaf (with x2-3 fire ball, buy from Drognan A2 N)
3os Phase Blade - Lawbringer or Crescent Moon
3os Runic Talons - Chaos
3os Flail - Black
4os Ethereal Berserker Axe, Cryptic Sword or Silver-Edged Axe - Oath
4os Phase Blade - Voice of Reason
4os Crystal Sword or Broad Sword - Spirit
4os Flail - Heart of the Oak
4os ethereal Thresher or Cryptic Axe - Insight, Infinity or Pride
4os Grand Matron Bow (x2-3 bow skills) - Faith, Harmony or Ice
4os Blade Bow or Great Bow - Faith, Harmony or Ice (For A1 Mercenary)
5os Phase Blade - Grief
5os Flail or Crystal Sword - Call To Arms
5os Thresher or Giant Thresher- Obedience (ethereal for merc)
5os Berserker Axe - Grief or Doom
6os Phase Blade - Last Wish
6os ethereal Berserker Axe, Colossus Blade, Hydra Bow or Giant Thresher - Breath of the Dying
Armor Bases:
3os magic/rare Druid helm with x3 Tornado & x2 Druid Skills - PVM
3os magic Tiara/ Diadem with +life or +Run Walk - PVP/PVM
3os Demonhead or Bone Visage - Dream or Delirium
3os Archon Plate, Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud - Enigma, Duress, Dragon or Treachery (ethereal for merc)
3os Hyperion, Monarch or Blade Barrier - Dream or Dragon
4os Monarch - Spirit or Phoenix
4os magic jewlers Monarch of deflecting (JMOD) - PVP
4os Sacred Rondache/ Vortex Shield (with 40+ all res) - Exile or Phoenix
4os Archon Plate, Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud - Bramble, Chains of Honor or Fortitude (any elite ethereal armor for merc)
Leaving out the obvious low level ones for Nadir, Steel, Malice, Stealth, , Zephyr, Edge, strength, Honor, Peace, Smoke etc
Not sure what people make it in though, Berserker Axe maybe?